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Test Coverage
# Copyright 2018 The TensorFlow Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# ==============================================================================
"""Tests for while_v2."""

from absl.testing import parameterized

from google.protobuf import text_format
from tensorflow.core.framework import graph_pb2
from tensorflow.core.protobuf import config_pb2
from tensorflow.core.protobuf import rewriter_config_pb2
from tensorflow.python.eager import backprop
from tensorflow.python.eager import context
from tensorflow.python.eager import def_function
from tensorflow.python.framework import constant_op
from tensorflow.python.framework import dtypes
from tensorflow.python.framework import function
from tensorflow.python.framework import importer
from tensorflow.python.framework import meta_graph
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops
from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_shape
from tensorflow.python.framework import tensor_spec
from tensorflow.python.framework import test_util
from tensorflow.python.grappler import tf_optimizer
from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import control_flow_util
from tensorflow.python.ops import control_flow_util_v2
from tensorflow.python.ops import control_flow_v2_toggles
from tensorflow.python.ops import custom_gradient
from tensorflow.python.ops import gen_array_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import gen_list_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import gradient_checker_v2
from tensorflow.python.ops import gradients_impl
from tensorflow.python.ops import list_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import map_fn
from tensorflow.python.ops import math_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import random_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops import variables
from tensorflow.python.ops import while_loop
from tensorflow.python.ops import while_v2
from tensorflow.python.ops.ragged import ragged_factory_ops
from tensorflow.python.ops.ragged import ragged_tensor
from tensorflow.python.ops.while_v2 import while_loop as while_loop_v2
from tensorflow.python.platform import test

def random_gamma(shape):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
  return random_ops.random_gamma(shape, 1.0)

def random_gamma_with_alpha_beta(shape):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
  return random_ops.random_gamma(
      shape, alpha=[[1.], [3.], [5.], [6.]], beta=[[3., 4.]])

def random_poisson_v2(shape):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
  return random_ops.random_poisson_v2(shape, 1.0)

def random_poisson_v2_with_lam(shape):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
  return random_ops.random_poisson_v2(shape, [12.2, 3.3])

def fill(shape):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
  return array_ops.fill(shape, 1.0)

class WhileV2Test(test.TestCase, parameterized.TestCase):

  def testSingleLoopVar(self):
    x = constant_op.constant(2.)
    ret = while_loop_v2(
        lambda v: v < 8., lambda v: v * v, [x], return_same_structure=False)
    grad = gradients_impl.gradients(ret, [x])
    with self.cached_session():
      self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(ret), 16.)
      self.assertSequenceEqual(self.evaluate(grad), [32.])

  def testSingleLoopVarBackPropFalse(self):
    x = constant_op.constant(2.)
    ret = while_loop_v2(
        lambda v: v < 8.,
        lambda v: v * v, [x],
    grad = gradients_impl.gradients(ret, [x])
    self.assertEqual(grad, [None])
    with self.cached_session():
      self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(ret), 16.)

  def testCustomGradient(self):
    x = constant_op.constant(2.)
    n = constant_op.constant(1., name="const-n")
    m = variables.Variable(1.0)

    def body_fn(v):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

      def inner_fn(v):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

        def grad_fn(dy, variables=None):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name, unused-argument, redefined-outer-name
          return dy * 2 * v * n * m, [v * v]

        return v * v * m, grad_fn

      return inner_fn(v)

    ret = while_loop_v2(
        lambda v: v < 8., body_fn, [x], return_same_structure=False)
    grad = gradients_impl.gradients(ret, [x])
    with self.cached_session():
      self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(ret), 16.)
      self.assertSequenceEqual(self.evaluate(grad), [32.])

  def testReturnSameStructureTrue(self):
    x = constant_op.constant(2.)
    ret = while_loop_v2(
        lambda v: v < 8., lambda v: v * v, [x], return_same_structure=True)
    grad = gradients_impl.gradients(ret, [x])
    with self.cached_session() as sess:
      eval_result = sess.run(ret)
      self.assertIsInstance(eval_result, list)
      self.assertLen(eval_result, 1)
      self.assertEqual(16., eval_result[0])
      self.assertSequenceEqual(sess.run(grad), [32.])

  def testVerifyInputOutputTypesMatch(self):

    def BuildWhile():
      x = constant_op.constant(1., dtypes.float32)

      def Body(x):
        return math_ops.cast(x, dtypes.float16) + 1

      while_loop_v2(lambda x: x < 10, Body, [x])

    with self.assertRaisesRegex(
        r"Loop var Const:0 enters the loop with type <dtype: 'float32'> "
        r"but has type <dtype: 'float16'> after 1 iteration."):

  @parameterized.parameters(dtypes.float32, dtypes.float64)
  def testGradientTapeResourceVariable(self, dtype):
    with context.eager_mode():
      v = variables.Variable(1., dtype=dtype)

      def fnWithLoop():  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        with backprop.GradientTape() as tape:
          _, x = while_loop_v2(
              lambda i, _: i < 2,
              lambda i, x: (i + 1, x * v),
              [0, constant_op.constant(2., dtype=dtype)])
        return tape.gradient(x, v)

      self.assertAllEqual(fnWithLoop(), 4.0)

  def testDeferredCaptures(self):
    with context.eager_mode():
      c = constant_op.constant(10)

      def F():

        def Body(_):
          return ops.get_default_graph().capture_call_time_value(
              lambda: c, tensor_spec.TensorSpec([], dtypes.int32))

        x, = while_loop_v2(lambda i: True, Body, [0], maximum_iterations=1)
        return x

      self.assertAllEqual(F(), 10)

  def checkIteratedGradients(self, func):
    with context.eager_mode():

      def _Grad(f):
        def _GradFunction(primal):
          with backprop.GradientTape() as tape:
            primal_out = f(primal)
          return tape.gradient(primal_out, primal)
        return _GradFunction

      f = func
      one = constant_op.constant(1.)

      for _ in range(3):
        theoretical, numerical = gradient_checker_v2.compute_gradient(
            def_function.function(f), [one])
        self.assertAllClose(theoretical, numerical, rtol=1e-3)
        f = _Grad(f)
        self.assertAllClose(array_ops.reshape(numerical, []),

  def testIteratedGradients(self):

    def _Func(x):
      _, z = while_loop_v2(
          lambda i, _: i < 2,
          lambda i, y: (i + 1, math_ops.cos(y)),
          [0, x])
      return z


  def testIteratedGradientsWithList(self):

    def _Func(x):
      results = list_ops.empty_tensor_list(
          element_shape=[], element_dtype=dtypes.float32)

      def _LoopBody(i, y, handle):
        return (i + 1, math_ops.cos(y),
                list_ops.tensor_list_push_back(handle, y))

      _, z, results = while_loop_v2(
          lambda i, _, h: i < 2, _LoopBody, [0, x, results])
      return z + math_ops.reduce_sum(list_ops.tensor_list_stack(
          results, dtypes.float32))


  def testGradWhileGradWhileWithVariable(self):
    with context.eager_mode():
      v = variables.Variable(1.)

      def _Func(x):

        def _Inner(a):
          with backprop.GradientTape() as tape:
            _, b = while_loop_v2(
                lambda i, _: i < 2,
                lambda i, y: (i + 1, math_ops.cos(v + y)),
                [0, a])
          return tape.gradient(b, a)

        _, z = while_loop_v2(
            lambda i, _: i < 2,
            lambda i, y: (i + 1, _Inner(y)),
            [0, x])
        return z

      with backprop.GradientTape(persistent=True) as tape:
        x = constant_op.constant(1.)
        y = _Func(x)
      dx, _ = tape.gradient(y, [x, v])
      theoretical, numerical = gradient_checker_v2.compute_gradient(
          _Func, [x])
      self.assertAllClose(numerical, theoretical, rtol=1e-3)
      self.assertAllClose(array_ops.reshape(numerical, []),
                          dx, rtol=1e-3)

  def testThreeNestWithLists(self):
    with context.eager_mode():
      def _WrapInWhile(f):
        def _Wrapped(x):
          results = list_ops.empty_tensor_list(
              element_shape=[], element_dtype=dtypes.float32)

          def _LoopBody(i, y, handle):
            return (i + 1, f(math_ops.cos(y)),
                    list_ops.tensor_list_push_back(handle, y))

          _, z, results = while_loop.while_loop(lambda i, _, h: i < 2,
                                                _LoopBody, [0, x, results])
          return z + math_ops.reduce_sum(list_ops.tensor_list_stack(
              results, dtypes.float32))
        return _Wrapped

      f = math_ops.sin

      target_function = _WrapInWhile(_WrapInWhile(_WrapInWhile(f)))

      def _TapeFromGraphMode(x):
        with backprop.GradientTape(persistent=True) as tape:
          y = target_function(x)
        return tape.gradient(y, x)

      x = constant_op.constant(1.)
      dx = _TapeFromGraphMode(x)
      theoretical, numerical = gradient_checker_v2.compute_gradient(
          target_function, [x])
      self.assertAllClose(numerical, theoretical, rtol=3e-3)
      self.assertAllClose(array_ops.reshape(numerical, []), dx, rtol=3e-3)

  def testDeviceLabelsInherited(self):
    def _LoopBody(i, y):
      result = math_ops.cos(y)
      self.assertIn("CPU:10", result.device)
      with ops.device("CPU:11"):
        result = array_ops.identity(result)
      self.assertIn("CPU:11", result.device)
      return i + 1, result

    def _FunctionWithWhileLoop():
      x = constant_op.constant(1.)
      with ops.device("CPU:10"):
        _, z = while_loop_v2(
            lambda i, _: i < 2,
            [0, x])
      return z
    # The test assertion runs at trace time.

  def testExternalControlDependencies(self):
    with ops.Graph().as_default(), self.test_session():
      v = variables.Variable(1.)
      op = v.assign_add(1.)

      def body_fn(i):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        with ops.control_dependencies([op]):
          return i + 1

      loop = while_loop_v2(lambda i: i < 1, body_fn, [0])
      self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(v), 2.0)

  def testMultipleLoopVarsBasic(self):
    x = constant_op.constant(5.)
    y = constant_op.constant(3.)

    # x = 5.
    # y = 3.
    # while x < 45.:
    #   x = x * y
    ret = while_loop_v2(
        lambda v, _: v < 45.,
        lambda v, w: (v * w, w), [x, y],
    # ret = [x*y^2, y]

    # Note: This is simply d_ret[0]/d_x since d_ret[1]/d_x is 0.
    grad = gradients_impl.gradients(ret, [x])  # [2*x*y]
    with self.cached_session():
      self.assertSequenceEqual(self.evaluate(ret), [45., 3.])
      self.assertSequenceEqual(self.evaluate(grad), [9.])

  def testMultipleLoopNonscalarCond(self):
    x = constant_op.constant([[5.]])
    y = constant_op.constant(3.)

    # x = 5.
    # y = 3.
    # while x < 45.:
    #   x = x * y
    ret = while_loop_v2(
        lambda v, _: v < 45.,
        lambda v, w: (v * w, w), [x, y],
    # ret == [x*y^2, y]

    # Note: This is simply d_ret[0]/d_x since d_ret[1]/d_x is 0.
    grad = gradients_impl.gradients(ret, [x])  # [2*x*y]
    with self.cached_session():
      self.assertSequenceEqual(self.evaluate(ret), [45., 3.])
      self.assertSequenceEqual(self.evaluate(grad), [9.])

  def testMultipleLoopVars(self):
    x = constant_op.constant(5.)
    y = constant_op.constant(3.)

    # x = 5.
    # y = 3.
    # while x < 45.:
    #   x = x * y
    #   y = x + y
    ret = while_loop_v2(
        lambda v, _: v < 45.,
        lambda v, w: (v * w, v + w), [x, y],
    # ret = [y*x**2 + x*y**2, x*y + x + y]

    gradx_0 = gradients_impl.gradients(ret[0], [x])  # [2*x*y + y**2]
    gradx_1 = gradients_impl.gradients(ret[1], [x])  # [y + 1]
    gradx_2 = gradients_impl.gradients(ret, [x])  # [2*x*y + y**2 + 2*y + 1]
    grady_0 = gradients_impl.gradients(ret[0], [y])  # [2*x*y + x**2]
    grady_1 = gradients_impl.gradients(ret[1], [y])  # [x + 1]
    grady_2 = gradients_impl.gradients(ret, [y])  # [2*x*y + x**2 + x + 1]
    with self.cached_session():
      self.assertSequenceEqual(self.evaluate(ret), [120., 23.])
      self.assertSequenceEqual(self.evaluate(gradx_0), [39.])
      self.assertSequenceEqual(self.evaluate(gradx_1), [4.])
      self.assertSequenceEqual(self.evaluate(gradx_2), [43.])
      self.assertSequenceEqual(self.evaluate(grady_0), [55.])
      self.assertSequenceEqual(self.evaluate(grady_1), [6.])
      self.assertSequenceEqual(self.evaluate(grady_2), [61.])

  def testGradientTape(self):
    with backprop.GradientTape() as t:
      x = constant_op.constant(2.)
      ret = while_loop_v2(
          lambda v: v < 4., lambda v: v * v, [x],
          return_same_structure=False)  # x**2
    grad = t.gradient(ret, x)
    with self.cached_session() as sess:
      self.assertAllEqual(sess.run(grad), 4.0)

  def testMultipleWhileLoops(self):
    x = constant_op.constant(2.)
    ret1 = while_loop_v2(
        lambda v: v < 4., lambda v: v * v, [x],
        return_same_structure=False)  # x**2
    ret2 = while_loop_v2(
        lambda v: v < 16., lambda v: v * v, [ret1],
        return_same_structure=False)  # x**4
    grad = gradients_impl.gradients(ret2, [x])  # 4x**3
    grad_grad = gradients_impl.gradients(grad, [x])  # 12x**2
    with self.cached_session():
      self.assertSequenceEqual(self.evaluate(grad), [32.])
      self.assertSequenceEqual(self.evaluate(grad_grad), [48.])

  def testMultipleWhileLoopsWithFunc(self):
    x = constant_op.constant(2.)

    def Fn():
      ret1 = while_loop_v2(
          lambda v: v < 4.,
          lambda v: v * v, [x],
          name="while_1")  # x**2
      ret2 = while_loop_v2(
          lambda v: v < 16.,
          lambda v: v * v, [x],
          name="while_2")  # x**4
      return ret1, ret2

    concrete_fn = Fn.get_concrete_function()
    while_1 = concrete_fn.graph.get_operation_by_name("while_1")
    while_2 = concrete_fn.graph.get_operation_by_name("while_2")
    self.assertEqual(while_1.type, "StatelessWhile")
    self.assertEqual(while_2.type, "StatelessWhile")

  def testMultipleWhileLoopsGradStateless(self):

    def Fn():
      x = constant_op.constant(2.)
      with backprop.GradientTape() as tape:
        ret1 = while_loop_v2(
            lambda v: v < 4.,
            lambda v: v * v, [x],
            name="while_1")  # x**2
        ret2 = while_loop_v2(
            lambda v: v < 16.,
            lambda v: v * v, [x],
            name="while_2")  # x**4
        loss = ret1 + ret2
      return tape.gradient(loss, x)

    graph = Fn.get_concrete_function().graph
    while_ops = [op for op in graph.get_operations() if "While" in op.type]
    self.assertAllEqual([op.type for op in while_ops], ["StatelessWhile"] * 4,
                        "Must have exactly 4 StatelessWhile ops.")
    for op in while_ops:
                       "{} should not have any control inputs".format(op.name))

  def testMultipleWhileLoopsWithDeps(self):
    x = variables.Variable(2.)
    c = constant_op.constant(2.)

    def Fn():

      def Body1(v):
        return v * x

      ret1 = while_loop_v2(
          lambda v: v < 4.,
          Body1, [c],
          name="while_1")  # 2x

      def Body2(v):
        return v * x * x

      ret2 = while_loop_v2(
          lambda v: v < 16.,
          Body2, [c],
          name="while_2")  # 4x
      return ret1, ret2

    concrete_fn = Fn.get_concrete_function()
    while_1 = concrete_fn.graph.get_operation_by_name("while_1")
    while_2 = concrete_fn.graph.get_operation_by_name("while_2")
    self.assertEqual(while_1.type, "While")
    self.assertEqual(while_2.type, "While")
    self.assertLen(while_2.control_inputs, 1)
    self.assertIs(while_2.control_inputs[0], while_1)

  def testMultipleWhileLoopsWithVarsDeps(self):
    x1 = variables.Variable(2.)
    x2 = variables.Variable(3.)
    c = constant_op.constant(2.)

    def Fn():

      def Body1(v):
        return v * x1

      ret1 = while_loop_v2(
          lambda v: v < 4.,
          Body1, [c],
          name="while_1")  # 2x

      def Body2(v):
        return v * x1 * x1

      ret2 = while_loop_v2(
          lambda v: v < 16.,
          Body2, [c],
          name="while_2")  # 4x

      def Body3(v):
        return v * x2

      ret3 = while_loop_v2(
          lambda v: v < 4.,
          Body3, [c],
          name="while_3")  # 3x

      def Body4(v):
        return v * x2 * x2

      ret4 = while_loop_v2(
          lambda v: v < 16.,
          Body4, [c],
          name="while_4")  # 9x
      ret5 = while_loop_v2(
          lambda v: v < 16.,
          lambda v: v * v, [c],
          name="while_stateless")  # x**2
      return ret1, ret2, ret3, ret4, ret5

    concrete_fn = Fn.get_concrete_function()
    while_1 = concrete_fn.graph.get_operation_by_name("while_1")
    while_2 = concrete_fn.graph.get_operation_by_name("while_2")
    while_3 = concrete_fn.graph.get_operation_by_name("while_3")
    while_4 = concrete_fn.graph.get_operation_by_name("while_4")
    while_stateless = concrete_fn.graph.get_operation_by_name(
    self.assertEqual(while_1.type, "While")
    self.assertEqual(while_2.type, "While")
    self.assertEqual(while_3.type, "While")
    self.assertEqual(while_4.type, "While")
    self.assertEqual(while_stateless.type, "StatelessWhile")
    self.assertLen(while_2.control_inputs, 1)
    self.assertIs(while_2.control_inputs[0], while_1)
    self.assertLen(while_4.control_inputs, 1)
    self.assertIs(while_4.control_inputs[0], while_3)

  def testDoubleDerivative(self):
    x = constant_op.constant(2.)
    ret = while_loop_v2(
        lambda v: v < 8., lambda v: v**2, [x],
        return_same_structure=False)  # x**4
    grad = gradients_impl.gradients(ret, [x])  # 4x**3
    grad_grad = gradients_impl.gradients(grad, [x])  # 12x**2
    with self.cached_session():
      self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(ret), 16.)
      self.assertSequenceEqual(self.evaluate(grad), [32.])
      self.assertSequenceEqual(self.evaluate(grad_grad), [48.])

  def testMultipleWhileLoopsEager(self):

    def Func():
      x = constant_op.constant(2.)
      ret1 = while_loop_v2(
          lambda v: v < 4., lambda v: v * v, [x],
          return_same_structure=False)  # x**2
      ret2 = while_loop_v2(
          lambda v: v < 16.,
          lambda v: v * v, [ret1],
          return_same_structure=False)  # x**4
      grad = gradients_impl.gradients(ret2, [x])[0]  # 4x**3
      grad_grad = gradients_impl.gradients(grad, [x])[0]  # 12x**2
      return grad, grad_grad

    grad, grad_grad = Func()
    self.assertEqual(grad.numpy(), 32.)
    self.assertEqual(grad_grad.numpy(), 48.)

  def testDoubleDerivativeEager(self):

    def Func():
      x = constant_op.constant(2.)
      ret = while_loop_v2(
          lambda v: v < 8., lambda v: v**2, [x],
          return_same_structure=False)  # x**4
      grad = gradients_impl.gradients(ret, [x])[0]  # 4x**3
      grad_grad = gradients_impl.gradients(grad, [x])[0]  # 12x**2
      return ret, grad, grad_grad

    ret, grad, grad_grad = Func()
    self.assertEqual(ret.numpy(), 16.)
    self.assertEqual(grad.numpy(), 32.)
    self.assertEqual(grad_grad.numpy(), 48.)

  def _testPruning(self):
    x = constant_op.constant(1)

    tensor_list = list_ops.empty_tensor_list(
        element_dtype=x.dtype, element_shape=x.shape)

    def Cond(x, tl):
      del tl  # Unused for Cond.
      return x < 5

    def Body(x, tl):
      return x + 1, list_ops.tensor_list_push_back(tl, x)

    outputs = while_loop.while_loop(Cond, Body, [x, tensor_list])

    train_op = ops.get_collection_ref(ops.GraphKeys.TRAIN_OP)

    g = GetOptimizedGraph()
    # TODO(b/136034023): while_v2 adds an extra loop_counter which is not pruned
    # away, causing an extra Enter node.
    enter_count = 2 if control_flow_util.ENABLE_CONTROL_FLOW_V2 else 1
    self.assertLen([n for n in g.node if n.op == "Enter"], enter_count)
    # Test that the TensorList is pruned out.
        n for n in g.node if n.op == "Enter" and
        n.attr["T"].type == dtypes.variant.as_datatype_enum
    self.assertEmpty([n for n in g.node if n.op == "TensorListPushBack"])

    stack = list_ops.tensor_list_stack(outputs[1], element_dtype=x.dtype)
    g = GetOptimizedGraph()
    # TODO(b/136034023): while_v2 adds an extra loop_counter which is not pruned
    # away, causing an extra Enter node.
    enter_count = 3 if control_flow_util.ENABLE_CONTROL_FLOW_V2 else 2
    self.assertLen([n for n in g.node if n.op == "Enter"], enter_count)
    # Test that the TensorList is not pruned out.
        n for n in g.node if n.op == "Enter" and
        n.attr["T"].type == dtypes.variant.as_datatype_enum
    self.assertNotEmpty([n for n in g.node if n.op == "TensorListPushBack"])

  def testPruningV1(self):

  def testPruningV2(self):

  def _testDoNotAccumulateInvariants(self):
    push_op = ("TensorListPushBack"
               if control_flow_v2_toggles.control_flow_v2_enabled() else

    # Tests that loop invariants, i.e., tensors that are "captured" by the
    # while loop and not passed as loop variables are not accumulated in
    # gradient computation.
    v = constant_op.constant(5.0, name="v")

    r = while_loop.while_loop(
        lambda _: True, lambda x: v * x, [1.0], maximum_iterations=5)

    output = gradients_impl.gradients(r, v)[0]
    train_op = ops.get_collection_ref(ops.GraphKeys.TRAIN_OP)

    g = GetOptimizedGraph()
    # The gradient for v * x requires the value of both v and x. Since v is a
    # loop invariant it is not accumulated so we have just one accumulator for
    # x.
    self.assertLen([n for n in g.node if n.op == push_op], 1)

  def testDoNotAccumulateInvariantsV1(self):

  def testDoNotAccumulateInvariantsV2(self):

  def testPruningNested(self):
    x = constant_op.constant(0)

    tensor_list = list_ops.empty_tensor_list(
        element_dtype=x.dtype, element_shape=x.shape)

    def Cond(x, tl):
      del tl  # Unused for Cond.
      return x < 25

    def Body(x, tl):

      def InnerCond(inner_x, unused_outer_x, unused_tl):
        return inner_x < 5

      def InnerBody(inner_x, outer_x, tl):
        return inner_x + 1, outer_x + 1, list_ops.tensor_list_push_back(tl, x)

      inner_x = constant_op.constant(0)
      return while_loop.while_loop(InnerCond, InnerBody, [inner_x, x, tl])[1:]

    outputs = while_loop.while_loop(Cond, Body, [x, tensor_list])

    train_op = ops.get_collection_ref(ops.GraphKeys.TRAIN_OP)

    g = GetOptimizedGraph()
    # TODO(b/136034023): while_v2 adds an extra loop_counter which is not pruned
    # away, causing an extra Enter node.
    # enter_count = 4 if control_flow_util.ENABLE_CONTROL_FLOW_V2 else 2
    # self.assertLen([n for n in g.node if n.op == "Enter"], enter_count)
    # Test that the TensorList is pruned out.
        n for n in g.node if n.op == "Enter" and
        n.attr["T"].type == dtypes.variant.as_datatype_enum
    self.assertEmpty([n for n in g.node if n.op == "TensorListPushBack"])
    self.assertEmpty([n for n in g.node if n.op == "_While"])

    stack = list_ops.tensor_list_stack(outputs[1], element_dtype=x.dtype)
    g = GetOptimizedGraph()
    # TODO(b/136034023): while_v2 adds an extra loop_counter which is not pruned
    # away, causing an extra Enter node.
    # enter_count = 3 if control_flow_util.ENABLE_CONTROL_FLOW_V2 else 2
    # self.assertLen([n for n in g.node if n.op == "Enter"], enter_count)
    # Test that the TensorList is not pruned out.
        n for n in g.node if n.op == "Enter" and
        n.attr["T"].type == dtypes.variant.as_datatype_enum
    self.assertNotEmpty([n for n in g.node if n.op == "TensorListPushBack"])

  def testPruningNested2(self):
    v = constant_op.constant(5.0, name="v")

    p = array_ops.placeholder(dtype=dtypes.int32)

    def MidBodyBuilder(iterations):

      def MidBody(i, x):
        r = while_loop.while_loop(
            lambda *_: True,
            lambda i, x: (i + 1, math_ops.multiply(v, x, name="my_mul")),
            (0, x),
        return (i + 1, gradients_impl.gradients(x + r[1], v)[0])

      return MidBody

    def OuterBody(i, x):
      iterations = array_ops.size(p, name="iterations")
      return (i + 1, x + while_loop.while_loop(
          lambda *_: True,
          MidBodyBuilder(iterations), (0, x),

    def CreateWhileLoop():
      with ops.device("/cpu:0"):
        r = while_loop.while_loop(
            lambda *_: True,
            OuterBody, (0, 1.0),
        return array_ops.identity(r[1])

    output = CreateWhileLoop()
    train_op = ops.get_collection_ref(ops.GraphKeys.TRAIN_OP)

    g = GetOptimizedGraph()
    self.assertLen([n for n in g.node if n.op == "TensorListPushBack"], 1)

  def testPruningNested3(self):
    v = constant_op.constant(5.0, name="v")

    def CreateWhileLoop():
      r = while_loop.while_loop(
          lambda _: True,
          lambda x: math_ops.multiply(v, x, name="my_mul"), [1.0],
      return array_ops.identity(r)

    r = CreateWhileLoop()
    output = gradients_impl.gradients(r, v)[0]
    train_op = ops.get_collection_ref(ops.GraphKeys.TRAIN_OP)

    g = GetOptimizedGraph()
    self.assertLen([n for n in g.node if n.op == "TensorListPushBack"], 1)

  def _assertNotAccumulated(self, while_op, index):
    """Asserts that `while_op` input at `index` is not accumulated."""
    body_graph = while_v2._get_graph(while_op, "body", "_body_graph")
    placeholder = body_graph.inputs[index]
                     [op.type for op in placeholder.consumers()])

  def testDoNotOutputLoopCounterAsIntermediate(self):
    v = constant_op.constant(5.0, name="v")
    r = while_loop.while_loop(
        lambda _: True, lambda x: v * x, [1.0], maximum_iterations=5)
    # Skip over Identity.
    while_op = r.op.inputs[0].op
    self._assertNotAccumulated(while_op, 0)

  def testDoNotOutputLoopInvariantAsIntermediate(self):

    def GetInputIndex(op, tensor):
      for index, inp in enumerate(op.inputs):
        if inp is tensor:
          return index

    v = constant_op.constant(5.0, name="v")
    r = while_loop.while_loop(
        lambda _: True, lambda x: v * x, [1.0], maximum_iterations=5)
    # Skip over Identity.
    while_op = r.op.inputs[0].op
    # We can't directly use while_op.inputs.index() because Tensors are not
    # hashable.
    index = GetInputIndex(while_op, v)
    self._assertNotAccumulated(while_op, index)

  def testCaptureExternalTensorInCond(self):
    x = constant_op.constant(2.)
    y = constant_op.constant(1.)
    ret = while_loop_v2(
        lambda v: v + y < 9.,
        lambda v: v * 3., [x],
    grad = gradients_impl.gradients(ret, [x])
    with self.cached_session():
      self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(ret), 18.)
      self.assertSequenceEqual(self.evaluate(grad), [9.])

  def testCaptureExternalTensorInBody(self):
    x = constant_op.constant(2.)
    y = constant_op.constant(3.)
    ret = while_loop_v2(
        lambda v: v < 8., lambda v: v * y, [x], return_same_structure=False)
    grad = gradients_impl.gradients(ret, [x])
    with self.cached_session():
      self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(ret), 18.)
      self.assertSequenceEqual(self.evaluate(grad), [9.])

  def testLoopWithTensorListPushBack(self):
    x = constant_op.constant(2.)

    tensor_list = list_ops.empty_tensor_list(
        element_dtype=dtypes.float32, element_shape=ScalarShape())

    def Cond(x, tl):
      del tl  # Unused for Cond.
      return x < 5.

    def Body(x, tl):
      tl = list_ops.tensor_list_push_back(tl, x)
      tl = list_ops.tensor_list_push_back(tl, constant_op.constant(100.))
      return x**2., tl

    ret = while_loop_v2(
        Cond, Body, [x, tensor_list], return_same_structure=False)
    grad = gradients_impl.gradients(ret[0], x)
    with self.cached_session() as sess:
      self.assertEqual(sess.run(ret[0]), 16.)
      self.assertSequenceEqual(self.evaluate(grad), [32.])

  def testDuplicateAccumulator(self):
    x = constant_op.constant(2.)

    tensor_list = list_ops.empty_tensor_list(
        element_dtype=dtypes.float32, element_shape=ScalarShape())

    def Cond(x, tl):
      del tl  # Unused for Cond.
      return x < 5.

    def Body(x, tl):
      # There is an accumulator in the loop already so we should not add
      # another.
      tl = list_ops.tensor_list_push_back(tl, x)
      return x**2., tl

    ret = while_loop_v2(
        Cond, Body, [x, tensor_list], return_same_structure=False)

    for op in ops.get_default_graph().get_operations():
      if op.type == "While" or op.type == "StatelessWhile":
        while_op = op

    body_graph = while_v2._get_graph(while_op, "body", "_body_graph")
    x_input_index = [i for i, inp in enumerate(while_op.inputs) if inp == x][0]
    x_input_t = body_graph.inputs[x_input_index]
    accumulator_count = len(
        [c for c in x_input_t.consumers() if c.type == "TensorListPushBack"])
    self.assertEqual(accumulator_count, 1)

    grad = gradients_impl.gradients(ret[0], x)
    with self.cached_session() as sess:
      self.assertEqual(sess.run(ret[0]), 16.)
      self.assertSequenceEqual(self.evaluate(grad), [32.])

      ("UnknownShape", None),
      ("PartiallyDefinedShape", [None, 2]),
      ("FullyDefinedShape", [1, 2]),
  def testAccumulatorElementShape(self, shape):

    def MatchShape(actual_tensor_shape):
      # Compare the shapes, treating None dimensions as equal. We do not
      # directly check actual_tensor_shape and tf.TensorShape(shape) for
      # equality because tf.Dimension.__eq__ returns None if either dimension is
      # None.
      if shape is None:
        self.assertListEqual(actual_tensor_shape.as_list(), shape)

    def GetAccumulatorForInputAtIndex(while_op, idx):
      body_graph = while_v2._get_graph(while_op, "body", "_body_graph")
      y_input_t = body_graph.inputs[idx]
      push_back_node = [c for c in y_input_t.consumers()
                        if c.type == "TensorListPushBack"][0]
      output_idx = body_graph.outputs.index(push_back_node.outputs[0])
      return while_op.outputs[output_idx]

    x = array_ops.placeholder(dtype=dtypes.float32, shape=shape)
    y = array_ops.placeholder(dtype=dtypes.float32, shape=shape)

    # Forward pass.
    ret = while_loop_v2(lambda v, u: v < 8.,
                        lambda v, u: (math_ops.pow(v, u), u),
                        [x, y],
    while_op = ret[0].op.inputs[0].op
    # Gradient pass.
    grad = gradients_impl.gradients(ret[0], x)
    # Note: There is an Identity b/w grad[0] and the While op.
    grad_while_op = grad[0].op.inputs[0].op

    # Get the TensorList output of While op containing the accumulated values
    # of y.
    x_input_index = [i for i, inp in enumerate(while_op.inputs) if x == inp][0]
    output = GetAccumulatorForInputAtIndex(while_op, x_input_index)
    _, val = list_ops.tensor_list_pop_back(output,

    # Take second derivative to generate intermediate grad_while_op outputs
    gradients_impl.gradients(grad, x)

    # Get the TensorList output of gradient While op containing the accumulated
    # values of grad_x (note that grad_x is needed by the second derivative).
    # grad_while_op.inputs:
    grad_output_index = grad_while_op.outputs.index(grad[0].op.inputs[0])
    grad_output = GetAccumulatorForInputAtIndex(grad_while_op,
    _, val = list_ops.tensor_list_pop_back(grad_output,

  def _createWhile(self, name):
    """Helper function testDefaultName."""
    output = while_v2.while_loop(
        lambda i: i < 3,
        lambda i: i + 1, [constant_op.constant(0)],
    while_op = output.op.inputs[0].op
    self.assertEqual(while_op.type, "StatelessWhile")
    return while_op

  def testDefaultName(self):
    with ops.Graph().as_default():
      while_op = self._createWhile(None)
      self.assertEqual(while_op.name, "while")
      self.assertRegex(while_op.get_attr("cond").name, r"while_cond_\d*")
      self.assertRegex(while_op.get_attr("body").name, r"while_body_\d*")

    with ops.Graph().as_default():
      with ops.name_scope("foo"):
        while1_op = self._createWhile("")
        self.assertEqual(while1_op.name, "foo/while")
        self.assertRegex(while1_op.get_attr("cond").name, r"foo_while_cond_\d*")
        self.assertRegex(while1_op.get_attr("body").name, r"foo_while_body_\d*")

        while2_op = self._createWhile(None)
        self.assertEqual(while2_op.name, "foo/while_1")
            while2_op.get_attr("cond").name, r"foo_while_1_cond_\d*")
            while2_op.get_attr("body").name, r"foo_while_1_body_\d*")

  def testWhileAndTensorArray(self):
    param = constant_op.constant(2.0)
    y0 = constant_op.constant([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0], name="elems")
    # map_fn uses TensorArray internally.
    r = map_fn.map_fn(lambda x: math_ops.multiply(x, param), y0)
    grad = gradients_impl.gradients(r, param)[0]
    self.assertAllClose([2.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0, 12.0], self.evaluate(r))
    self.assertAllClose(21.0, self.evaluate(grad))

  def testNestedWhile(self):
    # Compute sum of geometric progression: n^0 + n^1 + ... + n^m
    # We compute the pow using a while loop.
    n = constant_op.constant(3.)
    m = constant_op.constant(5.)
    sum_of_powers = constant_op.constant(0.)

    def Body(i, previous_sum):
      prod = constant_op.constant(1.)
      return i - 1., previous_sum + while_loop_v2(
          lambda c, _: c > 0,
          lambda c, v: (c - 1., v * n), [i, prod],

    result = while_loop_v2(
        lambda i, _: i >= 0,
        Body, [m, sum_of_powers],
    grad = gradients_impl.gradients(result, [n])
    self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(result), 364.)
    self.assertSequenceEqual(self.evaluate(grad), [547.])

  def testNestedWhileWithLegacyDefun(self):
    n = constant_op.constant(3.)
    m = constant_op.constant(5.)
    sum_of_powers = constant_op.constant(0.)

    def Body(i, previous_sum):
      prod = constant_op.constant(1.)

      def InnerBodyWrapper(c, v):

        @function.Defun(dtypes.float32, dtypes.float32)
        def InnerBody(c, v):
          return c - 1., v * n

        results = InnerBody(c, v)
        return results

      return i - 1., previous_sum + while_loop_v2(
          lambda c, _: c > 0,
          InnerBodyWrapper, [i, prod],

    result = while_loop_v2(
        lambda i, _: i >= 0,
        Body, [m, sum_of_powers],
    grad = gradients_impl.gradients(result, [n])
    self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(result), 364.)
    self.assertSequenceEqual(self.evaluate(grad), [547.])

  def testIdentityNodeInBody(self):

    def Body(v):
      v = array_ops.identity(v)
      v = array_ops.identity(v)
      return v * v

    x = constant_op.constant(2.)
    ret = while_loop_v2(
        lambda v: v < 8., Body, [x], return_same_structure=False)
    grad = gradients_impl.gradients(ret, [x])
    self.assertEqual(self.evaluate(ret), 16.)
    self.assertSequenceEqual(self.evaluate(grad), [32.])

  def testForwardPassRewrite(self):
    x = constant_op.constant(1.0, name="x")
    output = while_v2.while_loop(lambda x: x < 10.0,
                                 lambda x: x * 2.0,
    while_op = output.op.inputs[0].op
    self.assertEqual(while_op.type, "StatelessWhile")
    # outputs = [loop_counter, max_iters, x]
    self.assertLen(while_op.outputs, 3)

    gradients_impl.gradients(output, x)
    # while_op should have been rewritten to output intermediates.
    # outputs = [loop_counter, max_iters, x, x_accumulator]
    self.assertLen(while_op.outputs, 4)

    gradients_impl.gradients(output, x)
    # Computing the gradient again shouldn't rewrite while_op again.
    self.assertLen(while_op.outputs, 4)

      ("RandomUniform", random_ops.random_uniform, [5, 3]),
      ("RandomNormal", random_ops.random_normal, [5, 3]),
       random_ops.parameterized_truncated_normal, [5, 3]),
      ("TruncatedNormal", random_ops.truncated_normal, [5, 3]),
      ("RandomGamma", random_gamma, [5, 3]),
      ("RandomPoissonV2", random_poisson_v2, [5, 3]),
      ("RandomGammaWithAlphaBeta", random_gamma_with_alpha_beta, [5, 3, 4, 2]),
      ("RandomPoissonV2WithLam", random_poisson_v2_with_lam, [5, 3, 2]),
  def testRandomOpsShape(self, random_fn, expected_shape):
    shape = constant_op.constant([3])

    def Body(i, u):
      shape_extended = array_ops.concat([[5], shape], axis=0)
      u = random_fn(shape_extended)
      assert u.shape.as_list() == expected_shape, str(u.shape.as_list())
      return i + 1, u

    _, _ = while_loop_v2(
        cond=lambda i, _: i < 3,
            array_ops.zeros(expected_shape, dtype=dtypes.float32),

  def testReshapeShape(self):
    shape = constant_op.constant([3, 4])

    def Body(i, u):
      shape_extended = array_ops.concat([[5], shape], axis=0)
      u = array_ops.reshape(u, [-1])
      assert u.shape.as_list() == [60], str(u.shape.as_list())
      u = array_ops.reshape(u, shape_extended)
      assert u.shape.as_list() == [5, 3, 4], str(u.shape.as_list())
      return i + 1, u

    _, _ = while_loop_v2(
        cond=lambda i, _: i < 3,
            array_ops.zeros([5, 3, 4], dtype=dtypes.float32),

      ("Zeros", array_ops.zeros),
      ("Ones", array_ops.ones),
      ("Fill", fill),
  def testFillOpsShape(self, fill_fn):
    shape = constant_op.constant([3, 4])

    def Body(i, u):
      shape_extended = array_ops.concat([[5], shape], axis=0)
      u = fill_fn(shape_extended)
      assert u.shape.as_list() == [5, 3, 4], str(u.shape.as_list())
      return i + 1, u

    _, _ = while_loop_v2(
        cond=lambda i, _: i < 3,
            array_ops.zeros([5, 3, 4], dtype=dtypes.float32),

  def testExternalColocationGrad(self):
    external_t = constant_op.constant(2.)
    v0 = constant_op.constant(2.)

    def Body(v):
      with ops.colocate_with(external_t):
        return v * v

    ret = while_loop_v2(lambda v: v < 8., Body, [v0])[0]
    grad = gradients_impl.gradients(ret, [v0])[0]
    self.assertAllEqual(ret, 16.)
    self.assertAllEqual(grad, 32.)

  def testDoNotAccumulateConstNodes(self):

    def Body(v):
      return v * 2.0

    v0 = constant_op.constant(2.)
    ret = while_loop_v2(lambda v: v < 8., Body, [v0])[0]
    # Gradients computation has the side-effect of updating the forward op
    # which is what we want to test.
    unused_grad = gradients_impl.gradients(ret, [v0])[0]
    # ret is separated from the `While` op by an `Identity` so we skip over
    # that.
    forward_while_op = ret.op.inputs[0].op
    body_graph = while_v2._get_graph(forward_while_op, "body", "_body_graph")
    push_back_nodes = [
        o for o in body_graph.get_operations() if o.type == "TensorListPushBack"
    # Gradient of `Mul` requires accumulating both its inputs. But since one
    # of those is a Const (2.0), we should have just one accumulator.
    self.assertLen(push_back_nodes, 1)

  def testDoNotAccumulateForwardTensorsForReductionOps(self):

    def Fn():
      with backprop.GradientTape() as tape:
        x = constant_op.constant(2.)

        def Body(i, x):
          forward_graph = ops.get_default_graph()

          def SquaredWithZeroGrad(x):

            def Grad(unused_g, variables=None):  # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
              del variables
              gradient_graph = ops.get_default_graph()
              shape = gen_array_ops.shape(x)
              assert shape.graph is forward_graph
              rank = gen_array_ops.rank(x)
              assert rank.graph is forward_graph
              size = gen_array_ops.size(x)
              assert size.graph is forward_graph
              zeros = array_ops.zeros(shape)
              assert zeros.graph is gradient_graph
              return zeros

            return x * 2, Grad

          return i + 1, SquaredWithZeroGrad(x)

        _, result = while_loop_v2(lambda i, _: i < 2, Body, [0, x])
      grad = tape.gradient(result, x)
      return grad


  def testDoNotAccumulateForwardTensorsForTensorListReductionOps(self):

    def Fn():
      with backprop.GradientTape() as tape:
        e = constant_op.constant(2.)
        x = list_ops.empty_tensor_list(
            element_dtype=dtypes.float32, element_shape=e.shape)
        x = list_ops.tensor_list_push_back(x, e)

        def Body(i, x):
          forward_graph = ops.get_default_graph()

          def IdentityWithZeroGrad(x):

            def Grad(unused_g, variables=None):  # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
              del variables
              gradient_graph = ops.get_default_graph()
              shape = gen_list_ops.tensor_list_element_shape(
                  x, shape_type=dtypes.int32)
              assert shape.graph is forward_graph
              size = gen_list_ops.tensor_list_length(x)
              assert size.graph is forward_graph
              zeros = gen_list_ops.tensor_list_reserve(shape, size,
              assert zeros.graph is gradient_graph
              return zeros

            return x, Grad

          return i + 1, IdentityWithZeroGrad(x)

        _, result = while_loop_v2(lambda i, _: i < 2, Body, [0, x])
      ones_like = list_ops.tensor_list_from_tensor(
              list_ops.tensor_list_stack(result, element_dtype=dtypes.float32)),
      grad = tape.gradient(result, x, output_gradients=[ones_like])
      return grad


  def testInheritParentNameScope(self):

    def F():
      with ops.name_scope("foo"):

        def Cond(unused_i):
          with ops.name_scope("cond"):
            actual_name_scope = ops.get_name_scope()
            expected_name_scope = "foo/while/cond"
            assert actual_name_scope == expected_name_scope, (
                "%s does not match %s" %
                (actual_name_scope, expected_name_scope))
          return False

        def Body(i):
          with ops.name_scope("body"):
            actual_name_scope = ops.get_name_scope()
            expected_name_scope = "foo/while/body"
            assert actual_name_scope == expected_name_scope, (
                "%s does not match %s" %
                (actual_name_scope, expected_name_scope))
          return i

        return while_v2.while_loop(Cond, Body, [0.])


  @test_util.run_deprecated_v1  # Need to pass RunMetadata.
  def testDisableLowering(self):
    old = control_flow_util_v2._DISABLE_LOWER_USING_SWITCH_MERGE
    control_flow_util_v2._DISABLE_LOWER_USING_SWITCH_MERGE = True
    with self.session() as sess:
      x = constant_op.constant(2.)
      ret = while_loop_v2(
          lambda v: v < 8., lambda v: v * v, [x], return_same_structure=False)

      opts = config_pb2.RunOptions(trace_level=config_pb2.RunOptions.FULL_TRACE)
      run_metadata = config_pb2.RunMetadata()
      self.assertEqual(sess.run(ret, options=opts, run_metadata=run_metadata),
      for dev_stat in run_metadata.step_stats.dev_stats:
        for ns in dev_stat.node_stats:
          self.assertNotIn("switch", ns.node_name)
    control_flow_util_v2._DISABLE_LOWER_USING_SWITCH_MERGE = old

  def _runBasicWithConfig(self, config):
    with ops.device("/cpu:0"):
      x = constant_op.constant(0)
      ret, = while_loop_v2(lambda x: x < 1000, lambda x: x + 1, [x])
    with self.cached_session(config=config):
      self.assertEqual(1000, self.evaluate(ret))

  def testRunKernelsInline(self):
    config = config_pb2.ConfigProto()
    config.inter_op_parallelism_threads = -1

  def testSingleThreadedExecution(self):
    config = config_pb2.ConfigProto()
    config.experimental.executor_type = "SINGLE_THREADED_EXECUTOR"

  def testIsControlFlowGraph(self):
    x = constant_op.constant(0)

    def F(c):

      def Cond(i):
        return i < 2

      def Body(i):
        i = i + 1
        return i

      return while_loop_v2(Cond, Body, [c])

    ret, = F(x)
    self.assertEqual(2, self.evaluate(ret))

  def testImportFromSerializedWithFunctionInBody(self):
    serialized = """node {
      name: "Const"
      op: "Const"
      attr {
        key: "dtype"
        value {
          type: DT_FLOAT
      attr {
        key: "value"
        value {
          tensor {
            dtype: DT_FLOAT
            tensor_shape {
            float_val: 1.0
    node {
      name: "while/maximum_iterations"
      op: "Const"
      attr {
        key: "dtype"
        value {
          type: DT_INT32
      attr {
        key: "value"
        value {
          tensor {
            dtype: DT_INT32
            tensor_shape {
            int_val: -1
    node {
      name: "while/loop_counter"
      op: "Const"
      attr {
        key: "dtype"
        value {
          type: DT_INT32
      attr {
        key: "value"
        value {
          tensor {
            dtype: DT_INT32
            tensor_shape {
            int_val: 0
    node {
      name: "while"
      op: "StatelessWhile"
      input: "while/loop_counter"
      input: "while/maximum_iterations"
      input: "Const"
      attr {
        key: "T"
        value {
          list {
            type: DT_INT32
            type: DT_INT32
            type: DT_FLOAT
      attr {
        key: "_lower_using_switch_merge"
        value {
          b: true
      attr {
        key: "_num_original_outputs"
        value {
          i: 3
      attr {
        key: "_read_only_resource_inputs"
        value {
          list {
      attr {
        key: "body"
        value {
          func {
            name: "while_body_822"
      attr {
        key: "cond"
        value {
          func {
            name: "while_cond_821"
      attr {
        key: "output_shapes"
        value {
          list {
            shape {
            shape {
            shape {
      attr {
        key: "parallel_iterations"
        value {
          i: 10
    node {
      name: "while/Identity"
      op: "Identity"
      input: "while"
      attr {
        key: "T"
        value {
          type: DT_INT32
    node {
      name: "while/Identity_1"
      op: "Identity"
      input: "while:1"
      attr {
        key: "T"
        value {
          type: DT_INT32
    node {
      name: "while/Identity_2"
      op: "Identity"
      input: "while:2"
      attr {
        key: "T"
        value {
          type: DT_FLOAT
    library {
      function {
        signature {
          name: "while_body_822"
          input_arg {
            name: "while_loop_counter"
            type: DT_INT32
          input_arg {
            name: "while_maximum_iterations_0"
            type: DT_INT32
          input_arg {
            name: "placeholder"
            type: DT_FLOAT
          output_arg {
            name: "add"
            type: DT_INT32
          output_arg {
            name: "while_maximum_iterations"
            type: DT_INT32
          output_arg {
            name: "partitionedcall"
            type: DT_FLOAT
        node_def {
          name: "PartitionedCall"
          op: "PartitionedCall"
          input: "placeholder"
          attr {
            key: "Tin"
            value {
              list {
                type: DT_FLOAT
          attr {
            key: "Tout"
            value {
              list {
                type: DT_FLOAT
          attr {
            key: "_collective_manager_ids"
            value {
              list {
          attr {
            key: "_read_only_resource_inputs"
            value {
              list {
          attr {
            key: "config"
            value {
              s: ""
          attr {
            key: "config_proto"
            value {
              s: ""
          attr {
            key: "executor_type"
            value {
              s: ""
          attr {
            key: "f"
            value {
              func {
                name: "__inference_f_841"
          experimental_debug_info {
            original_node_names: "PartitionedCall"
        node_def {
          name: "add/y"
          op: "Const"
          attr {
            key: "dtype"
            value {
              type: DT_INT32
          attr {
            key: "value"
            value {
              tensor {
                dtype: DT_INT32
                tensor_shape {
                int_val: 1
          experimental_debug_info {
            original_node_names: "add/y"
        node_def {
          name: "add_0"
          op: "AddV2"
          input: "while_loop_counter"
          input: "add/y:output:0"
          attr {
            key: "T"
            value {
              type: DT_INT32
          experimental_debug_info {
            original_node_names: "add"
        ret {
          key: "add"
          value: "add_0:z:0"
        ret {
          key: "partitionedcall"
          value: "PartitionedCall:output:0"
        ret {
          key: "while_maximum_iterations"
          value: "while_maximum_iterations_0"
        arg_attr {
          key: 0
          value {
            attr {
              key: "_output_shapes"
              value {
                list {
                  shape {
        arg_attr {
          key: 1
          value {
            attr {
              key: "_output_shapes"
              value {
                list {
                  shape {
        arg_attr {
          key: 2
          value {
            attr {
              key: "_output_shapes"
              value {
                list {
                  shape {
      function {
        signature {
          name: "while_cond_821"
          input_arg {
            name: "while_loop_counter"
            type: DT_INT32
          input_arg {
            name: "while_maximum_iterations"
            type: DT_INT32
          input_arg {
            name: "placeholder"
            type: DT_FLOAT
          output_arg {
            name: "less"
            type: DT_BOOL
        node_def {
          name: "Less/y"
          op: "Const"
          attr {
            key: "dtype"
            value {
              type: DT_FLOAT
          attr {
            key: "value"
            value {
              tensor {
                dtype: DT_FLOAT
                tensor_shape {
                float_val: 5.0
          experimental_debug_info {
            original_node_names: "Less/y"
        node_def {
          name: "Less"
          op: "Less"
          input: "placeholder"
          input: "Less/y:output:0"
          attr {
            key: "T"
            value {
              type: DT_FLOAT
          experimental_debug_info {
            original_node_names: "Less"
        ret {
          key: "less"
          value: "Less:z:0"
        arg_attr {
          key: 0
          value {
            attr {
              key: "_output_shapes"
              value {
                list {
                  shape {
        arg_attr {
          key: 1
          value {
            attr {
              key: "_output_shapes"
              value {
                list {
                  shape {
        arg_attr {
          key: 2
          value {
            attr {
              key: "_output_shapes"
              value {
                list {
                  shape {
      function {
        signature {
          name: "__inference_f_841"
          input_arg {
            name: "mul_placeholder"
            type: DT_FLOAT
          output_arg {
            name: "identity"
            type: DT_FLOAT
        node_def {
          name: "mul/y"
          op: "Const"
          attr {
            key: "dtype"
            value {
              type: DT_FLOAT
          attr {
            key: "value"
            value {
              tensor {
                dtype: DT_FLOAT
                tensor_shape {
                float_val: 2.0
          experimental_debug_info {
            original_node_names: "mul/y"
        node_def {
          name: "mul"
          op: "Mul"
          input: "mul_placeholder"
          input: "mul/y:output:0"
          attr {
            key: "T"
            value {
              type: DT_FLOAT
          experimental_debug_info {
            original_node_names: "mul"
        node_def {
          name: "Identity"
          op: "Identity"
          input: "mul:z:0"
          attr {
            key: "T"
            value {
              type: DT_FLOAT
          experimental_debug_info {
            original_node_names: "Identity"
        ret {
          key: "identity"
          value: "Identity:output:0"
        arg_attr {
          key: 0
          value {
            attr {
              key: "_output_shapes"
              value {
                list {
                  shape {
    versions {
      producer: 399
      min_consumer: 12
    # Code for generating above graph:
    # def Body(i):
    #   @tf.function
    #   def f():
    #     return i * 2
    #   return f()
    # tf.while_loop(lambda i: i < 5., Body, [tf.constant(1.)])
    graph_def = graph_pb2.GraphDef()
    text_format.Parse(serialized, graph_def)
    def F():
      x, y = importer.import_graph_def(
          graph_def, return_elements=["Const:0", "while:2"])
      grad_out, = gradients_impl.gradients(y, x)
      return grad_out
    self.assertAllEqual(F(), 8.0)

  def testIndexedSlicesInIncomingGrads(self):
    def F():
      x = constant_op.constant([2.])
      # Computes x^4
      ret = while_loop_v2(
          lambda _: True, lambda v: v * v, [x], return_same_structure=False,
      v = array_ops.gather(ret, [0])
      return gradients_impl.gradients(v, [x])[0]  # 4*x^3
    self.assertAllEqual(self.evaluate(F()), [32.])

  def testShapeInvariantsRaggedTensor(self):

    def TestFn(x):
      _, ret = while_loop_v2(
          lambda i, _: i < 1,
          lambda i, y: (i + 1, array_ops.concat([y, y], axis=0)),
          [0, x],
              tensor_spec.TensorSpec(shape=[], dtype=dtypes.int32),
              ragged_tensor.RaggedTensorSpec(shape=[None, None])],
      return ret

    x = ragged_factory_ops.constant([[1., 2.], [3.]])
    result = TestFn(x)
    expected_result = [[1., 2.], [3.], [1., 2.], [3.]]
    self.assertAllEqual(result, expected_result)

def ScalarShape():
  return ops.convert_to_tensor([], dtype=dtypes.int32)

def GetOptimizedGraph():
  mg = meta_graph.create_meta_graph_def(graph=ops.get_default_graph())
  config = config_pb2.ConfigProto()
  return tf_optimizer.OptimizeGraph(config, mg)

if __name__ == "__main__":