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import { ArrayUtil, CommonUtil } from "./utils/";
import {
} from "./core";

import { ConditionUtil } from "./conditions";

 *  @classdesc
 *  AccessControl class that implements RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) basics
 *  and ABAC (Attribute-Based Access Control) <i>resource</i> and <i>action</i>
 *  attributes.
 *  Construct an `AccessControl` instance by either passing a grants object (or
 *  array fetched from database) or simple omit `grants` parameter if you are
 *  willing to build it programmatically.
 *  <p><pre><code> var grants = {
 *      role1: {
 *          grants: [
 *              {
 *                  resource: 'resource1',
 *                  action: 'create'
 *                  attributes: ['*']
 *              },
 *              {
 *                  resource: 'resource1',
 *                  action: 'read'
 *                  attributes: ['*']
 *              },
 *              {
 *                  resource: 'resource2',
 *                  action: 'create'
 *                  attributes: ['*']
 *              }
 *          ]
 *      },
 *      role2: { ... }
 *  };
 *  var ac = new AccessControl(grants);</code></pre></p>
 *  The `grants` object can also be an array, such as a flat list
 *  fetched from a database.
 *  <p><pre><code> var flatList = [
 *      { role: "role1", resource: "resource1", action: "create", attributes: [ attrs ] },
 *      { role: "role1", resource: "resource1", action: "read", attributes: [ attrs ] },
 *      { role: "role2", ... },
 *      ...
 *  ];</code></pre></p>
 *  We turn this list into a hashtable for better performance. We aggregate
 *  the list by roles first, resources second.
 *  Below are equivalent:
 *  <p><pre><code> var grants = { role: "role1", resource: "resource1", action: "create", attributes: [ attrs ] }
 *  var same = { role: "role1", resource: "resource1", action: "create", attributes: [ attrs ] }</code></pre></p>
 *  So we can also initialize with this flat list of grants:
 *  <p><pre><code> var ac = new AccessControl(flatList);
 *  console.log(ac.getGrants());</code></pre></p>
 *  @author   Onur Yıldırım <onur@cutepilot.com>
 *  @license  MIT
 *  @class
 *  @global
class AccessControl {
   *  @private
  private _grants: any;

   *  Initializes a new instance of `AccessControl` with the given grants.
   *  @param {Object|Array} grants - A list containing the access grant
   *      definitions. See the structure of this object in the examples.
   *  @param {Object} customConditionFns - custom condition functions
  constructor(grants: any = {}, customConditionFns: IDictionary<IFunctionCondition> = {} ) {

  // -------------------------------
  // -------------------------------

   *  Gets the internal grants object that stores all current grants.
   *  @return {Object} - Hash-map of grants.
  getGrants(): any {
    return this._grants;

   *  Sets all access grants at once, from an object or array.
   *  Note that this will reset the object and remove all previous grants.
   *  @chainable
   *  @param {Object|Array} grantsObject - A list containing the access grant
   *         definitions.
   *  @returns {AccessControl} - `AccessControl` instance for chaining.
  setGrants(grantsObject: any): AccessControl {
    this._grants = {};
    let type: string = CommonUtil.type(grantsObject);
    if (type === "object") {
      this._grants = CommonUtil.normalizeGrantsObject(grantsObject);
    } else if (type === "array") {
      grantsObject.filter((grant => !grant.extend || !grant.extend.length))
      .forEach((item: any) =>
        CommonUtil.commitToGrants(this._grants, item)

      grantsObject.filter((item => item.extend && item.extend.length))
      .forEach((item: any) =>
        CommonUtil.extendRole(this._grants, item.role, item.extend)
    return this;

   *  Resets the internal grants object and removes all previous grants.
   *  @chainable
   *  @returns {AccessControl} - `AccessControl` instance for chaining.
  reset(): AccessControl {
    this._grants = {};
    return this;

   *  Extends the given role(s) with privileges of one or more other roles.
   *  @chainable
   *  @param {String|Array<String>} roles
   *         Role(s) to be extended.
   *         Single role as a `String` or multiple roles as an `Array`.
   *         Note that if a role does not exist, it will be automatically
   *         created.
   *  @param {String|Array<String>} extenderRoles
   *         Role(s) to inherit from.
   *         Single role as a `String` or multiple roles as an `Array`.
   *         Note that if a extender role does not exist, it will throw.
   *  @returns {AccessControl} - `AccessControl` instance for chaining.
   *  @throws {Error}
   *          If a role is extended by itself or a non-existent role.
    roles: string | string[],
    extenderRoles: string | string[],
    condition?: ICondition
  ): AccessControl {
    // When extending role we are not checking for conditions so we can use sync method
    return this.extendRoleSync(roles, extenderRoles, condition);

    roles: string | string[],
    extenderRoles: string | string[],
    condition?: ICondition
  ): AccessControl {
    CommonUtil.extendRoleSync(this._grants, roles, extenderRoles, condition);
    return this;

   *  Removes all the given role(s) and their granted permissions, at once.
   *  @chainable
   *  @param {String|Array<String>} roles - An array of roles to be removed.
   *      Also accepts a string that can be used to remove a single role.
   *  @returns {AccessControl} - `AccessControl` instance for chaining.
  removeRoles(roles: string | string[]): AccessControl {
    let rolesToRemove: string[] = ArrayUtil.toStringArray(roles).sort();
    // Remove these roles from $extend list of each remaining role.
    this._each((role: string, roleItem: any) => {
      if (roleItem.$extend) {
        // Adjust scores and remove
        rolesToRemove.forEach(role => {
          if (roleItem.$extend[role]) {
            roleItem.score -= this._grants[role].score;
            delete roleItem.$extend[role];
    rolesToRemove.forEach((role: string) => {
      delete this._grants[role];
    return this;

   *  Gets all the unique roles that have at least one access information.
   *  @returns {Array<String>}
   *  @example
   *  ac.grant('admin, user').createAny('video').grant('user').readOwn('profile');
   *  console.log(ac.getRoles()); // ["admin", "user"]
  getRoles(): string[] {
    return Object.keys(this._grants);

   *  Checks whether any permissions are granted to the given role.
   *  @param {String} role - Role to be checked.
   *  @returns {Boolean}
  hasRole(role: string): boolean {
    return this._grants.hasOwnProperty(role);

    *  Get allowed grants when conditions are skipped
     return CommonUtil.getUnionGrantsOfRoles(this._grants, query);

    *  @returns {IAccessInfo[]} - grants
  async allowedGrants(query: IQueryInfo): Promise<any[]> {
    return CommonUtil.getUnionGrantsOfRoles(this._grants, query);

  allowedGrantsSync(query: IQueryInfo): any[] {
    return CommonUtil.getUnionGrantsOfRolesSync(this._grants, query);
   * Get roles which allow this permission
   * @param {IQueryInfo} query - permission query object we want to check
   * @returns {String[]} - roles
  async allowingRoles(query: IQueryInfo): Promise<string[]> {
    return CommonUtil.getAllowingRoles(this._grants, query);

  allowingRolesSync(query: IQueryInfo): string[] {
    return CommonUtil.getAllowingRolesSync(this._grants, query);

   * Get allowed actions of resource when conditions are skipped
   * @param {IQueryInfo} query - permission query object we want to check
   *  @returns {String[]} - actions
  async allowedActions(query: IQueryInfo): Promise<string[]> {
    return CommonUtil.getUnionActionsOfRoles(this._grants, query);

  allowedActionsSync(query: IQueryInfo): string[] {
    return CommonUtil.getUnionActionsOfRolesSync(this._grants, query);

   * Get allowed resources when conditions are skipped
   * @param {IQueryInfo} query - permission query object we want to check
   *  @returns {String[]} - resources
  async allowedResources(query: IQueryInfo): Promise<string[]> {
    return CommonUtil.getUnionResourcesOfRoles(this._grants, query);

  allowedResourcesSync(query: IQueryInfo): string[] {
    return CommonUtil.getUnionResourcesOfRolesSync(this._grants, query);

   *  Gets an instance of `Query` object. This is used to check whether
   *  the defined access is allowed for the given role(s) and resource.
   *  This object provides chainable methods to define and query the access
   *  permissions to be checked.
   *  @name AccessControl#can
   *  @alias AccessControl#access
   *  @function
   *  @chainable
   *  @param {String|Array|IQueryInfo} role - A single role (as a string),
   *      a list of roles (as an array) or an {@link ?api=ac#AccessControl~IQueryInfo|`IQueryInfo` object}
   *      that fully or partially defines the access to be checked.
   *  @returns {Query} - The returned object provides chainable
   *      methods to define and query the access permissions to be checked.
   *      See {@link ?api=ac#AccessControl~Query|`Query` inner class}.
   *  @example
   *  var ac = new AccessControl(grants);
   *  ac.can('admin').create('profile');
   *  // equivalent to:
   *  ac.can().role('admin').create('profile');
   *  // equivalent to:
   *  ac.can().role('admin').resource('profile').createA();
   *  // To check for multiple roles:
   *  ac.can(['admin', 'user']).createOwn('profile');
   *  // Note: when multiple roles checked, acquired attributes are union (merged).
  can(role: string | string[] | IQueryInfo): Query {
    return new Query(this._grants, role);

   *  Alias of `can()`.
   *  @private
  access(role: string | string[] | IQueryInfo): Query {
    return this.can(role);

   *  Gets an instance of `Permission` object that checks and defines
   *  the granted access permissions for the target resource and role.
   *  Normally you would use `AccessControl#can()` method to check for
   *  permissions but this is useful if you need to check at once by passing
   *  a `IQueryInfo` object; instead of chaining methods
   *  (as in `.can(<role>).<action>(<resource>)`).
   *  @param {IQueryInfo} queryInfo
   *         A fulfilled {@link ?api=ac#AccessControl~IQueryInfo|`IQueryInfo` object}.
   *  @returns {Permission} - An object that provides properties
   *  and methods that defines the granted access permissions. See
   *  {@link ?api=ac#AccessControl~Permission|`Permission` inner class}.
   *  @example
   *  var ac = new AccessControl(grants);
   *  var permission = ac.permission({
   *      role: "user",
   *      action: "update",
   *      resource: "profile"
   *  });
   *  permission.granted; // Boolean
   *  permission.attributes; // Array e.g. [ 'username', 'password', 'company.*']
   *  permission.filter(object); // { username, password, company: { name, address, ... } }
  async permission(queryInfo: IQueryInfo): Promise<Permission> {
    return new Permission(
      await CommonUtil.getUnionAttrsOfRoles(this._grants, queryInfo)

  permissionSync(queryInfo: IQueryInfo): Permission {
    return new Permission(
      CommonUtil.getUnionAttrsOfRolesSync(this._grants, queryInfo)

   *  Gets an instance of `Grant` (inner) object. This is used to grant access
   *  to specified resource(s) for the given role(s).
   *  @name AccessControl#grant
   *  @alias AccessControl#allow
   *  @function
   *  @chainable
   *  @param {String|Array<String>|IAccessInfo} role
   *         A single role (as a string), a list of roles (as an array) or an
   *         {@link ?api=ac#AccessControl~IAccessInfo|`IAccessInfo` object}
   *         that fully or partially defines the access to be granted.
   *  @return {Access}
   *          The returned object provides chainable properties to build and
   *          define the access to be granted. See the examples for details.
   *          See {@link ?api=ac#AccessControl~Access|`Access` inner class}.
   *  @example
   *  var ac = new AccessControl(),
   *      attributes = ['*'];
   *  ac.grant('admin').createAny('profile', attributes);
   *  // equivalent to:
   *  ac.grant().role('admin').createAny('profile', attributes);
   *  // equivalent to:
   *  ac.grant().role('admin').resource('profile').createAny(null, attributes);
   *  // equivalent to:
   *  ac.grant({
   *      role: 'admin',
   *      resource: 'profile',
   *  }).createAny(null, attributes);
   *  // equivalent to:
   *  ac.grant({
   *      role: 'admin',
   *      resource: 'profile',
   *      action: 'create:any',
   *      attributes: attributes
   *  });
   *  // equivalent to:
   *  ac.grant({
   *      role: 'admin',
   *      resource: 'profile',
   *      action: 'create',
   *      attributes: attributes
   *  });
   *  // To grant same resource and attributes for multiple roles:
   *  ac.grant(['admin', 'user']).createOwn('profile', attributes);
   *  // Note: when attributes is omitted, it will default to `['*']`
   *  // which means all attributes (of the resource) are allowed.
  grant(role: string | string[] | IAccessInfo): Access {
    return new Access(this._grants, role);

   *  Alias of `grant()`.
  allow(role: string | string[] | IAccessInfo): Access {
    return this.grant(role);

   * Converts grants object to JSON format
  toJSON(): string {
    return CommonUtil.toExtendedJSON({
      grants: this._grants,
      customConditionFunctions: ConditionUtil.getCustomConditionFunctions()

  registerConditionFunction(funtionName: string, fn: IFunctionCondition): AccessControl {
    ConditionUtil.registerCustomConditionFunction(funtionName, fn);
    return this;

  // -------------------------------
  // -------------------------------

   *  @private
  private _each(callback: (role: string, roleDefinition: any) => void): void {
    CommonUtil.eachKey(this._grants, (role: string) =>
      callback(role, this._grants[role])

   *  Documented separately in AccessControlError
   *  @private
  static get Error(): any {
    return AccessControlError;

  // -------------------------------
  // -------------------------------

   *  A utility method for deep cloning the given data object(s) while
   *  filtering its properties by the given attribute (glob) notations.
   *  Includes all matched properties and removes the rest.
   *  Note that this should be used to manipulate data / arbitrary objects
   *  with enumerable properties. It will not deal with preserving the
   *  prototype-chain of the given object.
   *  @param {Object|Array} data - A single or array of data objects
   *      to be filtered.
   *  @param {Array|String} attributes - The attribute glob notation(s)
   *      to be processed. You can use wildcard stars (*) and negate
   *      the notation by prepending a bang (!). A negated notation
   *      will be excluded. Order of the globs do not matter, they will
   *      be logically sorted. Loose globs will be processed first and
   *      verbose globs or normal notations will be processed last.
   *      e.g. `[ "car.model", "*", "!car.*" ]`
   *      will be sorted as:
   *      `[ "*", "!car.*", "car.model" ]`.
   *      Passing no parameters or passing an empty string (`""` or `[""]`)
   *      will empty the source object.
   *  @returns {Object|Array} - Returns the filtered data object or array
   *      of data objects.
   *  @example
   *  var assets = { notebook: "Mac", car: { brand: "Ford", model: "Mustang", year: 1970, color: "red" } };
   *  var filtered = AccessControl.filter(assets, [ "*", "!car.*", "car.model" ]);
   *  console.log(assets); // { notebook: "Mac", car: { model: "Mustang" } }
   *  filtered = AccessControl.filter(assets, "*"); // or AccessControl.filter(assets, ["*"]);
   *  console.log(assets); // { notebook: "Mac", car: { model: "Mustang" } }
   *  filtered = AccessControl.filter(assets); // or AccessControl.filter(assets, "");
   *  console.log(assets); // {}
  static filter(data: any, attributes: string[]): any {
    return CommonUtil.filterAll(data, attributes);

   *  Checks whether the given object is an instance of `AccessControl.Error`.
   *  @name AccessControl.isACError
   *  @alias AccessControl.isAccessControlError
   *  @function
   *  @param {Any} object
   *         Object to be checked.
   *  @returns {Boolean}
  static isACError(object: any): boolean {
    return object instanceof AccessControlError;

   *  Alias of `isACError`
   *  @private
  static isAccessControlError(object: any): boolean {
    return AccessControl.isACError(object);

   * Prepare AccessControl from JSON
   * @param aclJSON JSON generated from toJSON method.
  static fromJSON(aclJSON: string): AccessControl {
    let aclObj = CommonUtil.fromExtendedJSON(aclJSON);
    return new AccessControl(aclObj.grants, aclObj.customConditionFunctions);

export { AccessControl };