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* This file is part of the Legato package.
* (c) Osayawe Ogbemudia Terry <terry@devscreencast.com>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Legato\Framework\Security;
use Exception;
use RuntimeException;
class Encryption
protected $key;
protected $cipher;
* Supported ciphers, and length.
const SUPPORTED_CIPHER_16 = 'AES-128-CBC';
const SUPPORTED_CIPHER_32 = 'AES-256-CBC';
* Encryption constructor.
public function __construct()
$config = getConfigPath('app', 'encryption');
$key = $config['key'];
$cipher = $config['cipher'];
if (!static::valid((string) $key, $cipher)) {
throw new RuntimeException(
'Legato framework only support AES-256-CBC and AES-128-CBC ciphers'
$this->key = $key;
$this->cipher = $cipher;
* Check if the given key and cipher have valid length and name.
* @param $key
* @param $cipher
* @return bool
public static function valid($key, $cipher)
$keyLength = mb_strlen($key, '8bit');
if (static::SUPPORTED_CIPHER_32_LENGTH === $keyLength
&& $cipher === static::SUPPORTED_CIPHER_32) {
return true;
if (static::SUPPORTED_CIPHER_16_LENGTH == $keyLength
&& $cipher === static::SUPPORTED_CIPHER_16) {
return true;
return false;
* Generate encryption key.
* @param $cipher
* @throws \Exception
* @return string
public static function generateEncryptionKey($cipher)
if ($cipher === static::SUPPORTED_CIPHER_32) {
return random_bytes(static::SUPPORTED_CIPHER_32_LENGTH);
if ($cipher === static::SUPPORTED_CIPHER_16) {
return random_bytes(static::SUPPORTED_CIPHER_16_LENGTH);
* Encrypt the value.
* @param $value
* @throws Exception
* @return string
public function encrypt($value)
* Gets the cipher iv length.
$iv = random_bytes(openssl_cipher_iv_length($this->cipher));
* Encrypts the given value.
$value = \openssl_encrypt($value, $this->cipher, $this->key, 0, $iv);
$hash_mac = $this->mac($iv = base64_encode($iv), $value);
if (!$value) {
throw new Exception('Unable to encrypt given value');
$encrypted = json_encode(compact('iv', 'value', 'hash_mac'));
if (json_last_error() !== JSON_ERROR_NONE) {
throw new Exception('Unable to encrypt given value.');
return base64_encode($encrypted);
* Decrypt the given data and return plain text.
* @param $data
* @throws Exception
* @return string
public function decrypt($data)
$data = json_decode(base64_decode($data), true);
$iv = base64_decode($data['iv']);
if (!$this->isEncryptedDataValid($data)) {
throw new Exception('The given encrypted data is invalid.');
if (!$this->isMacValid($data, 16)) {
throw new Exception('The hash is invalid.');
* try to decrypt.
$decrypted = \openssl_decrypt(
$data['value'], $this->cipher, $this->key, 0, $iv
* throw exception is we cannot decrypt
if ($decrypted === false) {
throw new Exception('Data could not be decrypted.');
return $decrypted;
* Check if the encrypted data is still valid.
* @param $data
* @return bool
protected function isEncryptedDataValid($data)
return is_array($data) && isset(
$data['iv'], $data['value'], $data['hash_mac']
* Determine if hash is valid.
* @param $data
* @param $bytes
* @return bool
protected function isMacValid($data, $bytes)
$calculated = hash_hmac(
'sha384', $this->mac($data['iv'], $data['value']), $bytes, true
return hash_equals(
hash_hmac('sha384', $data['hash_mac'], $bytes, true), $calculated
* hash the given value.
* @param $iv
* @param $value
* @return string
protected function mac($iv, $value)
return hash_hmac('sha384', $iv.$value, $this->key);