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Test Coverage
<% unless report.status == "crashed" %>
  <div class="alert alert-info alert-block">
    <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">&times;</button>
    <h4 class="success">Refresh successful.</h4>
<% else %>
  <div class="alert alert-danger alert-block">
    <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">&times;</button>
    <h4>Refresh failed and rolled back.</h4>
<% end %>

  <% if report.course_template_refresh_report['refresh_errors'].any? %>
    <div class="alert alert-danger alert-block">
      <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">&times;</button>
      <% for error in report.course_template_refresh_report['refresh_errors'] %>
        <li><%= simple_format error, {}, wrapper_tag: 'span'  %></li>
      <% end %>
  <% end %>

  <% if report.course_template_refresh_report['refresh_warnings'].any? %>
    <div class="alert alert-block">
      <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">&times;</button>
      <% for warning in report.course_template_refresh_report['refresh_warnings'] %>
        <li><%= simple_format warning, {}, wrapper_tag: 'span'  %></li>
      <% end %>
  <% end %>

  <% if report.course_template_refresh_report['refresh_notices'].any? %>
    <div class="alert alert-info alert-block">
      <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">&times;</button>
      <% for notice in report.course_template_refresh_report['refresh_notices'] %>
        <li><%= simple_format notice, {}, wrapper_tag: 'span'  %></li>
      <% end %>
  <% end %>

  <% if report.course_template_refresh_phases.any? %>
    <div class="alert alert-info alert-block">
      <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">&times;</button>
      <h4>Background task phases</h4>
      <table class="table borderless">
            <th class="align-right">Cumulative Time (ms)</th>
          <% for phase in report.course_template_refresh_phases %>
              <td class="py-1"><%= simple_format phase.phase_name, {}, wrapper_tag: 'span' %></td>
              <td class="py-1 align-right"><%= phase.time_ms %></td>
          <% end %>
  <% end %>

  <% if report.course_template_refresh_report['refresh_timings'].any? %>
    <div class="alert alert-info alert-block">
      <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">&times;</button>
      <h4>Time used to update database</h4>
      <table class="table borderless">
            <th class="align-right">Time per phase (s)</th>
          <% report.course_template_refresh_report['refresh_timings'].each do |k,v| %>
              <td class="py-1"><%= simple_format k.to_s.split("_").join(" ").capitalize(), {}, wrapper_tag: 'span' %></td>
              <td class="py-1 align-right"><%= "%.3f" % v["real"] %></td>
            <% end %>
  <% end %>


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