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Test Coverage
<div class="points-container">
  <% unless @bare_layout %>
    <div class="course-point-header">
    <h1>Summary of points for <%= @course.title %></h1>
    <% if can?(:teach, @course) %>
      <div class="alternative-options-links"><%= link_to('Export as CSV', organization_course_points_path(@organization, @course, :sort_by => params[:sort_by], :format => 'csv'), class: "btn btn-primary") %></div>
    <% end %>
  <% end %>

  <% unless can?(:teach, @course) %>
      Showing only your points because you're not a teacher in this organization and you're not an assistant in this course.
  <% end %>

    show_total_column = @summary[:sheets].size > 1
  <% @user_fields_length = @user_fields ? @user_fields.length : 0 %>
  <% @exercises_length = @summary[:sheets] ? @summary[:sheets].length : 0 %>

  <%= content_tag('div', :class => if @bare_layout then nil elsif @user_fields_length + @exercises_length >= 6 then 'scrollable' end) do %>
    <table class="points" >
          <th colspan="<%= (@user_fields ? @user_fields.length : 0) + 1 %>">Number of students</th>
          <% if !@summary[:sheets].empty? %>
            <th colspan="<%= @summary[:sheets].count %>">Total points/possible</th>
          <% end %>
          <% if show_total_column %>
          <% end %>
        <tr class="table-totals">
          <% nstudents = @summary[:users].length %>
          <td colspan="<%= (@user_fields ? @user_fields.length : 0) + 1 %>"><%= nstudents %></td>
          <% @summary[:sheets].each do |sheet| %>
              <%= "#{sheet[:total_awarded]}/#{sheet[:total_available]*nstudents}" %>
          <% end %>
          <% if show_total_column %>
              <%= "#{@summary[:total_awarded]}/#{@summary[:total_available]*nstudents}" %>
          <% end %>
            <% if @user_fields %>
              <% @user_fields.each do |field| %>
                <th><%= field.label %></th>
              <% end %>
            <% end %>
            <% if can?(:teach, @course) %>
            <% end %>
          <% @summary[:sheets].map{|s| s[:name]}.each do |sheet| %>
              <%= sheet %><br />
              [<%= link_to 'open', organization_course_point_path(@organization, @course, sheet) %>]
              <% unless params[:sort_by] == "#{sheet}_points" %>
                [<%= link_to 'sort', organization_course_points_path(@organization, @course, :sort_by => "#{sheet}_points") %>]
              <% else %>
              <% end %>
          <% end %>
          <% if show_total_column %>
              Total<br />
              <% unless params[:sort_by] == 'total_points' %>
                [<%= link_to 'sort', organization_course_points_path(@organization, @course, :sort_by => "total_points") %>]
              <% else %>
              <% end %>
          <% end %>
        <% @summary[:users].each_with_index do |user, index| %>
          <% username = user.login %>
          <% row_class = if user.administrator? || user.teacher?(@organization) then "admin" else "student" end %>
          <tr class="<%= row_class %>">
            <td><%= index + 1 %></td>
              <% if current_user.id == user.id || can?(:teach, @course) %>
                <%= link_to 'Profile', participant_path(user) %>
              <% else %>
              <% end  %>
            <% if @user_fields %>
              <% @user_fields.each do |field| %>
                <% field_record = user.user_field_values.find { |o| o.field_name == field.name } %>
                <td><%= field_record.value if field_record %></td>
              <% end %>
            <% end %>
            <% if can?(:teach, @course) %>
              <td><%= user.email %></td>
            <% end %>
            <% @summary[:sheets].each do |sheet| %>
              <% user_points_for_this_sheet = @summary[:awarded_for_user_and_sheet][username][sheet[:name]].to_i %>
                <%= "#{user_points_for_this_sheet}/#{sheet[:total_available]}" %>
            <% end %>
            <% if show_total_column %>
              <td><%= "#{@summary[:total_for_user][username].to_i}/#{@summary[:total_available]}" %></td>
            <% end %>
        <% end %>
  <% end %>