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Test Coverage
<% if @setup_in_progress %>
  <h1>Create new course</h1>
  <%= render 'setup/wizard_bar' %>
  <h2>Phase 3 - Course assistants</h2>
<% else %>
  <h1>Assistants in course <%= @course.title %></h1>
<% end %>

  You can have course assistants, who have partial teachership permissions for the course.
  They can see students' answers, make code reviews and help students.

<% if @setup_in_progress %>
  <p>You can also skip this phase and add assistants later.</p>
<% end %>

<%= form_tag(setup_organization_course_course_assistants_path) do %>
    <%= hidden_field_tag 'course_id', @course.id %>
    <%= render 'shared/error_messages', target: @assistantship %>

    <div class="field">
      <%= label_tag :email, "Enter assistant's email:" %>
      <%= text_field_tag :email, nil, class: 'form-control' %>
    <div class="actions">
      <%= submit_tag 'Add new assistant', class: 'btn btn-secondary' %>
      <% if @setup_in_progress %>
        <%= submit_tag 'Continue', class: 'btn btn-primary' %>
      <% else %>
        <%= submit_tag 'Back to course main page', class: 'btn btn-secondary' %>
      <% end %>
<% end %>

<% unless @assistants.empty? %>
  <h4>Current assistants</h4>

  <table class="table table-striped">

    <% @assistants.each do |assistant| %>
          <td><%= link_to assistant.email, participant_path(assistant) %></td>
          <td><%= link_to 'Remove', setup_organization_course_course_assistant_path(@course.organization, @course, assistant.assistantship(@course)), method: :delete, class: "btn btn-sm btn-warning", data: { confirm: 'Are you sure?' } %></td>
    <% end %>
<% end %>