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Test Coverage
<h1>Create new course</h1>

<%= render 'setup/wizard_bar' %>

<h2>Course is ready!</h2>

<% if @course.initial_refresh_ready? %>
    Your course is now set up and ready to use!
    Initially, the course is set to be on disabled status, so it is hidden, until you decide to publish it.
    You can choose to publish it now or later.

  <%= form_tag(setup_organization_course_course_finisher_index_path, method: 'post') do %>
    <%= submit_tag('Publish now', class: 'btn btn-primary') %>
    <%= submit_tag('Finish and publish later', class: 'btn btn-primary') %>
  <% end %>
<% else %>
    Your course is now set up!
    However, exercices are still being initialized, and the course can't be yet published to accept submissions.
    Normally this initialization process should be ready in maximum one hour, and the course main page tells
    if the updating is still going on.
    The course will be on disabled status, so you have to later manually publish it, when you want students to have access on it.
  <%= form_tag(setup_organization_course_course_finisher_index_path, method: 'post') do %>
    <%= submit_tag('Finish', class: 'btn btn-primary') %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>