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<script type="text/javascript">
  $(document).ready(function() {
      lazyInit: true,
      dayOfWeekStart: 1,
      validateOnBlur: false,
      allowBlank: true,
      enterLikeTab: false,
      timepicker: false,
      format: 'd.m.Y'

      var e = document.getElementById('unlock_percentage');
      if ($("input[name=unlock_type]:checked").val() == 'no_unlocks') {
        e.disabled = true;
      } else if ($("input[name=unlock_type]:checked").val() == 'percent_from_previous') {
        e.disabled = false;

<% if @setup_in_progress %>
  <h1>Create new course</h1>
  <%= render 'setup/wizard_bar' %>
  <h2>Phase 3 - Course timing</h2>
<% else %>
  <h1>Course timing</h1>
<% end %>

  Here you will schedule the course and exercise sets. Deadline defines the moment, when the submissions has to be made.
  Unlock means the condition when exercises become available for the student.

  First choose basic option for both deadlines and unlocks. After that you can check if the details are good
  or manually adjust them. These options will cover most common initial choices, but full customization
  can be made later on advanced settings.

  <%= form_tag setup_organization_course_course_timing_path(course_id: @course.id), method: 'PUT' do %>

    <% label_tag :start_date, 'Course start date: (not yet implemented)'%>
    <% date_field :start_date, nil  %>
    <div class='course-timing-quick-fill'>
      <%= label_tag :first_set_date, 'Deadline for first set:' %>
      <%= date_field :first_set_date, nil, class: 'form-control' %>
      Choose how incoming exercise set deadlines are set:<br>
      <%= radio_button_tag :deadline_type, "no_deadlines" %>
      <%= label_tag :deadline_type_no_deadlines, 'No deadlines', class: 'radio-inline' %><br>
      <%= radio_button_tag :deadline_type, "weekly_deadlines" %>
      <%= label_tag :deadline_type_weekly_deadlines, 'Weekly', class: 'radio-inline' %><br>
      <%= radio_button_tag :deadline_type, "all_same_deadline" %>
      <%= label_tag :deadline_type_all_same_deadline, 'All same', class: 'radio-inline' %><br>

      Choose the type, how the exercises are opened:<br>
      <%= radio_button_tag :unlock_type, "no_unlocks", (params[:unlock_type] == "no_unlocks") %>
      <%= label_tag :unlock_type_no_unlocks, 'Everything open at start', class: 'radio-inline' %><br>
        <%= radio_button_tag :unlock_type, "percent_from_previous", (params[:unlock_type] == "percent_from_previous") %>
      <%= label_tag :unlock_type_percent_from_previous, 'Percentage from previous set completed', class: 'radio-inline' %><br>
      <div style="margin-left: 36px;">
        <%= number_field_tag :unlock_percentage, '80', min: 0, max:100, style: "width: 3em", disabled: true %>% needed

      <%= submit_tag 'Fill and preview', class: 'btn btn-primary' %>


    <%= submit_tag 'Accept and continue', class: 'btn btn-primary' %>

    <table class="exercise-list table">
        <th>Exercise group</th>
        <th>Deadline (hard)</th>

      <% @course.exercise_groups.each do |group| %>
          group_display_name = group.name.empty? ? '(default)' : group.name
          param_name = group.name.empty? ? 'empty_group' : "group[#{group.name}]"
          uniform = true

          <tbody id="group_<%= group.name %>">
            <td><%= group_display_name %></td>

            <% #### Unlocks #### %>
              <% if complex_unlock_conditions?(group) %>
                Complex conditions
              <% else %>
                  if group.name.empty?
                    param_array = 'empty_group'
                    param_array = "group[#{group.name}]"

                  group_unlock_conditions = group.group_unlock_conditions
                  group_unlock_conditions = [''] if group_unlock_conditions.empty? # Always have at least one input field
                <div id="unlock-condition-<%= group.name %>">
                  <% condition = group_unlock_conditions.first %>
                  <%= radio_button_tag "#{param_array}_unlock_option", 'no_unlock', condition.blank? %>
                  <%= label_tag "#{param_array}_unlock_option_no_unlock", "No unlock", class: 'radio-inline' %>
                  <%= radio_button_tag "#{param_array}_unlock_option", 'percentage_from', !condition.blank? %>
                  <%= label_tag "#{param_array}_unlock_option_percentage from", 'Requires ', class: 'radio-inline' %>
                  <%= number_field_tag "#{param_array}_percentage_required", '80', min: 1, max:100, style: "width: 3em", value: parse_percentage_from_unlock_condition(condition) %>
                  % from
                  <%= select_tag "#{param_array}_unlock_groupname", options_for_select(@group_array, selected: parse_group_from_unlock_condition(condition)) %>
              <% end %>

            <% #### Deadlines %>
                deadline = group.hard_group_deadline
                deadline_type = 'hard'
                disabled = false

                static_autofill = deadline.static_deadline_spec
                #unlock_autofill = deadline.unlock_deadline_spec

              <%= text_field_tag "#{param_name}[#{deadline_type}][static]", static_autofill, disabled: disabled, class: "form-control datetime-picker" %><br/>

      <% end %>

  <% end %>

<% if session[:refresh_report] && current_user.administrator? %>
    <%= render :partial => 'courses/refresh_report', :locals => { :report => session[:refresh_report] } %>
    <% session.delete(:refresh_report) %>
<% end %>