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Test Coverage
<h1>Confirm deleting your account</h1>

<div class="jumbotron hero-unit-alert alert-danger">
  Deleting your account will have the following consequences for all the courses where you have used this user account (check <a href='https://www.mooc.fi'>https://www.mooc.fi/</a>):
      <li>You will lose all your acquired exercise points. We will not be able to recover them.</li>
      <li>You will not be able to receive a grade from any course that uses this account.</li>
      <li>Please note that if you have not requested and received course ECTS credits from the courses you have completed, it will not be possible after account deletion.</li>

<%= form_tag(destroy_user_path, method: :delete, class: 'form-horizontal') do  %>
  <div class="form-group">
    <%= check_box_tag :im_sure %>
    <%= label_tag "I've read the above and I'm sure I understand the consequences", nil, class: "control-label", for: :im_sure %>
  <div class="form-group">
    <%= bs_labeled_field("Your password", password_field(:user, :password, :autocomplete => 'off', class: 'form-control')) %>
  <p><strong>Pressing the button below will permanently destroy your mooc.fi account.</strong></p>
  <%= submit_tag("Destroy my account permanently", class: "btn btn-danger", data: { confirm: "Are you sure you want to delete the account #{@user.login}?"}, disabled: "disabled", id: :destroy_button) %>
<% end %>

  var checkBox = document.getElementById('im_sure')
  var destroyButton = document.getElementById('destroy_button')
  checkBox.addEventListener("click", function() {
    destroyButton.disabled = !checkBox.checked