
View on GitHub


2 days
Test Coverage
import os
import re

from django.conf import settings
from django.urls import reverse
from django.test import Client, RequestFactory, TestCase, override_settings

from ..forms import AuthorAutocompleteForm, TitleAutocompleteForm
from ..models import Thesis, Person, Contribution
from .. import views

# See .
def setup_view(view_class, request, *args, **kwargs):
    """Mimic as_view() returned callable, but returns view instance.

    args and kwargs are the same you would pass to ``reverse()``

    view = view_class()
    view.request = request
    view.args = args
    view.kwargs = kwargs
    return view

class BaseTestCase(TestCase):
    fixtures = ['theses.json', 'departments.json', 'authors.json',

    def setup(self):
        self.client = Client()

class SimilarToViewTests(BaseTestCase):

    def test_unextractable_not_shown(self):
        thesis = Thesis.objects.get(pk=32600)
        assert thesis.unextractable
        url = reverse('theses:similar_to',
            kwargs={'identifier': thesis.identifier})
        response = self.client.get(url)
        assert response.context['unextractable'] is True
        assert 'suggestions' not in response.context
        # There are no links to other theses.
        assert not'/similar_to/\d+', str(response.content))

    def test_suggestion_context(self):
        thesis = Thesis.objects.get(pk=76265)
        assert not thesis.unextractable
        url = reverse('theses:similar_to',
            kwargs={'identifier': thesis.identifier})
        response = self.client.get(url)
        assert 'unextractable' not in response.context
        assert 'suggestions' in response.context

        pks = [ for t in response.context['suggestions']]
        assert 60330 in pks

        content = str(response.content)

        assert 'Architecture for ultra-low power multi-channel transmitters for Body Area Networks using RF resonators' in content  # noqa

    def test_get_correct_object(self):
        # We use the thesis identifier in the URL to aid in URL hacking -
        # make sure we are getting the Thesis object by identifier and not by
        # pk.
        thesis = Thesis.objects.first()
        url = reverse('theses:similar_to',
            kwargs={'identifier': thesis.identifier})
        request = RequestFactory().get(url)
        view = setup_view(views.SimilarToView, request,
        view_thesis = view.get_object()
        assert ==

class SimilarToByAuthorViewTests(BaseTestCase):
    def test_correct_theses_in_context(self):
        url = reverse('theses:similar_to_by_author', kwargs={'pk': 63970})
        response = self.client.get(url)

        # Check assumption.
        assert response.context['theses'][0]['object'].pk == 60330

        pks = [ for t in response.context['theses'][0]['suggestions']]
        assert 76265 in pks

        content = str(response.content)

        assert 'Ultra low power, high sensitivity secure wake-up receiver for the Internet of Things' in content  # noqa

    def test_get_theses(self):
        url = reverse('theses:similar_to_by_author', kwargs={'pk': 63970})
        request = RequestFactory().get(url)
        view = setup_view(views.SimilarToByAuthorView, request, pk=63970)
        view_theses = view.get_theses()

        pks = [ for t in view_theses]
        assert [60330] == pks

class SimilarToSearchViewTests(BaseTestCase):
    def test_author_post_returns_author_view(self):
        response ='theses:similar_to'),
            {'author': 63970})
        assert response.status_code == 302
        assert response.url == reverse('theses:similar_to_by_author',
            kwargs={'pk': 63970})

    def test_thesis_post_returns_thesis_view(self):
        response ='theses:similar_to'),
            {'title': 76265})
        assert response.status_code == 302
        assert response.url == reverse('theses:similar_to',
            kwargs={'identifier': Thesis.objects.get(pk=76265).identifier})

    def test_author_form_in_context(self):
        response = self.client.get(reverse('theses:similar_to'))
        assert 'author_form' in response.context
        # Note the parentheses - we're checking the class of the form *as
        # instantiated*. The object passed into the context is actually the
        # uninstantiated form class, so it is actually an instance of the
        # metaclass, which is unhelpful.
        assert isinstance(response.context['author_form'](),

    def test_thesis_form_in_context(self):
        response = self.client.get(reverse('theses:similar_to'))
        assert 'title_form' in response.context
        assert isinstance(response.context['title_form'](),

class AutocompleteAuthorViewTests(BaseTestCase):
    def test_base_queryset_is_all_authors(self):
        url = reverse('theses:autocomplete_author')
        request = RequestFactory().get(url)
        view = setup_view(views.AutocompleteAuthorView, request)
        view.q = None

        db_authors = Person.objects.filter(
        view_authors = view.get_queryset()
        assert (set([ for a in view_authors]) ==
                set([ for a in db_authors]))

    def test_base_queryset_is_distinct(self):
        url = reverse('theses:autocomplete_author')
        request = RequestFactory().get(url)
        view = setup_view(views.AutocompleteAuthorView, request)
        view.q = None

        db_authors = Person.objects.filter(
        view_authors = view.get_queryset()
        assert len(view_authors) == len(db_authors)

    def test_filtered_queryset(self):
        url = reverse('theses:autocomplete_author')
        request = RequestFactory().get(url)
        view = setup_view(views.AutocompleteAuthorView, request)
        view.q = 'Witonsky'

        view_authors = view.get_queryset()
        db_authors = Person.objects.filter(

        assert len(view_authors) == len(db_authors)
        assert (set([ for a in view_authors]) ==
                set([ for a in db_authors]))

    def test_filtered_queryset_empty(self):
        url = reverse('theses:autocomplete_author')
        request = RequestFactory().get(url)
        view = setup_view(views.AutocompleteAuthorView, request)
        view.q = 'Outis'

        view_authors = view.get_queryset()
        db_authors = Person.objects.filter(
        assert not db_authors
        assert not view_authors

class AutocompleteThesisViewTests(BaseTestCase):
    def test_base_queryset_is_all_extractable_theses(self):
        url = reverse('theses:autocomplete_thesis')
        request = RequestFactory().get(url)
        view = setup_view(views.AutocompleteThesisView, request)
        view.q = None

        db_theses = Thesis.objects.filter(unextractable=False).distinct()
        view_theses = view.get_queryset()
        assert (set([ for a in view_theses]) ==
                set([ for a in db_theses]))

    def test_base_queryset_is_distinct(self):
        url = reverse('theses:autocomplete_thesis')
        request = RequestFactory().get(url)
        view = setup_view(views.AutocompleteThesisView, request)
        view.q = None

        db_theses = Thesis.objects.filter(unextractable=False).distinct()
        view_theses = view.get_queryset()
        assert len(view_theses) == len(db_theses)

    def test_filtered_queryset(self):
        url = reverse('theses:autocomplete_thesis')
        request = RequestFactory().get(url)
        view = setup_view(views.AutocompleteThesisView, request)
        view.q = 'IntraCavity'

        db_theses = Thesis.objects.filter(
        view_theses = view.get_queryset()
        assert (set([ for a in view_theses]) ==
                set([ for a in db_theses]))
        assert len(view_theses) == len(db_theses)

    def test_filtered_queryset_empty(self):
        query = 'Emoji-based catalysis of strongly typed photon genotypes'
        url = reverse('theses:autocomplete_thesis')
        request = RequestFactory().get(url)
        view = setup_view(views.AutocompleteThesisView, request)
        view.q = query

        db_theses = Thesis.objects.filter(
        view_theses = view.get_queryset()
        assert not view_theses
        assert not db_theses

class UploadRecommendationViewTests(BaseTestCase):
    fix_path = os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, 'hamlet/theses/fixtures')

    def test_upload_txt_matches_similar(self):
        url = reverse('theses:upload_recommend')
        with open(os.path.join(self.fix_path, '1721.1-33360.txt'), 'rb') as fp:
            response =,
                {"file": fp, "captcha_0": "sometext", "captcha_1": "PASSED"})
        assert "Clock division as a power saving strategy" in \

    def test_upload_docx_matches_similar(self):
        url = reverse('theses:upload_recommend')
        with open(os.path.join(self.fix_path, '1721.1-33360.docx'), 'rb') as fp:
            response =,
                {"file": fp, "captcha_0": "sometext", "captcha_1": "PASSED"})
        assert "Clock division as a power saving strategy" in \