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# Sublime Rainmeter

<a href=""><img src="" align="left" hspace="10" vspace="6" /></a>

This [Sublime Text 3]( plugin written in [Python 3]( provides an [IDE]( like environment for creating and editing [Rainmeter][rainmeter homepage] skins. It elevates the pain of context switching from Editor to Desktop, back and forth by integrating features like build tools to streamline the skinning process.

![Image of Sublime Text in Action](

## Project Status

[<img src="">](
[![Build status](](

[![Coverage Status](](
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[![Code Climate](](
[![Test Coverage](](
[![Codacy Badge](](;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_content=thatsIch/sublime-rainmeter&amp;utm_campaign=Badge_Grade)
[![Codacy Badge](](;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_content=thatsIch/sublime-rainmeter&amp;utm_campaign=Badge_Coverage)

## Resources

* [Installation](
* [Configuration](
* [Bindings](
* [Release Notes](
* [Contributions](

## Features

| Feature | Description | Details |
| Syntax Highlighting | highlight keywords and errors | [details]( |
| Theme Switcher | quickly switch Rainmeter themes |  [details]( |
| Code Completion | suggest all possible keywords | [details]( |
| Snippets | preconstructed code blocks via keywords | [details]( |
| Smart Code Completion | context-sensitive auto suggestions | [details]( |
| Goto Symbol | quick goto section | [details]( |
| Auto Indention | enables code folding | |
| Code Folding | hide sections | [details]( |
| Color Picker | pick and replace colors | [details]( |
| New Skin | quick new skin scaffolding | [details]( |
| Refresh Skin/Rainmeter | update rainmeter without leaving ST3 | [details]( |
| Open Skins Folder | quick access to Rainmeter skins folder | [details]( |
| Open Paths | open relative skin files | [details]( |

## Installation

### With Package Control

* open the command palette (default <kbd>ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>shift</kbd>+<kbd>p</kbd>)
* run `Package Control: Install Package` command
* search for `Rainmeter` and hit enter

The package will now be installed and kept up-
to-date automatically.

### Alternatives

* using [git](
* using [.sublime-package](
* using [zip](

## Acknowledgements

* [Sublime Rainmeter plugin by merlinthered](, base of this fork
* [Color Highlighter plugin by Monnoroch](, using the color picker
* [RainLexer by poiru](, which is another awesome tool for developing
  Rainmeter skins, for the inspiration and one of the color schemes.
* [Monokai Color Scheme by Wimer Hazenberg](, for providing such an amazing
  composition of colors.
* [Kaelri]( for contributing the "Nexus" color
* [The Rainmeter Community][rainmeter homepage], for being awesome and testing this package.

[rainmeter homepage]: "Rainmeter"