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    //Settings for the Rainmeter Package
    //This file will be overwritten every time the package is updated.
    //If you want to change one of those settings, go to
    //Preferences > Package Settings > Rainmeter > Settings - User
    //and enter the settings there. They will override these ones.

    //The path where Rainmeter is installed.
    //Change this if your Rainmeter is installed somewhere else.
    "rainmeter_path": "C:\\Program Files\\Rainmeter",

    //The path where your skins are located.
    //Only set or change this when something is not working!
    //You can check if it works by running the "Rainmeter:Open Skins Folder"
    "rainmeter_skins_path": "",

    //Set this to false if you don't want skins that are currently
    //not loaded to be activated when you refresh them.
    "rainmeter_refresh_and_activate": true,

    //Determines if the "New Skin..." command will also create an
    //@Resources folder in the root config path of the new skin, if it doesn't
    //exist yet
    "rainmeter_new_skin_create_resources_folder": true,

    //Determines which subfolders of @Resources the "New Skin..." command 
    //will create. Only relevant if "rainmeter_new_skin_create_resources_folder"
    //is set to true.
    "rainmeter_new_skin_create_images_folder": true,
    "rainmeter_new_skin_create_fonts_folder": true,
    "rainmeter_new_skin_create_scripts_folder": true,

    //The maximum number of lines to open with the "Open Selected Paths..."
    //command without warning about too many selected lines.
    "rainmeter_max_open_lines": 40,

    //Set of file endings to open with Sublime when using the "Open Selected
    //Paths" command. Only override this if you want a specific extension to
    //open with the system default instead of Sublime. In that case, copy the
    //whole list into your User settings and remove the unwanted extension.
    //Separate the extensions with "|" symbols, don't include the dot or any
    //whitespace. You can use regular expression syntax here, but you have to
    //escape backslashes. If you override this in your User setting, your
    //extensions list will replace this one, not add to it!
    "rainmeter_default_open_sublime_extensions": "asc|asm|bat|bib|c|c\\+\\+|cc|cfg|cls|config|cp|cpp|cs|css|csv|cxx|diff|dtd|dtx|git\\w*?|h|h\\+\\+|hh|hpp|hxx|idl|inc|inf|ini|inl|js|json.*?|log|ltx|lua|mak|markdown|md|pri|pro|py|qml|qs|rtf|s|scp|settings|sh|snippet|sty|sublime.*?|tex|tm(language|preferences|theme)|txt|ui|vcf|wtx|xml",

    //Additional extensions to open with Sublime Text instead of the system
    //default when using the "Open Selected Paths" command. These will be
    //added to the default extensions above. If you want to add additional
    //extensions to be opened with Sublime instead of the default application,
    //best use this setting. If you set it in your User settings, you don't
    //need to include the extensions below. They are already in the default
    //list above and only serve as an example here.
    "rainmeter_open_sublime_extensions": "ini|inc|txt",

    //Determines if comments will automatically be continued on the next line
    //when you hit enter in a comment line
    "rainmeter_continue_comments": true,

    //Determines wether to output debugging information to the console
    "rainmeter_enable_logging": true,

    //The color scheme to use for Rainmeter syntax.
    "color_scheme": "Packages/Rainmeter/theme/Monokai (Rainmeter).hidden-tmTheme",
    // "color_scheme": "Packages/Rainmeter/theme/Lachgummi Joghurt.hidden-tmTheme",
    // "color_scheme": "Packages/Rainmeter/theme/Nexus (Rainmeter).hidden-tmTheme",
    // "color_scheme": "Packages/Rainmeter/theme/RainLexer.hidden-tmTheme",
    // "color_scheme": "Packages/Rainmeter/theme/Rainmeter (Light).hidden-tmTheme",

    //Tab size for indentation.
    "tab_size": 1,

    //This is necessary to prevent Sublime from overriding the 
    //tab_size setting with some indentation guessed from the 
    //file you just opened
    "detect_indentation": false,

    //Use spaces or tabs for indentation?
    "translate_tabs_to_spaces": true,

    //Automatically indent lines based on the context?
    //(e.g. after typing a section head and hitting enter)
    "smart_indent": false,

    // If you set this to 'true' you can auto complete unique sections
    // like [Rainmeter] within the same file. 
    // Default: false
    "allow_completion_section_duplicates": false,

    //File extensions to use with Rainmeter.