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"""This module is about converting from/to Rainmeter RGB(A)."""

class LetterCase(object):  # pylint: disable=R0903; used as enum, but we only have Py3.3
    Represent how a hex value should be displayed.

    Depending on the incoming String
    we need to convert it to upper case or lower case.

    Upper, Lower = range(1, 3)

def hex_to_int(hex_value):
    """Convert single hex value into a dec value."""
    int_value = int(hex_value, 16)

    assert 0 <= int_value <= 255

    return int_value

def hexes_to_rgbs(hexes):
    """Convert a list of hex values into a list of dec values."""
    assert 3 <= len(hexes) <= 4

    return [hex_to_int(hex_value) for hex_value in hexes]

def hexes_to_string(hexes):
    """Convert hexes into a string representation."""
    return "".join(hexes)

def convert_hex_str_to_rgba_str(hex_string, has_alpha):
    """Provided 'FFFFFFFF' it should return 255, 255, 255, 255."""
    hexes = [hex_string[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(hex_string), 2)]
    rgba = hexes_to_rgbs(hexes)
    alpha = rgba[-1]
    if alpha is 255 and not has_alpha:
        rgba = rgba[:-1]
    rgba_str = rgbs_to_string(rgba)

    return rgba_str

def convert_hex_to_hex_with_alpha(hexes):
    """If no alpha value is provided it defaults to FF."""
    if len(hexes) == 6:
        if hexes.islower():
            return hexes + "ff"
            # we default to upper case if user chose upper and lower
            return hexes + "FF"
        return hexes

def int_to_hex(int_value, letter_case=LetterCase.Upper):
    """Convert single int value in a specific letter case to hex value."""
    assert 0 <= int_value <= 255

    # returns lower case hex values
    hex_value = hex(int_value)
    without_prefix = hex_value[2:]
    padded = without_prefix.zfill(2)

    if letter_case == LetterCase.Upper:
        padded = padded.upper()

    return padded

def rgbs_to_hexes(rgbs):
    """Convert a list of dec values into a list of hex values."""
    assert 3 <= len(rgbs) <= 4

    return [int_to_hex(rgb) for rgb in rgbs]

def rgbs_to_string(rgbs, spacing=0):
    """Convert RGBs into a string representation."""
    joiner = ",".ljust(spacing + 1)

    # you cant join ints
    return joiner.join(str(x) for x in rgbs)