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This module is about the integration with the color picker.

The color picker can detect a color in a substring
and launch a tool to display the current color,
change it and thus also replace the old color.

It supports both ways Rainmeter defines color.


which is hexadecimal and decimal format.

import os
import re
import subprocess

import sublime
import sublime_plugin

from . import logger
from .color import converter

class RainmeterReplaceColorCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):  # pylint: disable=R0903; we only need one method

    Replace a region with a text.

    This command is required because the edit objects passed to TextCommand
    are not transferable. We have to call this from the other command
    to get a valid edit object.

    def run(self, edit, **args):
        Method is provided by Sublime Text through the super class TextCommand.

        This is run automatically if you initialize the command
        through an "command": "rainmeter_replace_color" command
        with additional arguments:

        * low: start of the region to replace
        * high: end of the region to replace
        * output: text which will replace the region
        low = args["low"]
        high = args["high"]
        output = args["output"]

        region = sublime.Region(low, high)
        original_str = self.view.substr(region)
        self.view.replace(edit, region, output)"Replacing '" + original_str + "' with '" + output + "'")

# encodes RRR,GGG,BBB,AAA with optional alpha channel and supporting all numbers from 0 to 999
# converter will check for 255
# numbers can be spaced anyway
DEC_COLOR_EXP = re.compile(r"(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*(?:,\s*(\d{1,3}))?")
# support lower and upper case hexadecimal with optional alpha channel
HEX_COLOR_EXP = re.compile(r"(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{2}){3,4}")

def color_or_default(color):
    """If the color is none it returns FFFFFFFF."""
    return "FFFFFFFF" if color is None else color

class RainmeterColorPickCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):  # pylint: disable=R0903; we only need one method
    """Sublime Text integration running this through an action."""

    def run(self, dummy_edit, **dummy_args):
        Method is provided by Sublime Text through the super class TextCommand.

        This is run automatically if you initialize the command
        through an "command": "rainmeter_color_pick" command.
        sublime.set_timeout_async(self.__run_picker, 0)

    def __get_first_selection(self):
        selections = self.view.sel()
        first_selection = selections[0]

        return first_selection

    def __get_selected_line_index(self):
        first_selection = self.__get_first_selection()
        selection_start = first_selection.begin()
        line_cursor = self.view.line(selection_start)
        line_index = line_cursor.begin()

        return line_index

    def __get_selected_line_content(self):
        first_selection = self.__get_first_selection()
        selection_start = first_selection.begin()
        line_cursor = self.view.line(selection_start)
        line_content = self.view.substr(line_cursor)

        return line_content

    def __get_selected_dec_or_none(caret, line_index, line_content):
        # catch case with multiple colors in same line
        for match in DEC_COLOR_EXP.finditer(line_content):
            low = line_index + match.start()
            high = line_index + match.end()

            # need to shift the caret to the current line
            if low <= caret <= high:
                rgba_raw = match.groups()
                rgba = [int(color) for color in rgba_raw if color is not None]
                hexes = converter.rgbs_to_hexes(rgba)
                hex_string = converter.hexes_to_string(hexes)
                with_alpha = converter.convert_hex_to_hex_with_alpha(hex_string)
                has_alpha = len(rgba) == 4

                return low, high, with_alpha, True, False, has_alpha

        return None

    def __get_selected_hex_or_none(caret, line_index, line_content):
        # we can find multiple color values in the same row
        # after iterating through the single elements
        # we can use start() and end() of each match to determine the length
        # and thus the area the caret had to be in,
        # to identify th1e one we are currently in
        for match in HEX_COLOR_EXP.finditer(line_content):
            low = line_index + match.start()
            high = line_index + match.end()

            if low <= caret <= high:
                hex_values =
                is_lower = hex_values.islower()
                # color picker requires RGBA
                with_alpha = converter.convert_hex_to_hex_with_alpha(hex_values)
                has_alpha = len(hex_values) == 8

                return low, high, with_alpha, False, is_lower, has_alpha

        return None

    def __get_selected_color_or_none(self):
        """Return None in case of not finding the color aka no color is selected."""
        caret = self.__get_first_selection().begin()
        line_index = self.__get_selected_line_index()
        line_content = self.__get_selected_line_content()

        # catch case with multiple colors in same line
        selected_dec_or_none = self.__get_selected_dec_or_none(caret, line_index, line_content)
        if selected_dec_or_none is not None:
            return selected_dec_or_none

        # if no match was iterated we process furthere starting here
        selected_hex_or_none = self.__get_selected_hex_or_none(caret, line_index, line_content)
        if selected_hex_or_none is not None:
            return selected_hex_or_none

        return None, None, None, None, None, None

    def __get_picker_path():
        packages = sublime.packages_path()
        picker_path = os.path.join(
        if not os.path.exists(picker_path):
            logger.error("color picker was suposed to be copied to '" + picker_path + "'")"found picker in '" + picker_path + "'")

        return picker_path

    def __replace_color(self, maybe_none, raw_output):
        low, high, _, is_dec, is_lower, has_alpha = maybe_none
        # if no color is selected we need to modify the low and high to match the caret
        if all(value is None for value in maybe_none):
            caret = self.__get_first_selection().begin()
            low = caret
            high = caret
            output = raw_output[1:]
            output = self.__transform_raw_to_original_fmt(

                "low": low,
                "high": high,
                "output": output

    def __run_picker(self):
        maybe_none = self.__get_selected_color_or_none()
        _, _, maybe_color, _, _, _ = maybe_none

        # no color selected, we call the color picker and insert the color at that position
        color = color_or_default(maybe_color)

        picker = subprocess.Popen(
            [self.__get_picker_path(), color],
        output_channel, error_channel = picker.communicate()
        raw_output = output_channel.decode("utf-8")"output: " + raw_output)

        # checking for errors first
        error = error_channel.decode("utf-8")
        if error is not None and len(error) != 0:
            logger.error("Color Picker Error:\n" + error)

        # len is 9 because of RGBA and '#' resulting into 9 characters
        if raw_output is not None and len(raw_output) == 9 and raw_output != 'CANCEL':
  "can write back: " + raw_output)

            self.__replace_color(maybe_none, raw_output)

    def __transform_raw_to_original_fmt(raw, is_dec, has_alpha, is_lower):
        # cut output from the '#' because Rainmeter does not use # for color codes
        output = raw[1:]
        if is_dec:
            output = converter.convert_hex_str_to_rgba_str(output, has_alpha)

        # in case of hexadecimial representation
            # doing alpha calculation first so we do not need to catch ff and FF
            alpha = output[-2:]
            if not has_alpha and alpha is "FF":
                output = output[:-2]

            # it can be either originally in lower or upper case
            if is_lower:
                output = output.lower()

        return output

    def is_enabled(self, **dummy_args):  # pylint: disable=R0201; sublime text API, no need for class reference
        Return True if the command is able to be run at this time.

        The default implementation simply always returns True.
        # Check if current syntax is rainmeter
        israinmeter = self.view.score_selector(self.view.sel()[0].a,

        return israinmeter > 0

    def is_visible(self, **args):
        if self.is_enabled():
            return True

        env = args.get("call_env", "")

        return env != "context"

def __require_path(path):
    if not os.path.exists(path):

def plugin_loaded():
    """Called automatically from ST3 if plugin is loaded.

    Is required now due to async call and ignoring sublime.* from main routine
    packages = sublime.packages_path()
    colorpicker_dir = os.path.join(packages, "User", "Rainmeter", "color", "picker")


    colorpicker_exe = os.path.join(colorpicker_dir, "ColorPicker_win.exe")

    # could be already copied on a previous run
    need_picker_exe = not os.path.exists(colorpicker_exe)
    binary_picker = sublime.load_binary_resource(

    # could be a newer version of the color picker be there
    # only check if no newer is required since expensive
    # generally happens in consecutive calls without updates
    if not need_picker_exe:
        need_picker_exe = os.path.getsize(colorpicker_exe) != len(binary_picker)
    if need_picker_exe:
            "Newer version of color picker found. Copying data over to '" + colorpicker_exe + "'"
        with open(colorpicker_exe, "wb") as file_handler:
            "You are using the most current version of color picker. Continue loading..."