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"""This module provides general methods for logging puprposes.

Basic operations are:

* info
* error

with these operations it is easier to track from where the information is printed

import os
import inspect

from datetime import datetime

import sublime

__LOG = None

Called automatically from ST3 if plugin is loaded
# Is required now due to async call and ignoring sublime.* from main routine

__SETTING_KEY = "rainmeter_enable_logging"

def plugin_loaded():
    """Will be called when sublime API is ready to use."""
    settings = __load_settings()
    settings.add_on_change(__SETTING_KEY, __load_settings)

    info("Logger succesfully loaded.")

def __load_settings():
    settings = sublime.load_settings("Rainmeter.sublime-settings")

    global __LOG
    __LOG = settings.get(__SETTING_KEY, False)

    return settings

def info(message):
    Display information about the current state it is in.

    Only shown if logging is enabled.
    if __LOG:
        curframe = inspect.currentframe()

        calframe = inspect.getouterframes(curframe, 2)
        caller = calframe[1]
        caller_name = caller[3]
        caller_file = caller[1]

        _log("info", caller_file, caller_name, message)

def error(message):
    Display error states.

    Always shown because supposed not to reach that level.
    curframe = inspect.currentframe()
    calframe = inspect.getouterframes(curframe, 2)
    caller = calframe[1]
    caller_name = caller[3]
    caller_file = caller[1]

    _log("error", caller_file, caller_name, message)

def _log(error_type, file_path, function, string):
    now =
    timestamp = now.strftime("%H:%M:%S.%f")[:-3]

    filename = os.path.basename(file_path)
    withoutext = os.path.splitext(filename)[0]

    print("[" + timestamp + "]", "[" + error_type + "]", withoutext + "." + function + ':', string)