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"""Module for opening paths containing Rainmeter-specific or Windows environment variables."""

import os
import re
import threading

import sublime
import sublime_plugin

from . import rainmeter
from . import logger

# Files to open with sublime instead of the system default
SETTINGS = sublime.load_settings("Rainmeter.sublime-settings")
DEF_EXTS = SETTINGS.get("rainmeter_default_open_sublime_extensions", "")

if DEF_EXTS is not None:
    DEF_EXTS = DEF_EXTS.strip().strip(r"|").strip()
    DEF_EXTS = ""

ADD_EXTS = SETTINGS.get("rainmeter_open_sublime_extensions", "")

if ADD_EXTS is not None:
    ADD_EXTS = ADD_EXTS.strip().strip(r"|").strip()
    ADD_EXTS = ""

SUBLIME_FILES = re.compile("(?i).*\\.(" + ADD_EXTS + "|" + DEF_EXTS + ")\\b")

def open_path(path, transient=False):
    """Try to open a path.

    A path could be opened either as:

    * a file or folder path or
    * URL in the system default application, or
    * in Sublime if it's a text file.

    Use transient=True to open a file in Sublime without assigning it a tab.
    A tab will be created once the buffer is modified.

    Will return False if the path doesn't exist in the file system, and
    True otherwise.
    if not path:
        return False

    if not os.path.exists(path):
        return False

    sublime.set_timeout(lambda: sublime.status_message("Opening " + path), 10)
        if transient:
                lambda: sublime.active_window().open_file(path,
                lambda: sublime.active_window().open_file(path),

    return True

def open_url(url):
    """Try opening a url with the system default for urls.

    Will return False if it's not a url, and True otherwise.
    if re.match(r"(?i)(https?|ftp)://", url.strip()):
        sublime.set_timeout(lambda: sublime.status_message("Opening " + url),
        return True
        return False

class TryOpenThread(threading.Thread):
    """A wrapper method to handle threading for opening line embedded URLs."""

    def __init__(self, line, region, opn):
        """Construct a thread for opening URL embedded in a line."""
        self.line = line
        self.region = region
        self.opn = opn

    def __find_prior_quotation_mark(self):
        lastquote = self.region.a - 1
        while lastquote >= 0 and self.line[lastquote] != "\"":
            lastquote -= 1

        return lastquote

    def __open_selected_text(self):
        # 1. Selected text
        selected = self.line[self.region.a:self.region.b]
        if self.opn(selected):
  "Open selected text")
            return True

    def __find_next_quotation_mark(self):
        nextquote = self.region.b
        while nextquote == len(self.line) or self.line[nextquote] != "\"":
            nextquote += 1

        return nextquote

    def __open_enclosed_string(self):
        # 2. String enclosed in double quotes
        # Find the quotes before the current point (if any)
        lastquote = self.__find_prior_quotation_mark()

        if not lastquote < 0 and self.line[lastquote] == "\"":
            # Find the quote after the current point (if any)
            nextquote = self.__find_next_quotation_mark()

            if not nextquote == len(self.line) \
                    and self.line[nextquote] == "\"":
                string = self.line[lastquote: nextquote].strip("\"")
                if self.opn(string):
          "Open string enclosed in quotes: " + string)
                    return True

    def __find_front_nearest_whitespace(self):
        # Find the space before the current point (if any)
        lastspace = self.region.a - 1
        while lastspace >= 0 \
                and self.line[lastspace] != " " \
                and self.line[lastspace] != "\t":
            lastspace -= 1

        # Set to zero if nothing was found until the start of the line
        lastspace = max(lastspace, 0)

        return lastspace

    def __find_back_nearest_whitespace(self):
        # Find the space after the current point (if any)
        nextspace = self.region.b
        while nextspace < len(self.line) \
                and self.line[nextspace] != " " \
                and self.line[nextspace] != "\t":
            nextspace += 1

        return nextspace

    def __is_front_space(self, lastspace):
        return lastspace == 0 \
            or self.line[lastspace] == " " \
            or self.line[lastspace] == "\t"

    def __is_back_space(self, nextspace):
        return nextspace >= len(self.line) \
            or self.line[nextspace] == " " \
            or self.line[nextspace] == "\t"

    def __open_whitespaced_region(self):
        # 3. Region from last whitespace to next whitespace

        lastspace = self.__find_front_nearest_whitespace()
        if self.__is_front_space(lastspace):

            nextspace = self.__find_back_nearest_whitespace()
            if self.__is_back_space(nextspace):
                string = self.line[lastspace: nextspace].strip()
                if self.opn(string):
          "Open string enclosed in whitespace: " + string)
                    return True

    def __open_after_equals_sign(self):
        # 4. Everything after the first \"=\" until the end
        # of the line (strip quotes)
        mtch ="=\s*(.*)\s*$", self.line)
        if mtch and self.opn("\"")):
  "Open text after \"=\": " +"\""))
            return True

    def __open_whole_line(self):
        # 5. Whole line (strip comment character at start)
        stripmatch ="^[ \t;]*?([^ \t;].*)\s*$", self.line)
        if self.opn(
  "Open whole line: " +

    def run(self):
        """Run the thread."""
        return self.__open_selected_text() or \
            self.__open_enclosed_string() or \
            self.__open_whitespaced_region() or \
            self.__open_after_equals_sign() or \

class RainmeterOpenPathsCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
    """Try to open paths on lines in the current selection.

    Will try to open paths to files, folders or URLs on each line in the
    current selection. To achieve this, the following substrings of each line
    intersecting the selection are tested:

    1. The string inside the selection
    2. The string between possible quotes preceding and following the
       selection, if any
    3. The string between the preceding and following whitespace
    4. Everything after the first "=" on the line until the end of the line
    5. The whole line, stripped of preceding semicolons

    def __split_selection_by_new_lines(self, selection):
        # Split all regions into individual segments on lines (using nicely
        # confusing python syntax).
        return [
            j for i in [
                for region in selection
            for j in i

    def __open_each_line_by_thread(self, lines):
        """Identify segments in selected lines and tries to open them each in a new thread.

        This can be resource intensive.
        fnm = self.view.file_name()

        def opn(string):
            """Simple callback method to apply multiple opening operations.

            An URL can be either external or internal and thus is opened differently.
            opened = open_path(rainmeter.make_path(string, fnm)) or open_url(string)
            if opened:
      "found file or url '" + string + "' to open")

        for linereg in lines:
            wholeline = self.view.line(linereg)
            thread = TryOpenThread(self.view.substr(wholeline),
                                   sublime.Region(linereg.a - wholeline.a,
                                                  linereg.b - wholeline.a),

    def run(self, _):
        """Detect various scenarios of file paths and try to open them one after the other.

        :param _: _ edit unused
        selection = self.view.sel()
        lines = self.__split_selection_by_new_lines(selection)

        loaded_settings = sublime.load_settings("Rainmeter.sublime-settings")
        max_open_lines = loaded_settings.get("rainmeter_max_open_lines", 40)

        # Refuse if too many lines selected to avoid freezing

        if len(lines) > max_open_lines:
            accept = sublime.ok_cancel_dialog(
                "You are trying to open " +
                str(len(lines)) + " lines.\n" +
                "That's a lot, and could take some time. Try anyway?")
            if not accept:


    def is_enabled(self):
        """Check if current syntax is rainmeter."""
        israinmeter = self.view.score_selector(self.view.sel()[0].a,

        return israinmeter > 0

    def is_visible(self):
        """It is visible if it is in Rainmeter scope."""
        return self.is_enabled()