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This module is about refreshing Rainmeter from within Sublime Text.

This can be either activated via a command or as part of the build system.

import os.path

import sublime
import sublime_plugin
from . import rainmeter
from .path.program_path_provider import get_cached_program_path

def calculate_refresh_commands(rm_exe, config, fil, activate, is_ini):
    """Detect if an activate config flag is required or not."""
    if activate:
        cmds = [rm_exe, "!ActivateConfig", config]
        if is_ini:
        return cmds
        return None

class RainmeterRefreshConfigCommand(sublime_plugin.ApplicationCommand):
    """Refresh a given skin file, or Rainmeter if no path is specified."""

    def run(self, cmd):  # pylint: disable=R0201; sublime text API, no need for class reference
        """Called when the command is run."""
        # Get Rainmeter exe path
        rm_path = get_cached_program_path()

        if not rm_path:
                "Error while trying to refresh Rainmeter" +
                " skin: The Rainmeter executable could not be found." +
                " Please check the value of your \"rainmeter_path\"" +
                " setting.")
        rainmeter_exe = os.path.join(rm_path, "Rainmeter.exe")

        # Refresh skin (or whole rainmeter if no skin specified)
        if not cmd:
            sublime.status_message("Refreshing Rainmeter")
                {"cmd": [rainmeter_exe, "!RefreshApp"]}
            config = rainmeter.get_current_config(cmd[0])
            if not config:
                    "Error while trying to refresh Rainmeter skin:" +
                    " The config could not be found. Please check the" +
                    " path of the config and your" +
                    " \"rainmeter_skins_path\" setting.")

            # by rainmeter documentation
            # If not specified, the next .ini file variant in the config folder is activated.
            fil = rainmeter.get_current_file(cmd[0])
            if not fil:
                fil = ""

            sublime.status_message("Refreshing config: " + config)

            # Load activate setting
            settings = sublime.load_settings("Rainmeter.sublime-settings")
            activate = settings.get("rainmeter_refresh_and_activate", True)
            is_ini = fil.endswith(".ini")

            refresh_commands = calculate_refresh_commands(rainmeter_exe, config, fil, activate, is_ini)
            if refresh_commands:
                sublime.active_window().run_command("exec", {"cmd": refresh_commands})
            refresh_config = [
                rainmeter_exe, "!Refresh", config
            sublime.active_window().run_command("exec", {"cmd": refresh_config})

    def description(self):  # pylint: disable=R0201; sublime text API, no need for class reference
        Return a description of the command with the given arguments.

        Used in the menu, if no caption is provided.

        Return None to get the default description.
        return "Refresh Rainmeter Config"

class RainmeterRefreshCommand(sublime_plugin.ApplicationCommand):  # pylint: disable=R0903; sublime text API, methods are overriden
    """Refresh Rainmeter."""

    def run(self):  # pylint: disable=R0201; sublime text API, no need for class reference
        """Called when the command is run."""
        sublime.run_command("rainmeter_refresh_config", {"cmd": []})

class RainmeterRefreshCurrentSkinCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
    TextCommands are instantiated once per view.

    The View object may be retrieved via self.view.

    Refresh the current skin file opened in a view.

    def run(self, _):  # pylint: disable=R0201; sublime text API, no need for class reference
        Called when the command is run.

        edit param is not used
        # Get current file's path
        filepath = self.view.file_name()

        if not filepath:

        # Refresh config
        sublime.run_command("rainmeter_refresh_config", {"cmd": [filepath]})

    def is_enabled(self):  # pylint: disable=R0201; sublime text API, no need for class reference
        Return True if the command is able to be run at this time.

        The default implementation simply always returns True.
        # Check if current syntax is rainmeter
        israinmeter = self.view.score_selector(self.view.sel()[0].a,

        return israinmeter > 0

    def description(self):  # pylint: disable=R0201; sublime text API, no need for class reference
        Return a description of the command with the given arguments.

        Used in the menus, and for Undo/Redo descriptions.

        Return None to get the default description.
        return "Refresh Current Rainmeter Skin"