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# Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
See [Conventional Commits]( for commit guidelines.

# [2.17.0]( (2020-10-30)

### Features

* pass parameters on driver load ([70b9193](

## [2.16.1]( (2020-10-30)

### Bug Fixes

* **processor:** use stage default parameters ([7419835](

# [2.16.0]( (2020-10-30)

### Features

* **context:** lazy load driver parameters ([6480456](

## [2.15.1]( (2020-07-07)

### Bug Fixes

* clear drivers used list after every script ([2083364](

# [2.15.0]( (2020-07-07)

### Features

* sort scripts ([411125a](

## [2.14.1]( (2020-07-07)

### Bug Fixes

* search for scripts on 2 levels deep ([8cebe72](

# [2.14.0]( (2020-07-07)

### Features

* log script finding process ([6a77e90](

# [2.13.0]( (2020-07-07)

### Features

* convert scope flag to a glob ([38df3dd](

## [2.12.1]( (2020-06-25)

### Bug Fixes

* set __dirname and __filename to proper values ([9eb3005](
* set __filename and __dirname ([a6a86f5](
* undo adding parameters ([77cbd24](

# [2.12.0]( (2020-06-24)

### Features

* add sql file task ([00d2aa2](

# [2.11.0]( (2020-06-17)

### Bug Fixes

* make parameters optional ([dc43cf1](

### Features

* add insert method ([010ddfd](

# [2.10.0]( (2020-06-05)

### Features

* pass cli flags to configuration ([f2def84](

## [2.9.5]( (2020-05-27)

### Bug Fixes

* update data-migration version ([a8818db](

## [2.8.2]( (2020-04-08)

### Bug Fixes

* log error message when loading fails ([315a0a0](

## [2.8.1]( (2020-04-08)

### Bug Fixes

* **data-migration:** log script compilation errors ([ecc9ec5](, closes [#22](

# [2.8.0]( (2020-03-10)

### Features

* add scope parameter ([ecd1567](

## [2.7.2]( (2020-03-10)

### Bug Fixes

* update DriverBuilder ([82609c5](

## [2.7.1]( (2020-03-09)

### Bug Fixes

* allow parameters to be anything ([312438a](

# [2.7.0]( (2020-03-06)

### Features

* add dynamodb bulk delete operations ([c00ec02](

## [2.6.8]( (2020-03-06)

### Bug Fixes

* overwrite default parameters ([a4f9cdb](

## [2.6.7]( (2020-03-06)

### Bug Fixes

* get param values from sourceParams ([2c1694f](

## [2.6.6]( (2020-03-06)

### Bug Fixes

* properly copy context parameters ([d3f4e8e](

## [2.6.5]( (2020-03-06)

### Bug Fixes

* load default parameters into context ([990f4df](

## [2.6.4]( (2020-03-06)

### Bug Fixes

* make drivers optional ([ee34f47](

## [2.6.3]( (2020-03-06)

### Bug Fixes

* update homepage ([a84eadf](

## [2.6.2]( (2020-03-06)

### Bug Fixes

* remove src references ([1536992](

## [2.6.1]( (2020-03-06)

### Bug Fixes

* use generic driver ([7308f8e](

# [2.6.0]( (2020-03-06)

### Features

* use export default ([44e0998](

# [2.5.0]( (2020-03-06)

### Features

* use typescript configuration files ([c3636e2](

# [2.4.0]( (2020-03-06)

### Features

* get physical resource ids ([ce6ebc2](

# [2.3.0]( (2020-03-05)

### Features

* add description to migration scripts ([0fb3fe3](

## [2.2.3]( (2020-03-05)

### Bug Fixes

* show more information while loading scripts ([96f20b6](

## [2.2.2]( (2020-03-05)

### Bug Fixes

* show available drivers when one isn't found ([ee98386](

## [2.2.1]( (2020-03-05)

### Bug Fixes

* send error to subscriber ([ff94509](

# [2.2.0]( (2020-03-05)

### Features

* show logs in cli ([8f18f3d](

# [2.1.0]( (2020-03-05)

### Features

* track execution times ([3a2a708](

# [2.0.0]( (2020-03-04)

### Bug Fixes

* remove GetDownScripts ([bdaac1a](
* **config:** rename context params and drivers ([630c359](
* update driver type names ([1907689](

### Features

* add dynamodb tracker ([30d5456](
* use execution trackers ([dda6d3d](
* use new getScripts function ([cecdeb2](
* use the tracker to determine if an up script should run ([da3ff74](
* **config:** add tracker stage property ([109c3ac](
* create execution tracker interfaces ([0e6a8a3](


* **config:** moves driver configuration to drivers property

## [1.3.1]( (2020-03-04)

### Bug Fixes

* export driver types ([9861d7b](

# [1.3.0]( (2020-03-04)

### Features

* allow bulk uploads to dynamodb ([a94c777](

## [1.2.3]( (2020-03-04)

### Bug Fixes

* make init and cleanup driver methods optional ([0456ea8](

## [1.2.2]( (2020-03-04)

### Bug Fixes

* export driver types ([2cb6f66](

## [1.2.1]( (2020-03-04)

### Bug Fixes

* dont try to load non-existing drivers ([1160b4b](

# [1.2.0]( (2020-03-04)

### Bug Fixes

* add stage params property ([29188e7](

### Features

* add defaultParams config property ([60af69e](
* allow queries to be excluded from transaction ([209ac1f](

# 1.1.0 (2020-03-03)

### Bug Fixes

* **build:** fix the build process ([44a1dee](
* update package names ([f21fd83](

### Features

* add dynamodb getAllRecords ([c636999](
* initial working version of dynamodb driver ([6cad955](
* **data-migration:** create nosql driver interface ([2f93eda](