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# Welcome to dm-driver-s3 👋

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> A [Data Migration]( driver to query/modify a cognito user pool.

## Configuration

### Parameters

The S3 driver accepts the following parameters as part of its configuration:

| Name       | Type   | Required | Description                             |
| ---------- | ------ | -------- | --------------------------------------- |
| region     | string | Yes      | The AWS Region where this bucket exists |
| bucketName | string | Yes      | Name of the bucket to interact with     |
| profile    | string | No       | Name of the AWS profile to use          |

### Example

The following configuration creates a S3 driver that connects to a bucket in the `us-east-1` stack `some-stack-name`.

module.exports = {
  defaultStage: "prod",
  migrationDirectory: "migrations",
  stages: {
    prod: {
      defaultParams: {
        region: "us-east-1",
      drivers: {
        users: {
          driver: require("dm-driver-s3"),
          params: {
            bucketName: {
              // Use this processor to get values from CloudFormation
              processor: require("dm-processor-cf"),
              params: {
                stack: "some-stack-name",
                output: "SomeOutputName",