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// Copyright 2020 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

syntax = "proto3";

package google.type;

option cc_enable_arenas = true;
option go_package = ";phone_number";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_outer_classname = "PhoneNumberProto";
option java_package = "";
option objc_class_prefix = "GTP";

// An object representing a phone number, suitable as an API wire format.
// This representation:
//  - should not be used for locale-specific formatting of a phone number, such
//    as "+1 (650) 253-0000 ext. 123"
//  - is not designed for efficient storage
//  - may not be suitable for dialing - specialized libraries (see references)
//    should be used to parse the number for that purpose
// To do something meaningful with this number, such as format it for various
// use-cases, convert it to an `i18n.phonenumbers.PhoneNumber` object first.
// For instance, in Java this would be:
// wireProto =
// phoneNumber =
//        PhoneNumberUtil.getInstance().parse(wireProto.getE164Number(), "ZZ");
//    if (!wireProto.getExtension().isEmpty()) {
//      phoneNumber.setExtension(wireProto.getExtension());
//    }
//  Reference(s):
//   -
message PhoneNumber {
  // An object representing a short code, which is a phone number that is
  // typically much shorter than regular phone numbers and can be used to
  // address messages in MMS and SMS systems, as well as for abbreviated dialing
  // (e.g. "Text 611 to see how many minutes you have remaining on your plan.").
  // Short codes are restricted to a region and are not internationally
  // dialable, which means the same short code can exist in different regions,
  // with different usage and pricing, even if those regions share the same
  // country calling code (e.g. US and CA).
  message ShortCode {
    // Required. The BCP-47 region code of the location where calls to this
    // short code can be made, such as "US" and "BB".
    // Reference(s):
    //  -
    string region_code = 1;

    // Required. The short code digits, without a leading plus ('+') or country
    // calling code, e.g. "611".
    string number = 2;

  // Required.  Either a regular number, or a short code.  New fields may be
  // added to the oneof below in the future, so clients should ignore phone
  // numbers for which none of the fields they coded against are set.
  oneof kind {
    // The phone number, represented as a leading plus sign ('+'), followed by a
    // phone number that uses a relaxed ITU E.164 format consisting of the
    // country calling code (1 to 3 digits) and the subscriber number, with no
    // additional spaces or formatting, e.g.:
    //  - correct: "+15552220123"
    //  - incorrect: "+1 (555) 222-01234 x123".
    // The ITU E.164 format limits the latter to 12 digits, but in practice not
    // all countries respect that, so we relax that restriction here.
    // National-only numbers are not allowed.
    // References:
    //  -
    //  -
    //  -
    string e164_number = 1;

    // A short code.
    // Reference(s):
    //  -
    ShortCode short_code = 2;

  // The phone number's extension. The extension is not standardized in ITU
  // recommendations, except for being defined as a series of numbers with a
  // maximum length of 40 digits. Other than digits, some other dialing
  // characters such as ',' (indicating a wait) or '#' may be stored here.
  // Note that no regions currently use extensions with short codes, so this
  // field is normally only set in conjunction with an E.164 number. It is held
  // separately from the E.164 number to allow for short code extensions in the
  // future.
  string extension = 3;