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<h1 class="page-title">Home</h1>
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<article><h1>react-bootstrap-combobox</h1><p><em>A combo-box component for React Bootstrap.</em></p>
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<p>This is a very simple stateless wrapper around DropdownButton and MenuItem.</p>
<li>Minimizes the number of characters one would need to type when building a component in this fashion</li>
<li>Provides a good looking dropdown component, built on Twitter Bootstrap, customizable with SASS, that works and looks
the same in all major browsers</li>
<li>The dropdown menu has a maximum height automatically calculated to prevent it from overflowing the viewport</li>
<li>Provides a number of performance optimizations, both in JavaScript and CSS</li>
<h3>Hint</h3><p>Do not forget to set the <code>NODE_ENV</code> environment variable to <strong>"production"</strong> in production to get some instant
performance increase from React for free!</p>
<h3>Installation</h3><pre class="prettyprint source"><code>npm i react-bootstrap-combobox --save</code></pre><h3>Usage</h3><p>You need to include the <strong>"_index.scss"</strong> file from this package.
If you are using <a href="">webcompiler</a> then you can simply do:</p>
<pre class="prettyprint source lang-SCSS"><code>// import Bootstrap
@import "bootstrap";
// import Bootstrap theme
@import "bootstrap/theme";
// import the component
@import "react-bootstrap-combobox";</code></pre><p>and then:</p>
<pre class="prettyprint source lang-JavaScript"><code>import {Combo} from 'react-bootstrap-combobox';
function someFunc(key: string) {
<Combo items={{
// keys must be unique
sweden: {label: 'Sweden', header: true}, // any combination of props supported by MenuItem
volvo: 'Volvo', // same as {label: 'Volvo'}
saab: 'Saab',
separator: '-', // same as {divider: true}
germany: {label: 'Germany', header: true},
mercedes: 'Mercedes',
audi: 'Audi'
}} value="volvo" onChange={someFunc} /></code></pre><h3>Caveats</h3><ol>
<li>Both <code>items</code> and <code>value</code> are required props</li>
<li>The component is stateless, which means that its <code>value</code> cannot be changed without re-rendering it</li>
<li>For performance reasons <code>items</code> are considered immutable</li>
<h2><a href="index.html">Home</a></h2><h3>Classes</h3><ul><li><a href="Combo.html">Combo</a></li></ul>
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