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version: '3'
  # Update this to the name of the service you want to work with in your docker-compose.yml file
    # If you want add a non-root user to your Dockerfile, you can use the "remoteUser"
    # property in devcontainer.json to cause VS Code its sub-processes (terminals, tasks, 
    # debugging) to execute as the user. Uncomment the next line if you want the entire 
    # container to run as this user instead. Note that, on Linux, you may need to 
    # ensure the UID and GID of the container user you create matches your local user. 
    # See for details.
    # user: vscode

    # Uncomment if you want to override the service's Dockerfile to one in the .devcontainer 
    # folder. Note that the path of the Dockerfile and context is relative to the *primary* 
    # docker-compose.yml file (the first in the devcontainer.json "dockerComposeFile"
    # array). The sample below assumes your primary file is in the root of your project.
    # build:
    #   context: .
    #   dockerfile: .devcontainer/Dockerfile
      # Update this to wherever you want VS Code to mount the folder of your project
      - .:/workspace:cached

      # Uncomment the next line to use Docker from inside the container. See for details.
      # - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock 

    # Uncomment the next four lines if you will use a ptrace-based debugger like C++, Go, and Rust.
    # cap_add:
    #   - SYS_PTRACE
    # security_opt:
    #   - seccomp:unconfined

    # Overrides default command so things don't shut down after the process ends.
    command: /bin/sh -c "while sleep 1000; do :; done"