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# gguerrer <>, 2015. #zanata
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: version 0.0.1\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-04-27 05:33+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: gguerrer <>\n"
"Language-Team: Spanish\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: es\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1)\n"
"X-Generator: Zanata 3.6.0\n"

msgid "%{container} commit was successful"
msgstr ""

msgid "%{cores} cores and %{memory} memory"
msgstr ""

# translation auto-copied from project Satellite6 Foreman, version 6.1, document foreman
msgid "%{vm} is now %{vm_state}"
msgstr "%{vm} ahora está %{vm_state}"

msgid "Action"
msgstr ""

msgid "Actions"
msgstr ""

msgid "Add DNS"
msgstr ""

msgid "Add Exposed Port"
msgstr ""

msgid "Add environment variable"
msgstr "Agregar variables de entorno"

msgid "All containers"
msgstr "Todos los contenedores"

msgid "Allocate a pseudo-tty"
msgstr "Asigne una pseudo-tty"

msgid "An error occured during repository search: '%s'"
msgstr "Ocurrió un error durante la búsqueda de repositorio:'%s'"

# translation auto-copied from project Satellite6 Foreman, version 6.1, document foreman
msgid "Are you sure you want to power %{act} %{vm}?"
msgstr "¿Seguro de que: %{act} %{vm}?"

msgid "Attach STDERR"
msgstr "Adjuntar STDERR"

msgid "Attach STDIN"
msgstr "Adjuntar STDIN"

msgid "Attach STDOUT"
msgstr "Adjuntar STDOUT"

# translation auto-copied from project nautilus, version 3.8.2, document nautilus
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Autor"

# translation auto-copied from project Satellite6 Foreman, version 6.1, document foreman
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Atrás"

msgid "Basic options"
msgstr "Opciones básicas"

msgid "CPU set"
msgstr ""

msgid "CPU sets"
msgstr "Sets de CPU"

msgid "CPU shares"
msgstr "Recursos compartidos de CPU"

# translation auto-copied from project Satellite6 Foreman, version 6.1, document foreman
msgid "CPUs"
msgstr "CPU"

# translation auto-copied from project Satellite6 Foreman, version 6.1, document foreman
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Cancelar"

# translation auto-copied from project nautilus, version 3.8.2, document nautilus
msgid "Command"
msgstr "Comando"

# translation auto-copied from project Satellite6 Hammer CLI Foreman, version 6.1, document hammer-cli-foreman
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Comentario"

# translation auto-copied from project PressGang CCMS topics, version 1, document 4283-155458
msgid "Commit"
msgstr "Enviar"

msgid "Commit this container state"
msgstr "Envíe  el estado de contenedor"

msgid "Compute options"
msgstr "Opciones de cómputo"

# translation auto-copied from project Satellite6 Foreman, version 6.1, document foreman
msgid "Compute resource"
msgstr "Recurso de cómputo"

msgid "Configuration"
msgstr ""

msgid "Container %s is being deleted."
msgstr "El contenedor se ha eliminado %s ."

msgid "Containers"
msgstr "Contenedores"

msgid "Content View"
msgstr ""

# translation auto-copied from project Satellite6 Foreman, version 6.1, document foreman
msgid "Cores"
msgstr "Núcleos"

msgid "Could not start container"
msgstr ""

msgid "Create a container"
msgstr "Crear un contenedor"

msgid "Create a docker registry"
msgstr ""

msgid "Create container on a compute resource"
msgstr ""

msgid "DNS"
msgstr ""

msgid "DNS e.g."
msgstr ""

# translation auto-copied from project Satellite6 Foreman, version 6.1, document foreman
msgid "Delete %s?"
msgstr "¿Borrar %s?"

msgid "Delete a container"
msgstr "Borrar un contenedor"

msgid "Delete a docker registry"
msgstr ""

msgid "Delete container on a compute resource"
msgstr ""

# translation auto-copied from project Satellite6 Foreman, version 6.1, document foreman
msgid "Deploy on"
msgstr "Desplegar en"

# translation auto-copied from project Satellite6 Foreman, version 6.1, document foreman
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Descripción"

msgid "Description of the commit"
msgstr "Descripción del envío"

msgid "Description of the registry"
msgstr ""

msgid "Docker hub"
msgstr "Central de Docker"

msgid "Docker/Container"
msgstr "Docker/Contenedor"

msgid "Docker/Registry"
msgstr "Docker/Registro"

msgid "Does this image support user data input?"
msgstr "¿Esta imagen soporta entrada de datos de usuario?"

msgid "Edit Registry"
msgstr "Modificar registro"

msgid "Environment"
msgstr ""

msgid "Environment Variables"
msgstr "Variables de entorno"

msgid "Environment variables"
msgstr "Variables de entorno"

# translation auto-copied from project Satellite6 Foreman, version 6.1, document foreman
msgid "Error - %{message}"
msgstr "Error - %{message}"

msgid "Error connecting with the compute resource: <strong> %s </strong>"
msgstr "Error al conectarse con el recurso de cómputo: <strong> %s </strong>"

msgid "Error creating communicating with Docker. Check the Foreman logs: %s"
msgstr "Error al crear comunicación con Docker. Revise los registros Foreman: %s"

msgid "Exposed Ports"
msgstr ""

msgid "Exposed ports"
msgstr "Puertos expuestos"

msgid "External registry"
msgstr "Registro externo"

msgid "Failed to commit %{container}: %{e}"
msgstr "Falló el envío de %{container}: %{e}"

msgid "Find your favorite container, e.g. centos"
msgstr ""

msgid "Foreman user <>"
msgstr ""

# translation auto-copied from project Satellite6 Foreman Discovery, version 6.1, document foreman_discovery
msgid "IP Address"
msgstr "Dirección IP"

msgid "If selected, the container will start after it is created"
msgstr ""

# translation auto-copied from project Satellite6 Foreman, version 6.1, document foreman
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Imagen"

msgid "Image Repository"
msgstr "Repositorio de imágenes"

msgid "Image Tag"
msgstr "Etiqueta de imágenes"

msgid "List all containers"
msgstr "Listar todos los contenedores"

msgid "List all containers on a compute resource"
msgstr ""

msgid "List all docker registries"
msgstr ""

# translation auto-copied from project Satellite6 Foreman, version 6.1, document foreman
msgid "Locations"
msgstr "Ubicaciones"

# translation auto-copied from project Satellite6 Hammer CLI Foreman, version 6.1, document hammer-cli-foreman
msgid "Logs"
msgstr "Registros"

# translation auto-copied from project Satellite6 Hammer CLI Foreman, version 6.1, document hammer-cli-foreman
msgid "Managed"
msgstr "Administrado"

# translation auto-copied from project Satellite6 Foreman Discovery, version 6.1, document foreman_discovery
msgid "Memory"
msgstr "Memoria"

# translation auto-copied from project Satellite6 Foreman, version 6.1, document foreman
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nombre"

msgid "Name of the repository to use to create the container. e.g. centos"
msgstr ""

msgid "Name, e.g. PING_HOST"
msgstr ""

msgid "New Registry"
msgstr "Nuevo registro"

msgid "New container"
msgstr "Nuevo contenedor"

msgid "New registry"
msgstr ""

# translation auto-copied from project Customer Portal Translations, version Portal-Case-Management, document Template, author gguerrer
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Siguiente"

# translation auto-copied from project Satellite6 Katello, version 6.1, document katello, author gguerrer
msgid "No"
msgstr "No"

# translation auto-copied from project rhn-client-tools, version 6.5, document rhn-client-tools
msgid "Notice"
msgstr "Notificación"

msgid "Number of lines to tail. Default: 100"
msgstr "Cantidad de líneas hasta el final. Predeterminada: 100"

# translation auto-copied from project Satellite6 Foreman, version 6.1, document foreman
msgid "Organizations"
msgstr "Organizaciones"

# translation auto-copied from project Satellite6 Foreman, version 6.1, document foreman
msgid "Password to authenticate with - used for SSH finish step."
msgstr "Contraseña de autenticación - usada para el paso final de SSH"

msgid "Password used for authentication to the registry"
msgstr "Contraseña utilizada para autenticar el registro"

msgid "Please turn on your container to see processes running, logs, and more."
msgstr "Por favor, encienda el contenedor para ver los procesos en ejecución, registros y más."

msgid "Port number e.g. 22"
msgstr ""

# translation auto-copied from project Satellite6 Foreman, version 6.1, document foreman
msgid "Power"
msgstr "Energía"

# translation auto-copied from project Satellite6 Foreman, version 6.1, document foreman
msgid "Power ON this machine"
msgstr "Encender esta máquina"

msgid "Preliminary"
msgstr ""

# translation auto-copied from project gnome-system-monitor, version, document gnome-system-monitor
msgid "Processes"
msgstr "Procesos"

# translation auto-copied from project PressGang CCMS topics, version 1, document 7980-481215
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Propiedades"

msgid "Registries"
msgstr "Registros"

msgid "Registry"
msgstr "Registro"

msgid "Registry this container will have to use to get the image"
msgstr ""

msgid "Repo"
msgstr "Repo"

msgid "Resource selection"
msgstr "Selección de recursos"

msgid "Run power operation on a container"
msgstr "Ejecutar operacion de encendido en un contenedor"

msgid "Run power operation on a container on a compute resource"
msgstr ""

msgid "Run?"
msgstr ""

# translation auto-copied from project Satellite6 Foreman, version 6.1, document foreman
msgid "Running on"
msgstr "Ejecutándose en"

# translation auto-copied from project Satellite6 Foreman, version 6.1, document foreman
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Buscar"

msgid "Select a registry"
msgstr "Seleccionar registro"

# translation auto-copied from project RHEL Deployment Guide, version 6.2, document Managing_Users_and_Groups
msgid "Shell"
msgstr "Shell"

msgid "Show a container"
msgstr "Mostrar un contenedor"

msgid "Show a docker registry"
msgstr ""

msgid "Show container logs"
msgstr "Mostrar registros de contenedor"

msgid "Show container on a compute resource"
msgstr ""

msgid "Show logs from a container on a compute resource"
msgstr ""

# translation auto-copied from project Customer Portal Translations, version RHJBossMiddlewareOperationsNetworkProduc, document RHJBossMiddlewareOperationsNetworkProductUpdate.html, author gguerrer
msgid "Start"
msgstr "Iniciar"

# translation auto-copied from project Satellite6 Foreman, version 6.1, document foreman
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Estatus"

# translation auto-copied from project Satellite6 Foreman, version 6.1, document foreman
msgid "Submit"
msgstr "Enviar"

# translation auto-copied from project gnome-contacts, version 3.8.2, document gnome-contacts
msgid "TTY"
msgstr "TTY"

# translation auto-copied from project shotwell-core, version 0.14.1, document shotwell-core
msgid "Tag"
msgstr "Etiqueta"

msgid "Tag to use to create the container. e.g. latest"
msgstr ""

# translation auto-copied from project Satellite6 Foreman, version 6.1, document foreman
msgid "Test Connection"
msgstr "Probar conexión"

msgid "The capsule this container will have to use to get the image. Relevant for images retrieved from katello registry."
msgstr ""

msgid "The user that is used to ssh into the instance, normally docker-user, ubuntu, root etc"
msgstr "El usuario utilizado para conectarse a la instancia mediante ssh, por lo general:  docker -user, ubuntu, root, etc."

# translation auto-copied from project Satellite6 Foreman, version 6.1, document foreman
msgid "URL"
msgstr "URL"

# translation auto-copied from project Satellite6 Foreman, version 6.1, document foreman
msgid "UUID"
msgstr "UUID"

msgid "Unable to log in to this Docker Registry - %s"
msgstr ""

msgid "Unknown method: available power operations are %s"
msgstr "Método desconocido: operaciones de energía disponibles son %s"

msgid "Update a docker registry"
msgstr ""

# translation auto-copied from project RHN Satellite UI, version 5.6, document java/code/src/com/redhat/rhn/frontend/strings/database/StringResource
msgid "Uptime"
msgstr "Tiempo de funcionamiento"

msgid "Username used to access the registry"
msgstr "Nombre de usuario utilizado para acceder al registro"

msgid "Value, e.g."
msgstr ""

msgid "Where do you want to deploy your container?:"
msgstr "¿En dónde desea implementar el contenedor?"

msgid "Wrong attributes: %s"
msgstr "Atributos errados: %s"

# translation auto-copied from project Satellite6 Katello, version 6.1, document katello, author gguerrer
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Sí"

msgid "You need a Docker compute resource in order to create containers. Please %s and try again."
msgstr "Necesita un recurso de computación Docker para crear contenedores. Por favor %s e intente de nuevo."

msgid "Your container is stopped."
msgstr "Su contenedor se detuvo."

msgid "docker/my-committed-image"
msgstr "docker/my-committed-image"

msgid "e.g. or unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
msgstr "P.  ej., or unix:///var/run/docker.sock"

# translation auto-copied from project Satellite6 Foreman, version 6.1, document foreman, author gguerrer
msgid "failed to %{action} %{vm}"
msgstr "Falló al %{action} %{vm}"

msgid "latest"
msgstr "Último"

msgid "learn more about CPU sets"
msgstr "Aprender más sobre sets de CPU"

msgid "learn more about CPU shares"
msgstr "Aprender más sobre recursos compartidos"

msgid "power action, valid actions are (start), (stop), (status)"
msgstr "acción de encendido, las acciones válidas incluyen (start), (stop), (status)"