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# Popular
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Popular is a friendship gem designed for Rails/ActiveRecord models.

- RubyGems: ( )
- Website: ( )
- RDoc: ( )

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

    gem 'popular'

And then execute:

    $ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install popular

### Database Migration

Popular uses a friendships table to store friendship relationships.
To get up and running, use the following command:

    rails g popular:migration
    rake db:migrate

## Usage

### Model

To get started using Popular, simply add `popular` to your model, (ie: `app/models/user.rb`)

class User < ActiveRecord::Base

@sam = User.create name: "Samuel"
@jackson = User.create name: "Jackson"

# Adding and removing friends
@sam.friends_with? @jackson         #=> false
@sam.friended_by? @jackson          #=> false

@sam.befriend @jackson
@sam.friends_with? @jackson         #=> true

@sam.unfriend @jackson
@sam.friends_with? @jackson         #=> false

@jackson.befriend @sam
@sam.friended_by? @jackson          #=> true

@sam.befriend @jackson
@sam.mutual_friends_with? @jackson  #=> true

### Aliases

In Popular, `befriend` is synonomous with `follow`, so if it better fits the context of your application, you can use
follow methods/relations instead. For example:

@sam.follow @jackson
@sam.following? @jackson          #=> true

@jackson.follow @sam
@sam.followers.include? @jackson  #=> true

### Callbacks

Popular provides callbacks that are fired around friendship creation. Available callbacks are:
  - after_befriend
  - before_befriend
  - after_unfriend
  - before_unfriend

class User < ActiveRecord::Base

  # You can also use a symbol here but the friendship won't be passed to your method
  after_befriend 'notify_friendship_created value'
  after_unfriend 'notify_unfriended value'

  def notify_friendship_created(friendship)
    puts "#{name} friended #{}"

  def notify_unfriended(friendship)
    puts "#{name} unfriended #{}"

@justin = User.create name: "Justin"
@jenny = User.create name: "Jenny"

@justin.befriend @jenny #=> "Justin friended Jenny"
@justin.unfriend @jenny #=> "Justin unfriended Jenny"

### Customization

Popular is intended to provide basic utilities around self-referential relationships in social apps.
Often, more customization is necessary. If you would like to store more information around the friendship,
Popular provides a hook to connect its `friendship` model to a user defined `friendship_profile` model. 
This allows Popular to remain somewhat lightweight and factor out only the code that is repeated  alot between apps,
while allowing flexibility where it is needed.

Do to this, create a `FriendshipProfile` model that belongs to `friendship`, and has whatever custom attributes
you want

rails g model FriendshipProfile friendship:belongs_to meeting_location:string meeting_latitude:float meeting_longitude:float
rake db:migrate

Then, in your Popular model, just set the `friendship_profile` option to true:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  popular friendship_profile: true

Now, everytime a `friendship` is created, an accompanying `friendship_profile` will be attached to it, allowing you to define
as many custom attributes as you wish in a separate table

## Related gems

If Popular isn't quite what you're looking for, here are some other useful gems in the same category:

- Amistad ( )
- Friendable ( )

*Disclaimer: I have not used either of the above gems*

## Resources

Popular was heavily inspired by this screencast: ( )

## Plans for the future
- Add generator for entire `Frienship` resource that includes FriendshipsController, routes, etc
- More aliases
- Define your own `FriendshipProfile` class
- Callbacks for `befriended` or `followed`

## Contributing

1. Fork it ( )
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request