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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from datums import models

def human_to_boolean(human):
    '''Convert a boolean string ('Yes' or 'No') to True or False.

    human   : list
              a list containing the "human" boolean string to be converted to
              a Python boolean object. If a non-list is passed, or if the list
              is empty, None will be returned. Only the first element of the
              list will be used. Anything other than 'Yes' will be considered
    if not isinstance(human, list) or len(human) == 0:
        return None
    if human[0].lower() == 'yes':
        return True
    return False

token_accessor = models.base.ResponseClassLegacyAccessor(
    models.TokenResponse, 'tokens_response',
    (lambda x: [i['text'] for i in x.get('tokens', [])]))

multi_accessor = models.base.ResponseClassLegacyAccessor(
    models.MultiResponse, 'multi_response',
    (lambda x: x.get('answeredOptions')))

boolean_accessor = models.base.ResponseClassLegacyAccessor(
    models.BooleanResponse, 'boolean_response',
    (lambda x: human_to_boolean(x.get('answeredOptions'))))

location_accessor = models.base.LocationResponseClassLegacyAccessor(
    models.LocationResponse, 'location_response',
    (lambda x: x['locationResponse'].get(
        'text') if x.get('locationResponse') else None),
    'venue_id', (lambda x: x['locationResponse'].get(
        'foursquareVenueId') if x.get('locationResponse') else None))

people_accessor = models.base.ResponseClassLegacyAccessor(
    models.PeopleResponse, 'people_response',
    (lambda x: [i['text'] for i in x.get('tokens', [])]))

numeric_accessor = models.base.ResponseClassLegacyAccessor(
    models.NumericResponse, 'numeric_response',
    (lambda x: float(
        x.get('numericResponse')) if bool(x.get('numericResponse')) else None))

note_accessor = models.base.ResponseClassLegacyAccessor(
    models.NoteResponse, 'note_response',
    (lambda x: [i.get('text') for i in x.get('textResponses', [])]))

def get_response_accessor(response, report):
    # Determine the question ID and response type based on the prompt
    question_id, response_type = models.session.query(, models.Question.type).filter(
            models.Question.prompt == response['questionPrompt']).first()

    ids = {'question_id': question_id,  # set the question ID
           'report_id': report['uniqueIdentifier']}  # set the report ID

    # Dictionary mapping response type to response class, column, and accessor
    # mapper
    response_mapper = {0: token_accessor, 1: multi_accessor,
                       2: boolean_accessor, 3: location_accessor,
                       4: people_accessor, 5: numeric_accessor,
                       6: note_accessor}

    return response_mapper[response_type], ids