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# Releases

## `v0.28.8`
- Fix issue where install would fail if Vagrant plugins were not installed due
  to a lack of `nil` check when checking plugin versions.

## `v0.28.7`
- Update Landrush to v1.2.0

## `v0.28.6`
- Fix issue where a deployment would fail if the stage within the `Juicefile` did
  not contain any shared files or folders.

## `v0.28.5`
- Fix issue where migrations were attempted to be performed on the `Customfile`,
  even if it didn't exist yet, causing a crash.

## `v0.28.4`
- When performing a database search/replace, use the `--all-tables` flag to make
  sure all URLs in the database get properly rewritten.

## `v0.28.3`

- Add migration system to perform updates on many one-time entries
- Add migration for port forwarding entry
- Fix port forwarding issue where performing a `tj vm provision` while the VM
  was powered off would fail but still forward ports

## `v0.28.2`

- Update `create` command to prompt for WordPress version when using the
  `wordpress/wordpress` template
- Update `update` command to perform a hard reset instead of a pull
- Only run template install command if a `Juicefile` exists
- Update `git clone` handling to use `--depth 1` to speed up template clones

## `v0.28.1`

- Update `update` command to perform a `git pull`, properly updating the repo
- Ensure that paths passed to Net-SSH are strings, fixing an issue where the
  `uploads:pull` and `uploads:push` tasks would fail

## `v0.28.0`

- Update `delete` command to provision virtual machine by default
- Add `update` command to keep virtual machine up to date
- Add `--template-revision` flag (with alias `--template-branch`)
- Add `--vm-revision` flag

## `v0.27.0`

- Change default VM box to [Graft](
- Change default VM IP address from `` to ``
- Change default VM path from `~/tj-vagrant` to `~/graft`
- Update Vagrant plugin dependencies to mirror Graft's dependencies
- Add support for ERB within a starter template's `Juicefile`
- Add `project` key to `Juicefile`
- Deprecate `` in favor of ``
- Infer values for project name and location on `tj setup` if project contains
  `project` information within the `Juicefile` config
- Update Landrush to `1.0`, now with experimental Windows support
- Update task for `wp-cli.local.yml` file creation to generate configuration for
  the official WP-CLI SSH feature, as opposed to the plugin we were using
- Fix issue where a tilde (`~`) was not properly expanded for project locations
- Update and clarify constraints for a project's name
- Update documentation to mention how to specify a port for deployment
- Update and clarify documentation on the `Juicefile` configuration file