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Test Coverage
var passport = require('passport-strategy')
    , auth_hdr = require('./auth_header')
    , util = require('util')
    , url = require('url')
    , assign = require('./helpers/assign.js');

 * Strategy constructor
 * @param options
 *          secretOrKey: String or buffer containing the secret or PEM-encoded public key. Required unless secretOrKeyProvider is provided.
 *          secretOrKeyProvider: callback in the format secretOrKeyProvider(request, rawJwtToken, done)`,
 *                               which should call done with a secret or PEM-encoded public key
 *                               (asymmetric) for the given undecoded jwt token string and  request
 *                               combination. done has the signature function done(err, secret).
 *                               REQUIRED unless `secretOrKey` is provided.
 *          jwtFromRequest: (REQUIRED) Function that accepts a request as the only parameter and returns the either JWT as a string or null
 *          issuer: If defined issuer will be verified against this value
 *          audience: If defined audience will be verified against this value
 *          algorithms: List of strings with the names of the allowed algorithms. For instance, ["HS256", "HS384"].
 *          ignoreExpiration: if true do not validate the expiration of the token.
 *          passReqToCallback: If true the verify callback will be called with args (request, jwt_payload, done_callback).
 * @param verify - Verify callback with args (jwt_payload, done_callback) if passReqToCallback is false,
 *                 (request, jwt_payload, done_callback) if true.
function JwtStrategy(options, verify) {; = 'jwt';

    this._secretOrKeyProvider = options.secretOrKeyProvider;

    if (options.secretOrKey) {
        if (this._secretOrKeyProvider) {
              throw new TypeError('JwtStrategy has been given both a secretOrKey and a secretOrKeyProvider');
        this._secretOrKeyProvider = function (request, rawJwtToken, done) {
            done(null, options.secretOrKey)

    if (!this._secretOrKeyProvider) {
        throw new TypeError('JwtStrategy requires a secret or key');

    this._verify = verify;
    if (!this._verify) {
        throw new TypeError('JwtStrategy requires a verify callback');

    this._jwtFromRequest = options.jwtFromRequest;
    if (!this._jwtFromRequest) {
        throw new TypeError('JwtStrategy requires a function to retrieve jwt from requests (see option jwtFromRequest)');

    this._passReqToCallback = options.passReqToCallback;
    var jsonWebTokenOptions = options.jsonWebTokenOptions || {};
    //for backwards compatibility, still allowing you to pass
    //audience / issuer / algorithms / ignoreExpiration
    //on the options.
    this._verifOpts = assign({}, jsonWebTokenOptions, {
      audience: options.audience,
      issuer: options.issuer,
      algorithms: options.algorithms,
      ignoreExpiration: !!options.ignoreExpiration

util.inherits(JwtStrategy, passport.Strategy);

 * Allow for injection of JWT Verifier.
 * This improves testability by allowing tests to cleanly isolate failures in the JWT Verification
 * process from failures in the passport related mechanics of authentication.
 * Note that this should only be replaced in tests.
JwtStrategy.JwtVerifier = require('./verify_jwt');

 * Authenticate request based on JWT obtained from header or post body
JwtStrategy.prototype.authenticate = function(req, options) {
    var self = this;

    var token = self._jwtFromRequest(req);

    if (!token) {
        return Error("No auth token"));

    this._secretOrKeyProvider(req, token, function(secretOrKeyError, secretOrKey) {
        if (secretOrKeyError) {
        } else {
            // Verify the JWT
            JwtStrategy.JwtVerifier(token, secretOrKey, self._verifOpts, function(jwt_err, payload) {
                if (jwt_err) {
                } else {
                    // Pass the parsed token to the user
                    var verified = function(err, user, info) {
                        if(err) {
                            return self.error(err);
                        } else if (!user) {
                        } else {
                            return self.success(user, info);

                    try {
                        if (self._passReqToCallback) {
                            self._verify(req, payload, verified);
                        } else {
                            self._verify(payload, verified);
                    } catch(ex) {

 * Export the Jwt Strategy
 module.exports = JwtStrategy;