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import importlib
import logging
import traceback
from random import shuffle
from heartbeat.platform import get_config_manager

class ModuleLoader(object):

    Dynamically loads modules at runtime for loading plugins.

    def load_multiple(paths, full_classpath=False):
        Loads multiple modules from a module path or a full classpath

            Array paths: A list of paths to load
            Bool full_classpath: Whether the paths provided are a full classpath
        modules = []
        for p in paths:
            modules.append(ModuleLoader.load_module(p, full_classpath))

        return modules

    def load(path, full_classpath=False):
        Loads a single module from a path

            String path: the path to load
            Bool full_classpath: Whether the path provided is a full classpath
        if full_classpath:
            path = ".".join(path.split(".")[:-1])

        module = importlib.import_module(path)
        return module

class PluginRegistry(type):

    Registry of loaded plugins. This is populated automatically
    when plugins are imported.

    This relies on a whitelist, populated from the configuration and
    will attempt to only import plugins that are configured.

    __plugins = []
    __active_plugins = []
    __whitelist = []
    __available_services = []
    __logger = logging.getLogger(
        __name__ + ".PluginRegistry"

    def __init__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
        full_class = cls.__module__ + "." + name
        if name != 'Plugin' and full_class in PluginRegistry.__whitelist:
                "Discovered plugin %s.%s;",

    def activate_plugins(self=None):
        Instantiates all the plugins in the plugin registry
        waiting_plugins = [x() for x in PluginRegistry.__plugins]
        i = 0
        tries = 0

        while len(waiting_plugins) > 0 and tries < 10:
            if i >= len(waiting_plugins):
                i = 0
                tries += 1

                plugin = waiting_plugins[i]
                if plugin.requirements_satisfied(PluginRegistry.__available_services):
                            "Activated plugin %s",
                    PluginRegistry.__available_services += plugin.get_services()
                    i += 1
            except Exception as err:
                summary = traceback.extract_tb(err.__traceback__)[-1]
                        "Failed to activate %s: %s at %s:%d",
                i += 1

        for i in waiting_plugins:
                    "Failed to activate %s, %s",
                    "Requirements could not be satisfied"

    def populate_whitelist(allowed_plugins):
        Populates the plugin whitelist with a list of allowed plugins

            Array[str] allowed_plugins
        if PluginRegistry.__whitelist == []:
            PluginRegistry.__whitelist = allowed_plugins
            raise Exception("The PluginRegistry whitelist has already been configured")

    def populate_from_settings(settings=None):
        Populates the plugin registry from the settings

            ConfigManager settings: defaults to None
        if settings is None:
            settings = get_config_manager()

        if settings.heartbeat.plugins is None:
            return None


        for p in settings.heartbeat.plugins:
                ModuleLoader.load(p, full_classpath=True)
            except ImportError as e:
                PluginRegistry.__logger.warning("Failed to import plugin %s: %s", p, str(e))

    def get_active_plugins(self=None):
        return PluginRegistry.__active_plugins

class Plugin(object, metaclass=PluginRegistry):

    The base heartbeat Plugin class that all plugins are
    required to inherit from. When inheriting classes are
    imported, they will automatically be registered with
    the PluginRegistry if they appear in the configuration.

    def get_subscriptions(self):
        Returns a dictionary of topics mapped to
        callbacks which heartbeat will set up.
        The default at this level is an empty

        @since v3.0.0

            dict(Topic: Callback)
        return {}

    def get_producers(self):
        Returns a dictionary of producers and types
        (realtime and otherwise) that will produce
        Events that heartbeat will dispatch. The default
        at this level is an empty dictionary.

        @since v3.0.0

            dict(MonitorType: Callback)
        return {}

    def get_services(self):
        Returns a list of services provided by the plugin.
        This is a list of strings that match with the
        service requirements of other plugins.

        Multiple plugins can provide the same service.
        Service names are arbitrary and only observed for
        matching plugin dependencies with the providers.

        @since v3.7.1

            String[] services
        return []

    def requirements_satisfied(self, avail_services=None):
        Returns whether the plugin's requirements are
        satisfied. This method is implemented fully here,
        but Plugin subclasses may wish to override it
        for their specific needs (such as considering
        their requirements fulfilled by multiple services
        or optional requirements).

        @since v3.7.1

            String[] avail_services: services available

        requirements = self.get_required_services()

        if avail_services is None:
            avail_services = []

        if set(requirements).issubset(avail_services):
            return True

        return False

    def get_required_services(self):
        Returns a list of required services. Service names
        should be unique, either by using a unique name or
        something like a uuid. When heartbeat loads plugins,
        it expects the service requirements to be fulfilled
        by another Plugin. Multiple Plugins can provide the
        same service, but they need to provide compatible
        payloads (additional data for another service is fine,
        but missing data is not).

        Dependencies must be explicitly enabled by the
        user or they will not be made available.

        Plugins should not interact with each other directly,
        but certain plugins may listen for events produced by
        specific other plugins, such as a heartbeat monitor
        requiring a plugin that will listen to network

        @since v3.7.1

            String[] services
        return []

    def halt(self):
        Signal the plugin to shut down immediately. This is intended
        to be used to terminate the Plugin gracefully by performing any
        necessary cleanup prior to terminating and to stop any running
        things. However, this method is NOT guaranteed to be called
        every time the Plugin is forced to stop, so the Plugin should be
        resilient enough to come back up even if not shut down cleanly.

        This method is optional. The default implementation will set
        self.shutdown to True but will do nothing else.

        If you choose to implement support for this method, your plugin
        MUST detect and handle a halt request in under 5 seconds. When
        heartbeat's main script is told to terminate, it will call halt
        on all the Plugins, wait 5 seconds, then will forcibly exit regardless
        of whether all the Plugins have finished shutting down.

        @since v3.11.0
        self.shutdown = True