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1 wk
Test Coverage
import ast
import logging
import os
import re
import sys
import traceback
from base64 import b64decode
from base64 import b64encode
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
from typing import Set
from typing import Union

import pytz
from activitystreams import Activity
from activitystreams import parse as as_parser
from eventlet import spawn_after

from dino import environ
from dino import validation
from dino.config import ApiActions
from dino.config import ApiTargets
from dino.config import ConfigKeys
from dino.config import ErrorCodes
from dino.config import SessionKeys
from dino.config import UserKeys
from dino.exceptions import NoOriginRoomException
from dino.exceptions import NoSuchRoomException
from dino.exceptions import NoSuchUserException
from dino.exceptions import NoTargetRoomException
from dino.exceptions import UserExistsException
from dino.utils.activity_helper import ActivityBuilder
from dino.utils.blacklist import BlackListChecker
from dino.validation.duration import DurationValidator
from dino.validation.generic import GenericValidator

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
DINO_DEBUG = os.environ.get('DINO_DEBUG')
if DINO_DEBUG is not None and DINO_DEBUG.lower() in {'1', 'true', 'yes'}:

ADMIN_B64 = 'QWRtaW4='

class suppress_stdout_stderr(object):
    A context manager for doing a "deep suppression" of stdout and stderr in
    Python, i.e. will suppress all print, even if the print originates in a
    compiled C/Fortran sub-function.
       This will not suppress raised exceptions, since exceptions are printed
    to stderr just before a script exits, and after the context manager has
    exited (at least, I think that is why it lets exceptions through).

    def __init__(self):
        # Open a pair of null files
        self.null_fds = [, os.O_RDWR) for _ in range(2)]

        # Save the actual stdout (1) and stderr (2) file descriptors.
        self.save_fds = (os.dup(1), os.dup(2))

    def __enter__(self):
        # Assign the null pointers to stdout and stderr.
        os.dup2(self.null_fds[0], 1)
        os.dup2(self.null_fds[1], 2)

    def __exit__(self, *_):
        # Re-assign the real stdout/stderr back to (1) and (2)
        os.dup2(self.save_fds[0], 1)
        os.dup2(self.save_fds[1], 2)

        # Close the null files

def b64d(s: str) -> str:
    if s is None:
        return ''

    s = s.strip()
    if len(s) == 0:
        return ''

        return str(b64decode(bytes(s, 'utf-8')), 'utf-8')
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error('could not b64decode because: %s, value was: \n%s' % (str(e), str(s)))
    return ''

def b64e(s: str) -> str:
    if s is None:
        return ''

    s = s.strip()
    if len(s) == 0:
        return ''

        return str(b64encode(bytes(s, 'utf-8')), 'utf-8')
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error('could not b64encode because: %s, value was: \n%s' % (str(e), str(s)))
    return ''

def is_base64(s):
    if s is None or len(s.strip()) == 0:
        return False
        str(b64decode(bytes(s, 'utf-8')), 'utf-8')
    except Exception as e:
        return False
    return True

def is_valid_id(user_id: str):
        if user_id is None:
            return False
        if len(str(user_id).strip()) == 0:
            return False
        _ = int(user_id)
    except Exception:
        return False
    return True

def is_a_user_name(user_name: str) -> bool:
    if len(user_name) < 3 or len(user_name) > 20:
        logger.debug('did not find a user called "{}", too short/long'.format(user_name))
        return False

        logger.debug('checking if username "{}" exists'.format(user_name))
        exists = environ.env.db.user_name_exists(user_name)
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error("could not check if user name '{}' exists or not: {}".format(user_name, str(e)))
        return False

    if not exists:
        logger.debug('did not find a user called "{}"'.format(user_name))

    return exists

def add_last_active_at_to_event(data: dict):
    last_active_at = datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)
    data["updated"] = last_active_at.strftime(ConfigKeys.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT)

def add_last_online_at_to_event(data: dict, use_now: bool = False):
    last_online_at = None

    # when disconnecting, we'll send the event before setting the user offline, so the cached
    # last_online_at will not have been updated yet, so use now() instead
    if use_now:
        last_online_at = datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc).timestamp()
            last_online_at = environ.env.db.get_last_online(data["actor"]["id"])
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error("could not get last online time, ignoring: {}".format(str(e)))

    if last_online_at is not None:
        data["updated"] = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(last_online_at).strftime(ConfigKeys.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT)

def split_into_chunks(objects, n):
    for i in range(0, len(objects), n):
        # yields successive n-sized chunks of data
        yield objects[i:i + n]

def get_whisper_users_from_message(message) -> set:
    users = set()

    # ads, images, etc.
    if type(message) == dict:
        return users

        words = message.split()

        users = [word for word in words if word.startswith('-')]
        users = set([re.sub("[,.'!)(]", "", user.strip().lstrip('-')) for user in users])
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error("could not get users from message because {}, message was '{}'".format(str(e), str(message)))

    return users

def can_send_whisper_to_user(activity: Activity, message: str, users: set) -> (bool, int):
    sender_id =

    can_whisper_and_reason = [
        can_send_whisper_to_user_single(sender_id, user, message)
        for user in users

    for can_whisper, reason in can_whisper_and_reason:
        if not can_whisper:
            return False, reason

    return True, ErrorCodes.OK

def can_send_whisper_in_channel(activity, channel_id: str):
    channel_acls = get_acls_in_channel_for_action(channel_id, ApiActions.WHISPER)

    is_valid, msg = validation.acl.validate_acl_for_action(
        channel_acls or dict()

    if not is_valid:
        logger.debug('not allowed to whisper in channel: %s' % msg)

    return is_valid

def can_send_whisper_to_user_single(sender_id, target_user_name, message) -> (bool, int):
    if not is_a_user_name(target_user_name):
        return True, ErrorCodes.OK

    allowed, reason_code = environ.env.remote.can_send_whisper_to(sender_id, target_user_name)

    if not allowed:"user {} is not allowed to send whisper to {} (message was: '{}')".format(
            sender_id, target_user_name, message
        return False, reason_code

    return True, ErrorCodes.OK

def parse_message(msg, encoded=True):
    if encoded:
        msg = b64d(msg)

    if len(msg.strip()) == 0:
        return None

    if '{' in msg:
            msg = msg.replace("false", "False")
            msg = msg.replace("true", "True")
            msg = ast.literal_eval(msg)
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error("could not eval message because {}, message was '{}'".format(str(e), msg))
            return None
        return None

        if "text" in msg.keys():
            msg = msg.get("text", "")
            return None
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error("could not get text from message {}, message was '{}'".format(str(e), msg))
        return None

    return msg

def is_whisper(message: str) -> bool:
    # sending images etc doesn't have a string body
    if type(message) == dict:
        return False

    words = message.split()

    # generator, returns as soon as one matches
    return any((word.startswith('-') for word in words))

def should_validate_whispers() -> bool:
    return environ.env.config.get(ConfigKeys.VALIDATE_WHISPERS, False)

def should_validate_mutes() -> bool:
    return environ.env.config.get(ConfigKeys.VALIDATE_MUTES, False)

def used_blacklisted_word(activity: Activity) -> (bool, Union[str, None]):
    word_used_if_any = environ.env.blacklist.contains_blacklisted_word(activity)
    return word_used_if_any is not None, word_used_if_any

def activity_for_msg_status(activity: Activity, statuses: dict) -> dict:
    act = ActivityBuilder.enrich({
        'object': {
            'objectType': 'statuses',
            'attachments': list()
        'target': {
        'verb': 'check'

    for msg_id, status in statuses.items():
            'id': msg_id,
            'content': status

    return act

def activity_for_leave(user_id: str, user_name: str, room_id: str, room_name: str) -> dict:
    return ActivityBuilder.enrich({
        'actor': {
            'id': user_id,
            'displayName': user_name if is_base64(user_name) else b64e(user_name)
        'target': {
            'id': room_id,
            'displayName': room_name if is_base64(room_name) else b64e(room_name)
        'verb': 'leave'

def activity_for_user_joined_invisibly(user_id: str, user_name: str, room_id: str, room_name: str, image_url: str) -> dict:
    act = activity_for_user_joined(user_id, user_name, room_id, room_name, image_url)
    act['actor']['objectType'] = 'invisible'
    return act

def activity_for_going_invisible(user_id: str) -> dict:
    return ActivityBuilder.enrich({
        'actor': {
            'id': user_id
        'verb': 'invisible'

def activity_for_going_visible(user_id: str) -> dict:
    return ActivityBuilder.enrich({
        'actor': {
            'id': user_id
        'verb': 'visible'

def activity_for_status_change(user_id: str, status: str) -> dict:
    return ActivityBuilder.enrich({
        'actor': {
            'id': user_id
        'verb': status,
        'title': f"dino.wio.status.{status}"

def activity_for_user_joined(user_id: str, user_name: str, room_id: str, room_name: str, image_url: str) -> dict:
    user_roles = environ.env.db.get_user_roles_in_room(user_id, room_id)

    return ActivityBuilder.enrich({
        'actor': {
            'id': user_id,
            'displayName': b64e(user_name),
            'image': {
                'url': image_url
            'attachments': get_user_info_attachments_for(user_id),
            'content': ','.join(user_roles)
        'target': {
            'id': room_id,
            'displayName': b64e(room_name)
        'verb': 'join'

def activity_for_already_muted(seconds_left: str, target_id: str, target_name: str) -> dict:
    return ActivityBuilder.enrich({
        'verb': 'mute',
        'object': {
            'content': '',
            'summary': seconds_left
        'target': {
            'objectType': 'room',
            'id': target_id,
            'displayName': b64e(target_name)

def activity_for_already_banned(seconds_left: str, reason: str, scope: str='global', target_id: str=None, target_name: str=None) -> dict:
    activity_json = ActivityBuilder.enrich({
        'verb': 'ban',
        'object': {
            'content': '',
            'summary': seconds_left
        'target': {
            'objectType': scope

    if reason is not None and len(reason.strip()) > 0:
        activity_json['object']['content'] = b64e(reason)

    if target_id is not None and len(target_id.strip()) > 0:
        activity_json['target']['id'] = target_id
        activity_json['target']['displayName'] = b64e(target_name)

    return activity_json

def activity_for_user_banned(
        banner_id: str, banner_name: str, banned_id: str, banned_name: str, room_id: str, room_name: str, reason=None) -> dict:
    activity_json = ActivityBuilder.enrich({
        'actor': {
            'id': banner_id,
            'displayName': b64e(banner_name)
        'object': {
            'id': banned_id,
            'displayName': b64e(banned_name)
        'target': {
            'id': room_id,
            'displayName': b64e(room_name)
        'verb': 'ban'

    if reason is not None:
        if is_base64(reason):
            activity_json['object']['content'] = reason
            logger.warning('ignoring reason for kick activity, not base64')
            logger.debug('request with non-base64 reason: %s' % activity_json)

    return activity_json

def activity_for_report(activity: Activity) -> dict:
    return ActivityBuilder.enrich({
        'actor': {
            'id':,  # user id of the one reporting
            'displayName': b64e(
        'object': {
            'summary': activity.object.summary,  # free-text reason for reporting
            'content': activity.object.content,  # the reported message
            'id':  # id of the reported message
        'target': {
            'id':,  # user id of user who sent to reported message
        'verb': 'report'

def activity_for_user_kicked(
        kicker_id: str, kicker_name: str, kicked_id: str, kicked_name: str, room_id: str, room_name: str, reason=None) -> dict:
    activity = ActivityBuilder.enrich({
        'actor': {
            'id': kicker_id,
            'displayName': b64e(kicker_name)
        'object': {
            'id': kicked_id
        'target': {
            'id': room_id,
            'displayName': b64e(room_name)
        'verb': 'kick'

    if not is_base64(kicked_name):
        kicked_name = b64e(kicked_name)

    activity['object']['displayName'] = kicked_name

    if reason is not None:
        if is_base64(reason):
            activity['object']['content'] = reason
            logger.warning('ignoring reason for kick activity, not base64')
            logger.debug('request with non-base64 reason: %s' % activity)

    return activity

def activity_for_request_admin(user_id: str, user_name: str, room_id: str, room_name: str, message: str, admin_room_id: str):
    return ActivityBuilder.enrich({
        'actor': {
            'id': user_id,
            'displayName': b64e(user_name),
            'attachments': get_user_info_attachments_for(user_id)
        'verb': 'request',
        'object': {
            'content': message
        'target': {
            'id': admin_room_id,
            'displayName': b64e('Admins')
        'generator': {
            'id': room_id,
            'displayName': b64e(room_name)

def activity_for_disconnect(user_id: str, user_name: str) -> dict:
    return ActivityBuilder.enrich({
        'actor': {
            'id': user_id,
            'displayName': b64e(user_name)
        'verb': 'disconnect'

def activity_for_sid_disconnect(user_id: str, user_name: str, current_sid: str) -> dict:
    return ActivityBuilder.enrich({
        'actor': {
            'id': user_id,
            'displayName': b64e(user_name),
            'content': current_sid,
        'verb': 'ended'

def activity_for_message(user_id: str, user_name: str, message_id: str = None) -> dict:
    user for sending event to other system to do statistics for how active a user is
    :param user_id: the id of the user
    :param user_name: the name of the user
    :param message_id: the id of the message stored in db, is None if using REST to send, not stored
    :return: an activity streams dict
    data = {
        'actor': {
            'id': user_id,
            'displayName': b64e(user_name)
        'verb': 'send'
    if message_id is not None:
        data['object'] = {
            'id': message_id

    return ActivityBuilder.enrich(data)

def activity_for_spam_word(activity: Activity) -> dict:
    spam_activity = activity_for_blacklisted_word(activity)
    spam_activity['verb'] = 'spam'
    return spam_activity

def activity_for_blacklisted_word(activity: Activity, blacklisted_word: str=None) -> dict:
    if blacklisted_word is not None:
        blacklisted_word = b64e(blacklisted_word)

    return ActivityBuilder.enrich({
        'actor': {
        'object': {
            'content': activity.object.content,
            'summary': blacklisted_word
        'target': {
            'displayName': b64e(
        'verb': 'blacklisted'

def _user_status_int_to_str(user_status: str) -> str:
    if user_status in {UserKeys.STATUS_AVAILABLE, UserKeys.STATUS_CHAT, UserKeys.STATUS_AWAY}:
        return 'online'
    if user_status == UserKeys.STATUS_INVISIBLE:
        return 'invisible'
    return 'offline'

def activity_for_login(
        user_id: str, user_name: str,
        include_unread_history: bool = False,
        encode_attachments: bool = True,
) -> dict:
    if heartbeat_sid:
        sid = 'hb-{}'.format(user_id)
            sid = environ.env.request.sid
        except Exception as e:
            logger.error('could not get sid for user "{}": {}'.format(user_id, str(e)))
            sid = ''

    include_user_agent = True
    if heartbeat_sid:
        include_user_agent = False

    response = ActivityBuilder.enrich({
        'actor': {
            'id': user_id,
            'summary': _user_status_int_to_str(str(user_status)),
            'displayName': b64e(user_name),
            'content': sid,
            'attachments': get_user_info_attachments_for(
        'verb': 'login'

    if include_unread_history:
        messages = get_unacked_messages(user_id)
        if len(messages) > 0:
            history_activity = activity_for_history(as_parser(response), messages)
            response['object'] = {
                'objectType': 'history',
                'attachments': history_activity['object']['attachments']

    return response

def get_unacked_messages(user_id: str) -> list:

def activity_for_connect(user_id: str, user_name: str) -> dict:
    return ActivityBuilder.enrich({
        'actor': {
            'id': user_id,
            'displayName': b64e(user_name),
            'attachments': get_user_info_attachments_for(user_id, include_user_agent=True)
        'verb': 'connect'

def activity_for_create_room(data: dict, activity: Activity) -> dict:
    response = ActivityBuilder.enrich({
        'actor': {
            'displayName': b64e(,
            'attachments': get_user_info_attachments_for(
        'object': {
            'url': activity.object.url
        'target': {
            'objectType': 'temporary'  # all rooms created using the api are temporary
        'verb': 'create'

    if 'object' in data and 'attachments' in data['object']:
        response['object']['attachments'] = data['object']['attachments']

    return response

def activity_for_history(activity: Activity, messages: list) -> dict:
    response = ActivityBuilder.enrich({
        'object': {
            'objectType': 'messages'
        'verb': 'history'

    if hasattr(activity, 'target') and hasattr(, 'id'):
            room_name = b64e(get_room_name(
        except NoSuchRoomException as e:
            logger.exception('could not find room name for room id %s: %s' % (, str(e)))
            room_name = ''
        response['target'] = {
            'displayName': room_name

    user_ids = set()
    for message in messages:

    # we can't use auth api directly for user info like we do for users_in_room, since
    # auth data is temporary, and only works if the user is currently online, which is
    # not the case for historical messages, so get from auth if online, otherwise db
    user_infos = environ.env.db.get_user_infos(user_ids)

    response['object']['attachments'] = list()
    for message in messages:
        user_info = user_infos.get(message['from_user_id'], dict())

        avatar_url = user_info.get(SessionKeys.avatar.value, '')
        app_avatar_url = user_info.get(SessionKeys.app_avatar.value, '')
        app_avatar_safe_url = user_info.get(SessionKeys.app_avatar_safe.value, '')
        gender = user_info.get(SessionKeys.gender.value, '-1')

            'author': {
                'id': message['from_user_id'],
                'displayName': b64e(message['from_user_name']),
                'attachments': [
                        'objectType': SessionKeys.gender.value,
                        'content': b64e(gender)
                        'objectType': SessionKeys.avatar.value,
                        'content': b64e(avatar_url)
                        'objectType': SessionKeys.app_avatar.value,
                        'content': b64e(app_avatar_url)
                        'objectType': SessionKeys.app_avatar_safe.value,
                        'content': b64e(app_avatar_safe_url)
            'summary': message['target_id'],
            'id': message['message_id'],
            'content': b64e(message['body']),
            'published': message['timestamp']
    return response

def activity_for_join(
        activity: Activity,
        acls: dict,
        messages: list,
        owners: dict,
        users: dict
) -> dict:
    response = ActivityBuilder.enrich({
        'object': {
            'objectType': 'room',
            'attachments': list()
        'verb': 'join',
        'target': {
            'displayName': b64e(get_room_name(

    acl_activity = activity_for_get_acl(activity, acls)
        'objectType': 'acl',
        'attachments': acl_activity['object']['attachments']

    history_activity = activity_for_history(activity, messages)
        'objectType': 'history',
        'attachments': history_activity['object']['attachments']

    owners_activity = activity_for_owners(activity, owners)
        'objectType': 'owner',
        'attachments': owners_activity['object']['attachments']

    users_in_room_activity = activity_for_users_in_room(activity, users)
        'objectType': 'user',
        'attachments': users_in_room_activity['object']['attachments']

    return response

def remove_room(channel_id, room_id, user_id, user_name, room_name, is_delayed_removal: bool = False):
    if is_delayed_removal:
        users_in_room = get_users_in_room(room_id, skip_cache=True)
        if len(users_in_room) > 0:
  'ignoring delayed room removal, room {} ({}) is not empty anymore'.format(room_id, room_name))
            return'removing room %s (%s), last owner has left/disconnected' % (room_id, room_name))
    environ.env.db.remove_room(channel_id, room_id)

    # no need to notify for wio
    if environ.env.node is not None and 'wio' not in environ.env.node:
        remove_activity = activity_for_remove_room(user_id, user_name, room_id, room_name)

        if is_delayed_removal:
                'gn_room_removed', remove_activity, broadcast=True, include_self=True, namespace='/ws'
                'gn_room_removed', remove_activity, broadcast=True, include_self=True, namespace='/ws'

def check_if_remove_room_empty(activity: Activity, user_name=None, is_delayed_removal: bool = False):
    user_id =
    room_id =

    if user_name is None:
        user_name = environ.env.session.get(SessionKeys.user_name.value)

    # could be the session room, might not have a name
        room_name = get_room_name(room_id)
        channel_id = get_channel_for_room(room_id)
    except NoSuchRoomException:
        # session rooms are not persisted

    if not environ.env.db.is_room_ephemeral(room_id):

    users_in_room = get_users_in_room(room_id, skip_cache=True)

    n_users = len(users_in_room)
    if user_id in users_in_room:
        n_users -= 1
    if n_users > 0:

    delayed_removal_enabled = environ.env.config.get(ConfigKeys.DELAYED_REMOVAL, default=False)

    if is_delayed_removal and delayed_removal_enabled:
        # delay the removal, so that if a user is alone in a room, and get
        # disconnected briefly then reconnected, their room isn't removed
            seconds=2 * 60,
        remove_room(channel_id, room_id, user_id, user_name, room_name)

def activity_for_owners(activity: Activity, owners: dict) -> dict:
    response = ActivityBuilder.enrich({
        'object': {
            'objectType': 'owner'
        'target': {
            'displayName': b64e(
        'verb': 'list'

    response['object']['attachments'] = list()
    for user_id, user_name in owners.items():
            'id': user_id,
            'displayName': b64e(user_name)

    return response

def is_channel_static_or_temporary_or_mix(channel_id: str) -> str:
    return environ.env.db.type_of_rooms_in_channel(channel_id)

def activity_for_list_channels(channels: dict) -> dict:
    response = ActivityBuilder.enrich({
        'object': {
            'objectType': 'channels'
        'verb': 'list'

    response['object']['attachments'] = list()
    for channel_id, (channel_name, sort_order, tags) in channels.items():
        object_type = is_channel_static_or_temporary_or_mix(channel_id)

            'id': channel_id,
            'url': sort_order,
            'displayName': b64e(channel_name),
            'objectType': object_type,
            'content': tags or ''

    response['object']['attachments'] = sorted(response['object']['attachments'], key=lambda k: k['url'])
    return response

def activity_for_invite(
        inviter_id: str, inviter_name: str, room_id: str, room_name: str,
        channel_id: str, channel_name: str) -> dict:
    return ActivityBuilder.enrich({
        'actor': {
            'id': inviter_id,
            'displayName': b64e(inviter_name),
            'attachments': get_user_info_attachments_for(inviter_id)
        'verb': 'invite',
        'object': {
            'url': channel_id,
            'displayName': b64e(channel_name)
        'target': {
            'id': room_id,
            'displayName': b64e(room_name)

def activity_for_whisper(
        message: str, whisperer_id: str, whisperer_name: str, room_id: str, room_name: str,
        channel_id: str, channel_name: str) -> dict:
    return ActivityBuilder.enrich({
        'actor': {
            'id': whisperer_id,
            'displayName': b64e(whisperer_name)
        'verb': 'whisper',
        'object': {
            'content': message,
            'url': channel_id,
            'displayName': b64e(channel_name)
        'target': {
            'id': room_id,
            'displayName': b64e(room_name)

def activity_for_broadcast(body: str, verb: str = 'broadcast', room_id: str = None, room_name: str = None) -> dict:
    data = ActivityBuilder.enrich({
        'actor': {
            'displayName': ADMIN_B64,  # 'Admin' in base64
            'id': '0'
        'content': body,
        'verb': verb

    if room_id is not None:
        data["target"] = {
            "id": room_id,
            "objectType": "room",
            "displayName": room_name

    return data

def activity_for_list_rooms(activity: Activity, rooms: dict) -> dict:
    response = ActivityBuilder.enrich({
        'object': {
            'url': activity.object.url,
            'objectType': 'rooms'
        'verb': 'list'

    response['object']['attachments'] = list()
    for room_id, room_details in rooms.items():
        room_name = room_details['name']
        nr_users_in_room = room_details['users']

        object_type = 'static'
        if 'ephemeral' in room_details and room_details['ephemeral']:
            object_type = 'temporary'

            'id': room_id,
            'url': room_details['sort_order'],
            'displayName': b64e(room_name),
            'summary': nr_users_in_room,
            'objectType': object_type,
            'content': room_details['roles']

    return response

def should_exclude_user(user_to_check, excluded_users):
    # user id 0 is the default "admin" owner of static rooms, no need to check them
    if user_to_check is None or not len(user_to_check.strip()) or user_to_check == "0":
        return False
    return user_to_check in excluded_users

def activity_for_users_in_room(activity: Activity, users_orig: dict) -> dict:
    users = users_orig.copy()
    response = ActivityBuilder.enrich({
        'target': {
            'displayName': b64e(
        'object': {
            'objectType': 'users'
        'verb': 'list'

    response['object']['attachments'] = list()
    this_user_id = environ.env.session.get(SessionKeys.user_id.value)
    this_user_is_super_user = is_super_user(this_user_id) or is_global_moderator(this_user_id)
    excluded_users = get_excluded_users(this_user_id)

    for user_id, user_name in users.items():
        user_info = get_user_info_attachments_for(user_id)

        # for WIO we don't have the username in the db (so name equals id), so get it from redis instead
        if user_name == user_id or not len(user_name):
            for att in user_info:
                if att['objectType'] == SessionKeys.user_name.value:
                    user_name = b64d(att['content'])

        if this_user_is_super_user:
            user_ip = ''
                user_ip = environ.env.request.remote_addr
            except Exception as e:
                logger.error('could not get remote address of user %s: %s' % (user_info, str(e)))

                'objectType': 'ip',
                'content': b64e(user_ip)

        # temporary fix for avoiding dead users
        if len(user_info) == 0:

        # superusers should see everyone
        if not this_user_is_super_user and should_exclude_user(user_id, excluded_users):

        user_roles = environ.env.db.get_user_roles_in_room(user_id,
        user_attachment = {
            'id': user_id,
            'displayName': b64e(user_name),
            'attachments': user_info,
            'content': ','.join(user_roles),
            'objectType': 'user'
        if this_user_is_super_user and user_is_invisible(user_id):
            user_attachment['objectType'] = 'invisible'


    return response

def activity_for_room_renamed(activity: Activity, room_name: str) -> dict:
    act = ActivityBuilder.enrich({
        'target': {
            'displayName': room_name,
            'objectType': 'room'
        'verb': 'renamed'

    return act

def activity_for_room_removed(activity: Activity, room_name: str, reason: str=None) -> dict:
    act = ActivityBuilder.enrich({
        'target': {
            'displayName': b64e(room_name),
            'objectType': 'room'
        'verb': 'removed'

    if reason is not None and len(reason.strip()) > 0:
        act['object'] = {
            'content': b64e(reason)

    return act

def activity_for_rename_room(user_id: str, user_name: str, room_id: str, room_name: str, old_room_name: str) -> dict:
    act = ActivityBuilder.enrich({
        'actor': {
            'id': user_id,
            'displayName': user_name
        'target': {
            'id': room_id,
            'displayName': room_name,
            'summary': old_room_name,
            'objectType': 'room',
            'attachments': list()
        'verb': 'rename'

    owners = get_owners_for_room(room_id)

    for user_id, user_name in owners.items():
            'id': user_id,
            "objectType": "owner",
            'displayName': b64e(user_name)

    return act

def activity_for_remove_room(user_id: str, user_name: str, room_id: str, room_name: str, reason: str=None) -> dict:
    act = ActivityBuilder.enrich({
        'actor': {
            'id': user_id,
            'displayName': user_name
        'target': {
            'id': room_id,
            'displayName': b64e(room_name),
            'objectType': 'room',
            'attachments': list()
        'verb': 'remove'

    owners = get_owners_for_room(room_id)

    for user_id, user_name in owners.items():
            'id': user_id,
            "objectType": "owner",
            'displayName': b64e(user_name)

    if reason is not None and len(reason.strip()) > 0:
        act['object'] = {
            'content': b64e(reason),
            'objectType': 'reason'

    return act

def get_user_info_attachments_for(user_id: str, encode_attachments: bool=True, include_user_agent: bool=False) -> list:
    attachments = list()
    for info_key, info_val in environ.env.auth.get_user_info(user_id).items():
            'objectType': info_key,
            'content': b64e(info_val) if encode_attachments else info_val

    if include_user_agent:
        for key in SessionKeys.user_agent_keys.value:
            agent_value = environ.env.session.get(key)
                'objectType': key,
                'content': b64e(agent_value) if encode_attachments else agent_value

    return attachments

def activity_for_get_acl(activity: Activity, acl_values: dict, ignore: set = None) -> dict:
    response = ActivityBuilder.enrich({
        'object': {
            'objectType': 'acl'
        'verb': 'get'
    if ignore is None:
        ignore = set()

    if hasattr(activity, 'target') and hasattr(, 'id'):
        response['target'] = {'id':}

    response['object']['attachments'] = list()
    for api_action, acls in acl_values.items():
        for acl_type, acl_value in acls.items():
            # some acls we don't want to send to FE, since FE also filters;
            # for superusers the server decides what to filter
            if acl_type in ignore:

                'objectType': acl_type,
                'content': acl_value,
                'summary': api_action

    return response

def is_user_in_room(user_id, room_id):
    if user_id is None:
        return False
    if room_id is None or len(room_id.strip()) == 0:
        return False
    return environ.env.db.room_contains(room_id, user_id)

def set_name_for_user_id(user_id: str, user_name: str) -> None:
    environ.env.db.set_user_name(user_id, user_name)

def add_sid_for_user_id(user_id: str, sid: str) -> None:
    if sid is None or len(sid.strip()) == 0:
        logger.error('empty sid when adding sid')
    environ.env.db.add_sid_for_user(user_id, sid)

def get_sids_for_user_id(user_id: str) -> Union[list, None]:
    return environ.env.db.get_sids_for_user(user_id)

def get_user_for_sid(sid: str) -> Union[str, None]:
    return environ.env.db.get_user_for_sid(sid)

def get_excluded_users(user_id: str, skip_cache: bool = False) -> Set:
    user_info = environ.env.auth.get_user_info(user_id, skip_cache=skip_cache)
    excluded = user_info.get(SessionKeys.excluded_list.value, None)

    if excluded is None or not len(excluded.strip()):
        return set()

    return set(excluded.strip().rstrip(",").split(","))

def create_or_update_user(user_id: str, user_name: str) -> None:
    # is none when running tests; don't create users for wio
    if environ.env.node is not None and 'wio' in environ.env.node:

        environ.env.db.create_user(user_id, user_name)
    except UserExistsException:

    environ.env.db.set_user_name(user_id, user_name)

def filter_channels_by_acl(activity, channels_with_acls, session_to_use=None):
    filtered_channels = list()

    for channel_info in channels_with_acls:
        channel_id = channel_info['id']
        list_acls = get_acls_in_channel_for_action(channel_id, ApiActions.LIST)

        activity.object.url = channel_id = 'channel'

        if session_to_use is None:
            is_valid, err_msg = validation.acl.validate_acl_for_action(
        # for tests
            is_valid, err_msg = validation.acl.validate_acl_for_action(

        # not allowed to list this channel
        if not is_valid:

        acls = get_acls_for_channel(channel_id)
        acl_activity = activity_for_get_acl(activity, acls, ignore={"spoken_language"})
        channel_info['attachments'] = acl_activity['object']['attachments']


    return filtered_channels

def is_banned_globally(user_id: str) -> (bool, Union[str, None]):
    if user_id is None:
        return False, None
    user_is_banned, timestamp = environ.env.db.is_banned_globally(user_id)
    if not user_is_banned or timestamp is None or timestamp == '':
        return False, None

    now = datetime.utcnow()
    end = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(timestamp))
    return True, (end - now).seconds

def reason_for_ban(user_id: str, scope: str=None, target_id: str=None) -> str:
    if scope is None or len(scope.strip()) == 0 or scope == 'global':
        return environ.env.db.get_reason_for_ban_global(user_id)
    elif scope == 'channel':
        return environ.env.db.get_reason_for_ban_channel(user_id, target_id)
    elif scope == 'room':
        return environ.env.db.get_reason_for_ban_room(user_id, target_id)
    raise KeyError('scope not in [channel,room,global] but "%s"' % str(scope))

def is_banned(user_id: str, room_id: str) -> (bool, Union[str, None]):
    bans = environ.env.db.get_user_ban_status(room_id, user_id)

    global_time = bans['global']
    channel_time = bans['channel']
    room_time = bans['room']
    now = datetime.utcnow()

    if global_time != '':
        end = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(global_time))
        seconds = str((end - now).seconds)
        logger.debug('user %s is banned globally for another %s seconds' %
                     (user_id, str((end - now).seconds)))
        return True, {'scope': 'global', 'seconds': seconds, 'id': ''}

    if channel_time != '':
        end = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(channel_time))
        seconds = str((end - now).seconds)
        channel_id = get_channel_for_room(room_id)
        logger.debug('user %s is banned in channel %s for another %s seconds' %
                     (user_id, channel_id, str((end - now).seconds)))
        return True, {'scope': 'channel', 'seconds': seconds, 'id': channel_id}

    if room_time != '':
        end = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(float(room_time)))
        seconds = str((end - now).seconds)
        logger.debug('user %s is banned in room %s for another %s seconds' %
                     (user_id, room_id, str((end - now).seconds)))
        return True, {'scope': 'room', 'seconds': seconds, 'id': room_id}

    return False, None

def is_muted(user_id: str, room_id: str) -> (bool, dict):
    mutes = environ.env.db.get_user_mute_status(room_id, user_id)

    room_time = mutes['room']
    now = datetime.utcnow()

    if room_time != '':
        end = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(float(room_time)))
        seconds = str((end - now).seconds)
        logger.debug('user %s is muted in room %s for another %s seconds' %
                     (user_id, room_id, str((end - now).seconds)))
        return True, {'scope': 'room', 'seconds': seconds, 'id': room_id}

    return False, None

def kick_user(room_id: str, user_id: str) -> None:
    environ.env.db.kick_user(room_id, user_id)

def ban_user(room_id: str, user_id: str, ban_duration: str) -> None:
    if user_id is None or len(user_id.strip()) == 0:
        raise NoSuchUserException(user_id)
    ban_timestamp = ban_duration_to_timestamp(ban_duration)
    environ.env.db.ban_user_room(user_id, ban_timestamp, ban_duration, room_id)

def ban_duration_to_timestamp(ban_duration: str) -> str:
    return datetime_to_timestamp(ban_duration_to_datetime(ban_duration))

def ban_duration_to_datetime(ban_duration: str) -> datetime:

    days = 0
    hours = 0
    seconds = 0
    duration_unit = ban_duration[-1]
    ban_duration = ban_duration[:-1]

    if duration_unit == 'd' and GenericValidator.is_digit(ban_duration):
        days = int(ban_duration)
    elif duration_unit == 'h' and GenericValidator.is_digit(ban_duration):
        hours = int(ban_duration)
    elif duration_unit == 'm' and GenericValidator.is_digit(ban_duration):
        seconds = int(ban_duration) * 60
    elif duration_unit == 's' and GenericValidator.is_digit(ban_duration):
        seconds = int(ban_duration)

    now = datetime.utcnow()
    ban_time = timedelta(days=days, hours=hours, seconds=seconds)
    end_date = now + ban_time

    return end_date

def datetime_to_timestamp(some_date: datetime) -> str:
    return str(int(some_date.timestamp()))

def is_super_user(user_id: str) -> bool:
    return environ.env.db.is_super_user(user_id)

def is_owner(room_id: str, user_id: str) -> bool:
    return environ.env.db.is_owner(room_id, user_id)

def is_owner_channel(channel_id: str, user_id: str) -> bool:
    return environ.env.db.is_owner_channel(channel_id, user_id)

def is_global_moderator(user_id: str) -> bool:
    return environ.env.db.is_global_moderator(user_id)

def remove_sid_for_user_in_room(user_id, room_id, sid):
    environ.env.db.remove_sid_for_user_in_room(user_id, room_id, sid)

def sids_for_user_in_room(user_id, room_id):
    return environ.env.db.sids_for_user_in_room(user_id, room_id)

def is_multiple_sessions_allowed():
    valid_conf = environ.env.config.get(ConfigKeys.VALIDATION)

    if valid_conf is None:
        return True

    if 'on_login' not in valid_conf.keys():
        return True

    login_conf = valid_conf.get('on_login')

    if login_conf is None or type(login_conf) != list:
        return True

    for conf in login_conf:
        if conf is None or type(conf) != dict:

        if 'name' not in conf:

        name = conf.get('name')
        if name is not None and name == 'single_session':
            return False

    return True

def is_moderator(room_id: str, user_id: str) -> bool:
    if user_id is None:
        return False
    return environ.env.db.is_moderator(room_id, user_id)

def is_admin(channel_id: str, user_id: str) -> bool:
    if user_id is None:
        return False
    return environ.env.db.is_admin(channel_id, user_id)

def is_room_ephemeral(room_id: str) -> bool:
    return environ.env.db.is_room_ephemeral(room_id)

def get_users_in_room(
        room_id: str = None,
        user_id: str = None,
        skip_cache: bool = False,
        room_name: str = None
) -> dict:
    get a dict of user_id => user_name for users in this room

    :param room_id: the uuid of the room
    :param user_id: if specified, will check if super user, and if so will also include invisible users
    :param skip_cache: if True, check db directly, used for gn_join to get correct user list when joining; when listing
    rooms it is not necessary to have exact list; cache is 10-20s (random) per room
    :param room_name: the name of the room (optional to use instead of room id)
    :return: a list of users in the room
    return environ.env.db.users_in_room(room_id, this_user_id=user_id, skip_cache=skip_cache, room_name=room_name)

def get_acls_in_room_for_action(room_id: str, action: str) -> dict:
    return environ.env.db.get_acls_in_room_for_action(room_id, action)

def get_acls_in_channel_for_action(channel_id: str, action: str) -> dict:
    return environ.env.db.get_acls_in_channel_for_action(channel_id, action)

def get_acls_for_room(room_id: str) -> dict:
    return environ.env.db.get_all_acls_room(room_id)

def get_acls_for_channel(channel_id: str) -> dict:
    return environ.env.db.get_all_acls_channel(channel_id)

def get_owners_for_room(room_id: str) -> dict:
    return environ.env.db.get_owners_room(room_id)

def channel_exists(channel_id: str) -> bool:
    return environ.env.db.channel_exists(channel_id)

def get_user_name_for(user_id: str) -> str:
    return environ.env.db.get_user_name(user_id)

def get_channel_name(channel_id: str) -> str:
    return environ.env.db.get_channel_name(channel_id)

def get_user_name_from_activity_or_session(user_id: str, activity: Activity, env):
    user_name = None

    if hasattr(, "display_name") and is not None and len(
        user_name = b64d(
            user_name = env.session.get(SessionKeys.user_name.value)
        except RuntimeError as e:
                "working outside request context and no user name on event, getting from db: {}".format(str(e)))

    if user_name is None:
        user_name = env.db.get_user_name(user_id)

    return user_name

def get_room_name(room_id: str) -> str:
    return environ.env.db.get_room_name(room_id)

def get_room_id(room_name: str, use_default_channel: bool = False) -> str:
    return environ.env.db.get_room_id_for_name(room_name, use_default_channel=use_default_channel)

def room_exists(channel_id: str, room_id: str) -> bool:
    return environ.env.db.room_exists(channel_id, room_id)

def room_name_restricted(room_name: str):
    if room_name.strip().lower() in {'admin', 'admins'}:
        return True

    restricted_room_names = environ.env.db.get_black_list()
    if restricted_room_names is None or len(restricted_room_names) == 0:
        return False

    if room_name is not None and len(room_name) > 0:
        room_name = room_name.strip().lower()

    contains_forbidden_word = any(
        word in room_name
        for word in restricted_room_names

    if not contains_forbidden_word:
        return False

    # go through the words again to find which one matched
    for word in restricted_room_names:
        if word in room_name:
            logger.warning('room name "%s" contains a blacklisted word "%s"' % (room_name, word))

    return True

def get_user_roles(user_id: str):
    return environ.env.db.get_user_roles(user_id)

def rooms_for_user(user_id: str):
    rooms = environ.env.db.rooms_for_user(user_id)
    if rooms is None or len(rooms) == 0:
        return set()
    return set(rooms.keys())

def can_send_cross_room(activity: Activity, from_room_uuid: str, to_room_uuid: str) -> bool:
    if from_room_uuid is None:
        raise NoOriginRoomException()
    if to_room_uuid is None:
        raise NoTargetRoomException()

    if from_room_uuid == to_room_uuid:
        return True

    from_channel_id = None
    to_channel_id = None

    if hasattr(activity, 'provider') and hasattr(activity.provider, 'url'):
        from_channel_id = activity.object.url
    if hasattr(activity, 'object') and hasattr(activity.object, 'url'):
        to_channel_id = activity.object.url

    if from_channel_id is None or len(from_channel_id.strip()) == 0:
        from_channel_id = get_channel_for_room(from_room_uuid)
    if to_channel_id is None or len(to_channel_id.strip()) == 0:
        to_channel_id = get_channel_for_room(to_room_uuid)

    # can not send between channels
    if from_channel_id != to_channel_id:
        return False

    channel_acls = get_acls_in_channel_for_action(to_channel_id, ApiActions.CROSSROOM)
    is_valid, msg = validation.acl.validate_acl_for_action(
        activity, ApiTargets.CHANNEL, ApiActions.CROSSROOM, channel_acls or dict())
    if not is_valid:
        logger.debug('not allowed to send crossroom in channel: %s' % msg)
        return False

        room_acls = get_acls_in_room_for_action(to_room_uuid, ApiActions.CROSSROOM)
    except NoSuchRoomException:
        logger.warning('room %s does not exist, maybe deleted before cache updated' % to_room_uuid)
        return False

    is_valid, msg = validation.acl.validate_acl_for_action(
        activity, ApiTargets.ROOM, ApiActions.CROSSROOM, room_acls or dict())
    if not is_valid:
        logger.debug('not allowed to send crossroom in room: %s' % msg)
        return False

    return is_valid

def get_admin_room() -> str:
    return environ.env.db.get_admin_room()

def get_channel_for_room(room_id: str) -> str:
    return environ.env.db.channel_for_room(room_id)

def get_sender_for_message(message_id: str) -> Union[str, None]:
    message =
    if message is None:
        return None
    return message.get('from_user_id', None)

def user_is_allowed_to_delete_message(room_id: str, user_id: str) -> bool:
    channel_id = get_channel_for_room(room_id)
    if is_owner(room_id, user_id):
        return True
    if is_moderator(room_id, user_id):
        return True
    if is_owner_channel(channel_id, user_id):
        return True
    if is_admin(channel_id, user_id):
        return True
    if is_super_user(user_id):
        return True
    if is_global_moderator(user_id):
        return True

    return False

def filter_whisper_messages_not_for_me(messages, user_id: str):
    messages = [{
        'message_id': row.message_id,
        'from_user_id': row.from_user_id,
        'from_user_name': row.from_user_name,
        'target_id': row.target_id,
        'target_name': row.target_name,
        'body': row.body,
        'domain': row.domain,
        'channel_id': row.channel_id,
        'channel_name': row.channel_name,
        'timestamp': row.sent_time,
        'deleted': row.deleted
    filtered = list()

    # don't always have username, especially in WIO when livestreaming
        user_name = get_user_name_for(user_id)
    except Exception:
        user_name = str(user_id)

    for message in messages:
        parsed_message = parse_message(message['body'], encoded=False)

        if parsed_message is not None:
            user_names = set(get_whisper_users_from_message(parsed_message))

            if len(user_names):
                    # it not sent TO me, and not send BY me, skip it
                    if user_name not in user_names and message['from_user_id'] != user_id:
                except NoSuchUserException:


    return filtered

def user_can_see_history_in_room(user_id: str, room_id: str) -> bool:
    if is_global_moderator(user_id) or is_super_user(user_id):
        return True

    acls = environ.env.db.get_acls_in_room_for_action(room_id, ApiActions.HISTORY)
    return 'disallow' not in acls.keys()

def get_history_for_room(room_id: str, user_id: str, last_read: str = None) -> list:
    history = environ.env.config.get(

    limit = environ.env.config.get(

    def _history(_last_read: str = None):
        if history == 'top':
            return, limit)

        if _last_read is None:
            _last_read = get_last_read_for(room_id, user_id)
            if _last_read is None:
                return list()

        return, _last_read)

    if not user_can_see_history_in_room(user_id, room_id):
        return list()

    messages = _history(last_read)
    messages = filter_whisper_messages_not_for_me(messages, user_id)

    return messages

def remove_user_from_room(
        user_id: str,
        user_name: str,
        room_id: str,
) -> None:
    if is_out_of_scope:
        environ.env.out_of_scope_leave(room_id, sid, namespace)

    # we only need to remove from db once in multi-sid leaves
    if not skip_db_leave:
            environ.env.db.leave_room(user_id, room_id)
        except NoSuchRoomException:
            # room already removed or doesn't exist

def join_the_room(
        user_id: str,
        user_name: str,
        room_id: str,
        room_name: str,
) -> None:
    # we don't create the db representation of the sid rooms
    if not is_sid_room and not skip_db_join:
        environ.env.db.join_room(user_id, user_name, room_id, room_name, sid=sid)

    # joining from rest api, not request scope
    if is_out_of_scope:
        environ.env.out_of_scope_join(room_id, sid=sid, namespace=namespace)
        environ.env.join_room(room_id, sid=sid, namespace=namespace)

def user_is_online(user_id: str) -> bool:
    if user_id is None or len(user_id.strip()) == 0:
        logger.warning('can not check user online status, user_id was blank!')
        return False

    return get_user_status(user_id) in {

def user_is_invisible(user_id: str) -> bool:
    if user_id is None or len(user_id.strip()) == 0:
        logger.warning('can not check user online status, user_id was blank!')
        return False
    return get_user_status(user_id) == UserKeys.STATUS_INVISIBLE

def get_user_status(user_id: str, skip_cache: bool = False) -> str:
    return str(environ.env.db.get_user_status(user_id, skip_cache))

def get_last_read_for(room_id: str, user_id: str) -> str:
    return environ.env.db.get_last_read_timestamp(room_id, user_id)

def update_last_reads_private(user_id: str) -> None:
    status = get_user_status(user_id)
    if status in [None, UserKeys.STATUS_UNAVAILABLE, UserKeys.STATUS_UNKNOWN]:
    time_stamp = int(datetime.utcnow().strftime('%s'))
    environ.env.db.update_last_read_for({user_id}, user_id, time_stamp)

def update_last_reads(room_id: str) -> None:
    users_in_room = get_users_in_room(room_id)
    online_users_in_room = set()

    for user_id, _ in users_in_room.items():
        status = get_user_status(user_id)
        if status in [None, UserKeys.STATUS_UNAVAILABLE, UserKeys.STATUS_UNKNOWN]:


    time_stamp = int(datetime.utcnow().strftime('%s'))
    environ.env.db.update_last_read_for(online_users_in_room, room_id, time_stamp)