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# Open Data Certificates

This source code is for the ODI's Open Data Certificates app at [](
The online assessment tool allows publishers to assess how good their open data release is across technical, social, legal and other areas. When published, a certificate (which can be Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum) shows data reusers how much they can trust and rely on the dataset

## License

This code is open source under the MIT license. See []( file for full details.

## Summary of features

Open Data Certificate is an online assessment tool for open data releases powered by Rails. 

Follow the [public feature roadmap for Open Data Certificates](

## Development

### Requirements
ruby version 2.1.8

### Environment variables

Some extra environment variables are required for the certificates site; these can be set in a .env file in the root of the project. The docker setup will create this file if it doesn't already exist.

#### Required

# A hostname to create links in emails

# Redis server URL

#### Optional

The following extra are needed in production or for optional features:

# Rackspace credentials for saving certificate dumps

# Juvia details to allow commenting

# Sending error reports to airbrake

# Enable footnotes for debugging info

### Specific Development Notes

### Development: Running the full application locally

#### With Docker

The simplest way to get a certificates app up and running is under Docker.

##### OSX 

1. Install [Docker Toolbox](
  * Set up a Docker host with `docker-machine start default` or run the Kitematic GUI.
  * Make sure your terminal can talk to Docker
    * either by opening the 'Docker Quikstart Terminal'
    * or adding `eval $(docker-machine env default)` to your `.bashrc`
2. Install [VirtualBox](
3. Set TLS envronment variable
  * `export COMPOSE_TLS_VERSION=TLSv1_2`
5. Run `bin/dockerize`
  * Make note of successfully built docker machine IP address eg `Connection to port 3000 [tcp/hbci] succeeded!`
7. Make tea
8. Everything should be set up and be open in your browser.
9. Run `docker-compose run web bin/setup`
10. App will be available at (depending on your docker machine IP address)

##### Linux

1. Install [docker-engine](, [docker-compose](, and then [docker-machine](
2. Set up a Docker host with `docker-machine create -d virtualbox default`
3. Run `bin/dockerize`
4. Make tea
5. Everything should be ready and the script will try to open the browser
  * If it doesn't, hit ctrl-c and check all 4 containers are up with `docker-compose ps`
  * Then point your browser to the address:port for the `opendatacertificate_web_1` container (likely ``)
6. Run `docker-compose run web bin/setup`

##### Without Docker

1. Install Ruby 2.1.8, and bundler.
2. Install and run Redis and MySQL servers.
3. Run `bin/setup` (generates `.env` file)
4. edit the default config/database.yml #TODO with what?
5. Run `bundle exec rails s`

If you're not using docker, ignore the `docker-compose run web` prefix on the commands below.

###### Known issues


#### Application Configuration

##### Default Admin User

Both of the above methods should set up your local app with a default admin user:

* Username: ``
* Password: `testtest`

##### Internationalisation
By default, only the UK survey is built in development, as building more can take a while.    

To build a specific country survey (AU used as an example):

    docker-compose run web bundle exec rake surveyor:build_changed_survey FILE=surveys/generated/surveyor/odc_questionnaire.AU.rb

To build a few surveys:

    docker-compose run web bundle exec rake surveyor:build_changed_surveys LIMIT=5

To build *all* the other surveys (remember, this can take a while):

    docker-compose run web bundle exec rake surveyor:build_changed_surveys

For information on how to translate and localise surveys, see below.

#### Testing

To run tests:

    docker-compose run web bundle exec rake test

You can also run tests continuously whenever a file is changed:

    docker-compose run web bundle exec guard

### API

Certificates can be created and updated using a JSON API. See the [API documentation](doc/ for details.

### Application Functionality

#### Admin functions

To mark a user as being an admin use the rails console to set the `admin` field to true. The easiest way to find the ID is to look on the URL of their account page.

    User.find(<id>).update_attributes(admin: true)

Admins are able to block a dataset from displaying on the public /datasets page by visiting the dataset and toggling the visibility at the top of the page.

Removed datasets are listed at `/datasets/admin` (only accessible by admin users).

#### Autocompletion

The survey attempts to fetch answers from the documentation URL and fill them into the questionnaire. These answers are marked as autocompleted.

Surveys can be autocompleted if the pages machine-readable metadata in the following formats:

- Datapackage

Some examples of URLS that can be autocompleted:


### Additional documentation

[App approach document](

The original prototype has been moved to [/prototype](