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# Project Details

In the Project Details page we can see some useful information and create new streams.


## Project Information

In this section, we can see the basics information about the project.

[![Project Information Section](images/projects/project_details_information_section.png)](images/projects/project_details_information_section.png)

## Project Streams Graph

We can create new streams from a Kafka Topic or an existing stream and visualize the relations between them using the
``Streams Graph`` section.

!!! info
    As we can see in the image below, we have two **boxes** type:

    * With a **white** piece represents streams created from a Kafka Topic
    * With a **blue** piece represents streams created from an existing one

[![Project Streams Graph](images/projects/project_details_streams_graph.png)](images/projects/project_details_streams_graph.png)

## Project Streams

Here we have a list of all streams inside the project.

[![Project Streams](images/projects/project_details_project_streams.png)](images/projects/project_details_project_streams.png)