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namespace There4\Slim\Test;

use Slim\App;
use Slim\Http\Environment;
use Slim\Http\Headers;
use Slim\Http\Request;
use Slim\Http\RequestBody;
use Slim\Http\Response;
use Slim\Http\Uri;

class WebTestClient
    /** @var \Slim\App */
    public $app;

    /** @var  \Slim\Http\Request */
    public $request;

    /** @var  \Slim\Http\Response */
    public $response;

    private $cookies = array();

    public function __construct(App $slim)
        $this->app = $slim;

    public function __call($method, $arguments)
        throw new \BadMethodCallException(strtoupper($method) . ' is not supported');

    public function get($path, $data = array(), $optionalHeaders = array())
        return $this->request('get', $path, $data, $optionalHeaders);

    public function post($path, $data = array(), $optionalHeaders = array())
        return $this->request('post', $path, $data, $optionalHeaders);

    public function patch($path, $data = array(), $optionalHeaders = array())
        return $this->request('patch', $path, $data, $optionalHeaders);

    public function put($path, $data = array(), $optionalHeaders = array())
        return $this->request('put', $path, $data, $optionalHeaders);

    public function delete($path, $data = array(), $optionalHeaders = array())
        return $this->request('delete', $path, $data, $optionalHeaders);

    public function head($path, $data = array(), $optionalHeaders = array())
        return $this->request('head', $path, $data, $optionalHeaders);

    public function options($path, $data = array(), $optionalHeaders = array())
        return $this->request('options', $path, $data, $optionalHeaders);

    // Abstract way to make a request to SlimPHP, this allows us to mock the
    // slim environment
    private function request($method, $path, $data = array(), $optionalHeaders = array())
        //Make method uppercase
        $method = strtoupper($method);
        $options = array(
            'REQUEST_METHOD' => $method,
            'REQUEST_URI'    => $path

        if ($method === 'GET') {
            $options['QUERY_STRING'] = http_build_query($data);
        } else {
            $params  = json_encode($data);

        // Prepare a mock environment
        $env = Environment::mock(array_merge($options, $optionalHeaders));
        $uri = Uri::createFromEnvironment($env);
        $headers = Headers::createFromEnvironment($env);
        $cookies = $this->cookies;
        $serverParams = $env->all();
        $body = new RequestBody();

        // Attach JSON request
        if (isset($params)) {
            $headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/json;charset=utf8');

        $this->request  = new Request($method, $uri, $headers, $cookies, $serverParams, $body);
        $response = new Response();

        // Process request
        $app = $this->app;
        $this->response = $app->process($this->request, $response);

        // Return the application output.
        return (string)$this->response->getBody();

    public function setCookie($name, $value)
        $this->cookies[$name] = $value;