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2 days
Test Coverage
// File generated by Gopher Sauce
package handlers

import (

    templates ""

    methods ""

    types ""

func GETApiBuild(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, session *sessions.Session) (response string, callmet bool) {

    gp := os.ExpandEnv("$GOPATH")

    os.Chdir(gp + "/src/" + r.FormValue("pkg"))
    os.Remove(gp + "/src/" + r.FormValue("pkg") + "/bindata.go")
    os.Remove(gp + "/src/" + r.FormValue("pkg") + "/application.go")

    var logBuilt string
    passed := false

    if _, err := os.Stat("./gos.gxml"); os.IsNotExist(err) {
        logBuilt, _ = core.RunCmdSmart("go build")
        if logBuilt != "" {
            passed = false
    } else {
        logBuilt, _ = core.RunCmdSmart("gos --run --buildcheck")

    if !strings.Contains(logBuilt, "Your build failed,") || !passed {
        logBuilt, _ = core.RunCmdSmart("go build")
        if logBuilt != "" {

            debuglog := types.DebugObj{r.FormValue("pkg"), methods.RandTen(), "", logBuilt, time.Now().String(), []types.DebugNode{}}

            logs := strings.Split(logBuilt, "\n")

            for linen, log := range logs {
                if linen != 0 {
                    linedt := strings.Split(log, ":")
                    //    fmt.Println(len(linedt))
                    dnode := types.DebugNode{}

                    if len(linedt) > 2 {
                        dnode.Action = "edit:" + linedt[0] + ":" + linedt[1]
                        dnode.CTA = "Update " + linedt[0] + " on line " + linedt[1]
                        dnode.Line = strings.Join(linedt[2:], " - ")
                        debuglog.Bugs = append(debuglog.Bugs, dnode)


            response = templates.Alert(types.Alertbs{Type: "danger", Text: "Your build failed, checkout the logs to see why!"})

        } else {
            passed = true
            response = templates.Alert(types.Alertbs{Type: "success", Text: "Your build passed!"})
    } else {
        debuglog := types.DebugObj{r.FormValue("pkg"), methods.RandTen(), "", logBuilt, time.Now().String(), []types.DebugNode{}}
        fPart := strings.Split(logBuilt, "Full compiler build log :")
        logs := strings.Split(fPart[1], "\n")

        for linen, log := range logs {
            if linen != 0 {
                linedt := strings.Split(log, ":")
                //    fmt.Println(len(linedt))
                dnode := types.DebugNode{}
                //    fmt.Println(linedt)
                if linedt[0] == "./application.go" {
                    if len(linedt) > 2 {
                        il, _ := strconv.Atoi(linedt[1])
                        actline := methods.FindString("./application.go", il)
                        actline = strings.TrimSpace(actline)
                        //find line
                        inStructs := methods.FindLine("./structs.dsl", actline)
                        if inStructs == -1 {

                            inMethods := methods.FindLine("./methods.dsl", actline)
                            if inMethods == -1 {

                                gos, _ := core.PLoadGos(os.ExpandEnv("$GOPATH") + "/src/" + r.FormValue("pkg") + "/gos.gxml")

                                inMain := methods.FindinString(gos.Main, actline)

                                if inMain == -1 {

                                    inInit := methods.FindinString(gos.
                                        Init_Func, actline)
                                    if inInit == -1 {
                                        //    fmt.Println(actline)
                                        for _, v := range gos.Endpoints.Endpoints {

                                            inEndpoint := methods.FindinString(v.Method, actline)
                                            if inEndpoint != -1 {
                                                enode := types.DebugNode{}
                                                enode.Action = "service:" + v.Path + " - " + v.Type + ":" + strconv.Itoa(inEndpoint) + ":" + v.Id
                                                enode.Line = strings.Join(linedt[2:], " - ")
                                                enode.CTA = "Update webservice " + v.Path
                                                debuglog.Bugs = append(debuglog.Bugs, enode)
                                    } else {
                                        linestring := strconv.Itoa(inInit)
                                        dnode.Action = "init:" + linestring
                                        dnode.CTA = "Update Init()"
                                        dnode.Line = strings.Join(linedt[2:], " - ")
                                        debuglog.Bugs = append(debuglog.Bugs, dnode)

                                } else {
                                    linestring := strconv.Itoa(inMain)
                                    dnode.Action = "main:" + linestring
                                    dnode.CTA = "Update main()"
                                    dnode.Line = strings.Join(linedt[2:], " - ")
                                    debuglog.Bugs = append(debuglog.Bugs, dnode)

                            } else {
                                linestring := strconv.Itoa(inMethods)
                                dnode.Action = "meth:" + linestring
                                dnode.CTA = "Update pipelines."
                                dnode.Line = strings.Join(linedt[2:], " - ")
                                debuglog.Bugs = append(debuglog.Bugs, dnode)

                        } else {
                            linestring := strconv.Itoa(inStructs)
                            dnode.Action = "structs:" + linestring
                            dnode.CTA = "Update interfaces."
                            dnode.Line = strings.Join(linedt[2:], " - ")
                            debuglog.Bugs = append(debuglog.Bugs, dnode)

                } else {
                    if len(linedt) > 2 {
                        dnode.Action = "edit:" + linedt[0] + ":" + linedt[1]
                        dnode.CTA = "Update " + linedt[0] + " on line " + linedt[1]
                        dnode.Line = strings.Join(linedt[2:], " - ")
                        debuglog.Bugs = append(debuglog.Bugs, dnode)


        response = templates.Alert(types.Alertbs{Type: "danger", Text: "Your build failed, checkout the logs to see why!"})



    apps := methods.GetApps()
    sapp := methods.GetApp(apps, r.FormValue("pkg"))

    sapp.Passed = passed
    sapp.LatestBuild = time.Now().String()
    apps = methods.UpdateApp(apps, r.FormValue("pkg"), sapp)

    //Users.Update(bson.M{"uid":me.UID}, me)

    callmet = true