import type { Maybe } from "";
import { outOfBounds } from "";
import type { CostFn, IGraph } from "./api.js";
* Implementation of the Floyd-Warshall algorithm for finding _all_ shortest
* paths in a directed graph, optionally with positive or negative edge weights.
* A single execution of the algorithm will find the lengths (summed weights) of
* shortest paths between all pairs of vertices.
* @remarks
* The default cost function is topological distance (i.e. every edge has a
* length/cost of 1).
* Paths & accumulated distances can be queried via {@link FloydWarshall.path}
* and {@link FloydWarshall.distance}.
* This algorithm is quite memory hungry and requires `|V| * |V| * 8 bytes`,
* i.e. ~8MB for a graph with 1000 nodes. If possible, use {@link BFS} to
* perform individual shortest-path queries (rather than this global approach).
* Reference:
* -
export class FloydWarshall {
dist: Float32Array;
next: Int32Array;
numV: number;
* Instantiates and pre-computes all shortest paths in given `graph`. See
* class comments for details.
* @param graph
* @param cost
constructor(graph: IGraph<number>, cost: CostFn = () => 1) {
const numV = (this.numV = graph.numVertices());
const dist = (this.dist = new Float32Array(numV * numV).fill(Infinity));
const next = ( = new Int32Array(numV * numV).fill(-1));
for (let [u, v] of graph.edges()) {
const idx = u * numV + v;
dist[idx] = cost(u, v);
next[idx] = v;
for (let v = 0; v < numV; v++) {
const idx = v * numV + v;
dist[idx] = 0;
next[idx] = v;
for (let k = 0; k < numV; k++) {
for (let i = 0; i < numV; i++) {
const idxIK = i * numV + k;
for (let j = 0; j < numV; j++) {
const idxIJ = i * numV + j;
const idxKJ = k * numV + j;
const minD = dist[idxIK] + dist[idxKJ];
if (dist[idxIJ] > minD) {
dist[idxIJ] = minD;
next[idxIJ] = next[idxIK];
* Returns shortest distance between vertices `a` and `b`, or `undefined` if
* no connecting path exists. Throws an error if either `a` or `b` are out
* of bounds.
* @param a
* @param b
distance(a: number, b: number): Maybe<number> {
this.ensurePair(a, b);
return this.dist[a * this.numV + b];
* Returns iterator of vertex IDs of path between `a` and `b` (if any).
* Throws an error if either `a` or `b` are out of bounds.
* @param a
* @param b
*path(a: number, b: number) {
this.ensurePair(a, b);
const { next, numV } = this;
if (next[a * numV + b] === -1) return;
yield a;
while (a !== b) {
a = next[a * numV + b];
yield a;
protected ensureIndex(id: number) {
!(id >= 0 && id < this.numV) && outOfBounds(id);
protected ensurePair(a: number, b: number) {
* Factory function for {@link FloydWarshall}.
* @param graph
* @param cost
export const floydWarshall = (graph: IGraph<number>, cost?: CostFn) =>
new FloydWarshall(graph, cost);