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import type { Fn2, IObjectOf, Nullable } from "";
import { assert } from "";

 * Takes an object describing a DAG of nodes of type T with keys being node IDs.
 * Also takes a function which will be applied to each node and either returns
 * an array of node IDs the given node depends on or null if the node has no
 * dependencies. Traverses all nodes in the graph (object) and returns an array
 * of node IDs in topological dependency order.
 * @remarks
 * An error will be thrown if the graph contains cycles. In this case, the full
 * cycle will be part of the error message (see second example below).
 * @example
 * ```ts tangle:../export/topo-sort.ts
 * import { topoSort } from "";
 * const graph: Record<string, { deps?: string[] }> = {
 *   a: { deps: ["c", "b"] },
 *   b: {},
 *   c: { deps: ["d"] },
 *   d: { deps: ["b"] }
 * };
 * console.log(
 *   topoSort(graph, (node) => node.deps)
 * );
 * // [ "b", "d", "c", "a" ]
 * // An error will be thrown if the graph contains cycles...
 * graph.d.deps!.push("a");
 * console.log(
 *   topoSort(graph, (node) => node.deps)
 * );
 * // Uncaught Error: illegal state: dependency cycle: a -> c -> d -> a
 * ```
 * @param nodes
 * @param deps
export const topoSort = <T>(
    nodes: IObjectOf<T>,
    deps: Fn2<T, string, Nullable<string[]>>
) => {
    const cycles: IObjectOf<boolean> = {};
    const topology: string[] = [];
    const sort = (id: string, path: string[]) => {
        assert(nodes[id] != null, `missing node: ${id}`);
        assert(!cycles[id], `dependency cycle: ${path.join(" -> ")}`);
        cycles[id] = true;
        const nodeDeps = deps(nodes[id], id);
        if (nodeDeps) {
            for (let d of nodeDeps) sort(d, [...path, d]);
        cycles[id] = false;
        if (!topology.includes(id)) topology.push(id);
    for (let id in nodes) sort(id, [id]);
    return topology;