import type {
} from "";
import { ceilPow2 } from "";
import { isPlainObject } from "";
import { equiv } from "";
import { map } from "";
import type { HashMapOpts } from "./api.js";
import { dissoc } from "./dissoc.js";
import { __equivMap } from "./internal/equiv.js";
import { __inspectable } from "./internal/inspect.js";
import { into } from "./into.js";
interface HashMapState<K, V> {
hash: Fn<K, number>;
equiv: Predicate2<K>;
load: number;
bins: Pair<K, V>[];
mask: number;
size: number;
/** @internal */
const __private = new WeakMap<HashMap<any, any>, HashMapState<any, any>>();
/** @internal */
const __iterator = <K, V>(map: HashMap<K, V>, id: 0 | 1) =>
function* () {
for (let p of __private.get(map)!.bins) {
if (p) yield p[id];
const DEFAULT_CAP = 16;
const DEFAULT_LOAD = 0.75;
* Configurable hash map implementation w/ ES6 Map API. Uses open
* addressing / linear probing to resolve key collisions. Supports any
* key types via mandatory user supplied hash function.
* See {@link HashMapOpts} for further configuration & behavior details.
* @example
* ```ts tangle:../export/hash-map.ts
* import { HashMap } from "";
* import { hash } from "";
* const m = new HashMap([], { hash })
* m.set([1, 2], "a");
* m.set([3, 4], "b");
* m.set([1, 2], "c");
* console.log([...m]);
* // HashMap { [ 1, 2 ] => 'c', [ 3, 4 ] => 'b' }
* ```
export class HashMap<K, V>
extends Map<K, V>
Iterable<Pair<K, V>>,
ICopy<HashMap<K, V>>,
IEmpty<HashMap<K, V>>,
constructor(pairs: Iterable<Pair<K, V>> | null, opts: HashMapOpts<K>) {
const m = ceilPow2(Math.min(opts.cap || DEFAULT_CAP, 4)) - 1;
__private.set(this, {
hash: opts.hash,
equiv: opts.equiv || equiv,
load: opts.load || DEFAULT_LOAD,
mask: m,
bins: new Array(m + 1),
size: 0,
if (pairs) {
get [Symbol.species]() {
return HashMap;
get [Symbol.toStringTag]() {
return "HashMap";
get size(): number {
return __private.get(this)!.size;
[Symbol.iterator]() {
return this.entries();
*entries(): IterableIterator<Pair<K, V>> {
for (let p of __private.get(this)!.bins) {
if (p) yield [p[0], p[1]];
keys(): IterableIterator<K> {
return __iterator(this, 0)();
values(): IterableIterator<V> {
return __iterator(this, 1)();
* The key & value args given the callback `fn` MUST be treated as
* readonly/immutable. This could be enforced via TS, but would
* break ES6 Map interface contract.
* @param fn -
* @param thisArg -
forEach(fn: Fn3<V, K, Map<K, V>, void>, thisArg?: any) {
for (let pair of __private.get(this)!.bins) {, pair[1], pair[0], this);
clear() {
const $this = __private.get(this)!;
$this.bins = new Array(DEFAULT_CAP);
$this.mask = 15;
$this.size = 0;
empty() {
return new HashMap<K, V>(null, this.opts({ cap: DEFAULT_CAP }));
copy() {
const $this = __private.get(this)!;
const m = new HashMap<K, V>(null, this.opts({ cap: 4 }));
Object.assign(__private.get(m)!, {
bins: $this.bins.slice(),
mask: $this.mask,
size: $this.size,
return m;
equiv(o: any) {
return __equivMap(this, o);
has(key: K): boolean {
const $this = __private.get(this)!;
const i = this.find(key, $this);
return i >= 0 && $this.bins[i] != undefined;
get(key: K, notFound?: V): Maybe<V> {
const $this = __private.get(this)!;
const i = this.find(key, $this);
return i >= 0 && $this.bins[i] ? $this.bins[i][1] : notFound;
set(key: K, val: V) {
const $this = __private.get(this)!;
let i = this.find(key, $this);
if (i >= 0 && $this.bins[i]) {
$this.bins[i][1] = val;
return this;
if ($this.size > $this.mask * $this.load) {
i = this.find(key, $this);
$this.bins[i] = [key, val];
return this;
delete(key: K) {
const $this = __private.get(this)!;
const { bins, mask } = $this;
let i = this.find(key, $this);
if (i >= 0 && !bins[i]) {
return false;
let j = i;
let k: number;
while (true) {
delete bins[i];
do {
j = (j + 1) & mask;
if (!bins[j]) return true;
k = $this.hash(bins[j][0]) & mask;
} while (i <= j ? i < k && k <= j : i < k || k <= j);
bins[i] = bins[j];
i = j;
into(pairs: Iterable<Pair<K, V>>) {
return <this>into(this, pairs);
dissoc(keys: Iterable<K>) {
return <this>dissoc(this, keys);
opts(overrides?: Partial<HashMapOpts<K>>): HashMapOpts<K> {
const $this = __private.get(this)!;
return <HashMapOpts<K>>{
hash: $this.hash,
equiv: $this.equiv,
load: $this.load,
cap: $this.mask + 1,
protected find(key: K, $this: HashMapState<K, V>) {
const { bins, equiv, mask } = $this;
let i = mask;
let h = $this.hash(key) & mask;
while (bins[h] && !equiv(bins[h][0], key)) {
if (i < 0) return -1;
h = (h + 1) & mask;
return h;
protected resize($this: HashMapState<K, V>) {
const src = $this.bins;
const cap = ($this.mask + 1) * 2;
$this.bins = new Array(cap);
$this.mask = cap - 1;
$this.size = 0;
for (let p of src) {
if (p) this.set(p[0], p[1]);
export function defHashMap<K, V>(
pairs: Iterable<Pair<K, V>> | null,
opts: HashMapOpts<K>
): HashMap<K, V>;
export function defHashMap<V>(
obj: IObjectOf<V>,
opts: HashMapOpts<string>
): HashMap<string, V>;
export function defHashMap<V>(
src: any,
opts: HashMapOpts<any>
): HashMap<any, V> {
if (isPlainObject(src)) {
const keys = Object.keys(src);
return new HashMap<string, V>(
map((k) => <Pair<string, V>>[k, (<IObjectOf<V>>src)[k]], keys),
cap: keys.length / (opts.load || DEFAULT_LOAD),
} else {
return new HashMap(src, opts);