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import type { Fn2, Maybe } from "";
import { assert } from "";
import type { IClosable, IWriteable } from "./api.js";
import { Channel } from "./channel.js";

export const broadcast = async <T>(
    src: Channel<T>,
    dest: Channel<T>[],
    close = true
) => {
    for await (let x of src) {
        for (let chan of dest) chan.write(x);
    if (close) {
        for (let chan of dest) chan.close();

export const concat = async <T>(
    dest: IWriteable<T> & IClosable,
    chans: Iterable<Channel<T>>,
    close = true
) => {
    return (async () => {
        for (let c of chans) {
            await consumeWith(c, (x: T) => dest.write(x));
        close && dest.close();

 * Consumes & collects all queued and future values written to channel `chan`
 * until closed or the max. number of values has been collected (whatever comes
 * first). Returns a promise of the result array.
 * @param chan
 * @param res
 * @param num
export const consume = async <T>(
    chan: Channel<T>,
    res: T[] = [],
    num = Infinity
) => {
    for (let n = 0; !chan.closed() && n < num; n++) {
        const x = await;
        if (x == undefined) break;
    return res;

 * Consumes all queued and future values written to channel `chan` until closed
 * or the max. number of values has been reached (whatever comes first). Calls
 * `fn` with each value read (presumably for side effects). Returns a void
 * promise which resolves when the consumer is done.
 * @param chan
 * @param fn
 * @param num
export const consumeWith = async <T>(
    chan: Channel<T>,
    fn: Fn2<T, Channel<T>, void>,
    num = Infinity
) => {
    for (let n = 0; !chan.closed() && n < num; n++) {
        const x = await;
        if (x == undefined) break;
        fn(x, chan);

 * Similar to {@link consume}, but only processes any current in-flight writes
 * and returns a promise with an array of their values.
 * @param chan
export const drain = async <T>(chan: Channel<T>) =>
    await (async () => {
        const ops: Promise<T>[] = [];
        for (
            let i = 0, n = chan.writes.length + chan.queue.length;
            i < n;
        ) {
        return Promise.all(ops);

 * Takes an async iterable and returns a new CSP {@link Channel}, which receives
 * all values from `src`. If `close` is true (default), the channel will be
 * automatically closed once the iterable is exhausted.
 * @param src
 * @param close
export const fromAsyncIterable = <T>(src: AsyncIterable<T>, close = true) => {
    const chan = new Channel<T>();
    (async () => {
        for await (let x of src) {
            await chan.write(x);
            if (!chan.writable()) break;
        close && chan.close();
    return chan;

export const merge = <T>(
    src: Channel<T>[],
    dest?: Channel<T>,
    close = true
) => {
    assert(src.length > 0, "no inputs given");
    dest = dest || new Channel<T>();
    (async () => {
        while (true) {
            const [x, ch] = await select(...(<[Channel<T>]>src));
            if (x === undefined) {
                src.splice(src.indexOf(ch), 1);
                if (!src.length) {
                    close && dest.close();
            } else {
                await dest.write(x);
    return dest;

export const into = async <T, DEST extends IWriteable<T> & IClosable>(
    chan: DEST,
    src: Iterable<T> | AsyncIterable<T>,
    close = false
) => {
    for await (let x of src) {
        if (!chan.writable()) break;
        await chan.write(x);
    close && chan.close();

export const pipe = <T, DEST extends IWriteable<T> & IClosable>(
    src: Channel<T>,
    dest: DEST,
    close = true
) => {
    (async () => {
        for await (let x of src) {
            await dest.write(x);
            if (!dest.writable()) break;
        close && dest.close();
    return dest;

 * Takes one or more input channels and attempts to read from all of them at
 * once (via {@link Channel.race}, a blocking op). Returns a promise which
 * resolves once one of the inputs becomes available or was closed, selects that
 * channel to read from it and returns tuple of `[value, channel]`.
 * @param input
 * @param xs
export const select = async <T>(
    input: Channel<T>,
    ...xs: Channel<T>[]
): Promise<[Maybe<T>, Channel<T>]> => {
    const inputs = [input, ...xs];
    const sel = await Promise.race( => x.race()));
    for (let chan of inputs) {
        if (chan !== sel) chan.races.shift();
    if (sel.writes.readable()) {
        const [msg, write] =;
        return [msg, sel];
    return [undefined, sel];

 * Returns a new {@link Channel} which will automatically close after `delay`
 * milliseconds.
 * @remarks
 * Intended as utility for enforcing a timeout for {@link select}-style
 * operations.
 * @param delay
export const timeout = (delay: number) => {
    const ch = new Channel<any>();
    setTimeout(() => ch.close(), delay);
    return ch;