import type { FnN3, Maybe, NumericArray } from "";
import type { ComplexArray } from "./api.js";
import { isComplex } from "./complex.js";
import { magDb } from "./convert.js";
import { invPowerScale, powerScale } from "./power.js";
import { applyWindow } from "./window.js";
* Returns a new tuple of real/img F64 buffers of given size.
* @param n -
export const complexArray = (n: number): ComplexArray => [
new Float64Array(n),
new Float64Array(n),
* Creates a deep copy of given {@link ComplexArray}.
* @param complex -
export const copyComplex = (complex: ComplexArray): ComplexArray => [
* If given a {@link ComplexArray}, computes the complex conjugate, concatenates
* it in mirrored order to input (excluding bin 0) and returns it as new
* (complex) array.
* @remarks
* The length of the input buffer(s) is assumed to be a power of 2.
* If given a
* [`NumericArray`](,
* the `isImg` arg chooses from one of the following operations: If `true`
* (default), returns new array with *negated* values concatenated in reverse
* order. If `false`, returns new array with *original* values concatenated in
* reverse order.
* @example
* ```ts tangle:../export/conjugate1.ts
* import { conjugate } from "";
* console.log(
* conjugate([0, 3, 2, 1], true)
* );
* // Float64Array [ 0, 3, 2, 1, 0, -1, -2, -3 ]
* console.log(
* conjugate([0, 3, 2, 1], false)
* );
* // Float64Array [ 0, 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3 ]
* console.log(
* conjugate([[0, 1, 0, 1], [0, -0.5, 0, -0.25]])
* );
* // [
* // Float64Array [ 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1 ],
* // Float64Array [ 0, -0.5, 0, -0.25, 0, 0.25, 0, 0.5 ]
* // ]
* ```
* @example
* ```ts tangle:../export/conjugate2.ts
* import { conjugate, ifft } from "";
* // generate single-period sine (window size = 16)
* console.log(
* ifft(conjugate([0, -8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]))[0]
* );
* // [
* // 0, 0.383, 0.707, 0.924,
* // 1, 0.924, 0.707, 0.383,
* // 0, -0.384, -0.707, -0.924,
* // -1, -0.924, -0.707, -0.383
* // ]
* ```
* @param src -
* @param isImg -
export function conjugate(src: NumericArray, isImg?: boolean): NumericArray;
export function conjugate(complex: ComplexArray): ComplexArray;
export function conjugate(src: NumericArray | ComplexArray, isImg = true): any {
if (isComplex(src)) {
const n = src[0].length;
const res = complexArray(n * 2);
const [sreal, simg] = <ComplexArray>src;
const [dreal, dimg] = res;
for (let i = 1, j = n * 2 - 1; i < n; i++, j--) {
dreal[j] = sreal[i];
dimg[j] = -simg[i];
return res;
} else {
const n = src.length;
const dest = new Float64Array(n * 2);
for (let i = 1, j = n * 2 - 1; i < n; i++, j--) {
dest[j] = isImg ? -(<NumericArray>src)[i] : (<NumericArray>src)[i];
return dest;
/** @internal */
const __swapR = (real: NumericArray, n: number) => {
const n2 = n >> 1;
let ii: number;
let jj: number;
let k: number;
let t: number;
for (let i = 1, j = 1; i < n; i++) {
if (i < j) {
ii = i - 1;
jj = j - 1;
t = real[jj];
real[jj] = real[ii];
real[ii] = t;
k = n2;
while (k < j) {
j -= k;
k >>= 1;
j += k;
/** @internal */
const __swapRI = (real: NumericArray, img: NumericArray, n: number) => {
const n2 = n >> 1;
let ii: number;
let jj: number;
let k: number;
let t: number;
for (let i = 1, j = 1; i < n; i++) {
if (i < j) {
ii = i - 1;
jj = j - 1;
t = real[jj];
real[jj] = real[ii];
real[ii] = t;
t = img[jj];
img[jj] = img[ii];
img[ii] = t;
k = n2;
while (k < j) {
j -= k;
k >>= 1;
j += k;
/** @internal */
const __transform = (real: NumericArray, img: NumericArray, n: number) => {
let step = 1;
let prevStep: number;
let i: number, j: number, ii: number, ip: number;
let tr: number, ti: number;
let ur: number, ui: number;
let wr: number, wi: number;
let t: number;
for (let b = Math.ceil(Math.log2(n)); b-- > 0; ) {
prevStep = step;
step <<= 1;
ur = 1;
ui = 0;
t = Math.PI / prevStep;
wr = Math.cos(t);
wi = -Math.sin(t);
for (j = 1; j <= prevStep; j++) {
for (i = j; i <= n; i += step) {
ip = i + prevStep - 1;
ii = i - 1;
tr = real[ip] * ur - img[ip] * ui;
ti = real[ip] * ui + img[ip] * ur;
real[ip] = real[ii] - tr;
img[ip] = img[ii] - ti;
real[ii] += tr;
img[ii] += ti;
t = ur;
ur = t * wr - ui * wi;
ui = t * wi + ui * wr;
* Computes in-place forward FFT for given real/imaginary component
* buffers (each MUST be pow2 length), optionally with windowing.
* @remarks
* If `window` is given, the `real` array will be pre-multiplied with
* the `window`.
* No result scaling / normalization is performed. Use
* {@link normalizeFFT} for that purpose.
* -
* -
* -
* -
* @param complex -
* @param window -
export const fft = (
complex: NumericArray | ComplexArray,
window?: NumericArray
): ComplexArray => {
let real: NumericArray, img: Maybe<NumericArray>;
if (isComplex(complex)) {
real = complex[0];
img = <NumericArray>complex[1];
} else {
real = <NumericArray>complex;
if (window) {
applyWindow(real, window);
const n = real.length;
if (img) {
__swapRI(real, img, n);
} else {
__swapR(real, n);
img = new Float64Array(n);
__transform(real, img, n);
return [real, img];
* Inverse FFT via computing forward transform with swapped real/imaginary
* components. Expects denormalized inputs (i.e. the same as the result of
* {@link fft}).
* @remarks
* - (method #3)
* @param complex -
export const ifft = (src: NumericArray | ComplexArray): ComplexArray => {
let complex: ComplexArray = isComplex(src)
? src
: [new Float64Array(src.length), <NumericArray>src];
fft([complex[1], complex[0]]);
return scaleFFT(complex, 1 / complex[0].length);
export const scaleFFT = (
complex: ComplexArray,
scale: number
): ComplexArray => {
const [real, img] = complex;
const n = real.length;
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
real[i] *= scale;
img[i] *= scale;
return [real, img];
* Normalizes the complex FFT array by scaling each complex bin value with given
* scale factor (or, if given as array, the scale factor derived from these
* window function samples).
* @remarks
* By default assumes a rectangular window and the resulting scale factor of 2 /
* N.
* References:
* -
* @param complex -
* @param window -
export const normalizeFFT = (
complex: ComplexArray,
window: number | NumericArray = 2 / complex[0].length
): ComplexArray => scaleFFT(complex, powerScale(window, 2));
* Inverse operation of {@link normalizeFFT}. De-normalizes the complex FFT
* array by scaling each complex bin value with given scale factor (or, if given
* as array, the scale factor derived from these window function samples).
* @remarks
* By default assumes a rectangular window and the resulting scale factor of N /
* 2.
* References:
* -
* @param complex -
* @param window -
export const denormalizeFFT = (
complex: ComplexArray,
window: number | NumericArray = complex[0].length / 2
): ComplexArray => scaleFFT(complex, invPowerScale(window, 2));
* Computes the magnitude of each FFT bin and if less than given `eps`
* threshold, sets that bin to zero. Returns input FFT array.
* @remarks
* It's recommended to apply this function prior computing
* {@link spectrumPhase}. The `eps` value might have to be adjusted and should
* be approx. `max(spectrumMag(fft))/10000`.
* References:
* -
* @param complex -
* @param eps -
export const thresholdFFT = (complex: ComplexArray, eps = 1e-12) => {
const [real, img] = complex;
for (let i = 0, n = real.length; i < n; i++) {
if (Math.hypot(real[i], img[i]) < eps) {
real[i] = img[i] = 0;
return complex;
* Computes magnitude spectrum for given FFT: y(i) = abs(c(i)). By default only
* the first N/2 values are returned.
* @param complex - FFT result
* @param n - bin count
* @param out - result array
export const spectrumMag = (
complex: ComplexArray,
n = complex[0].length / 2,
out: NumericArray = []
) => {
const [real, img] = complex;
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
out[i] = Math.hypot(real[i], img[i]);
return out;
* Computes power spectrum (optionally as dBFS) for the given FFT result arrays
* (length = N) and optional `window`. Writes result to `out` or a new array.
* @remarks
* If `window` is given (scale factor or array), it will be used as (if number)
* or to compute the scaling factor (if array) for each FFT bin's value. The
* default (`window=1`) is the equivalent to a rectangular window (i.e. a
* no-op). If windowing was used to compute the FFT, the same should be provided
* to this function for correct results.
* **IMPORTANT:** If the FFT result has already been normalized using
* {@link normalizeFFT}, the scaling factor (`window` arg) MUST be set 1.0.
* By default only the first N/2 values are returned. If `db` is true, the
* spectrum values are converted to dBFS.
* -
* -
* -
* -
* @param complex -
* @param db -
* @param window -
* @param n -
* @param out -
export const spectrumPow = (
complex: ComplexArray,
db = false,
window: number | NumericArray = 2 / complex[0].length,
n = complex[0].length / 2,
out: NumericArray = []
) => {
const [real, img] = complex;
const scale = powerScale(window, 2);
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
const p = real[i] ** 2 + img[i] ** 2;
out[i] = db ? magDb(Math.sqrt(p) * scale) : p * scale;
return out;
* Computes phase spectrum for given FFT and writes results to `out`. By default
* only the first N/2 values are returned.
* @remarks
* Consider applying {@link thresholdFFT} prior to computing the phase spectrum
* to avoid exploding floating point error magnitudes.
* @param complex - FFT result
* @param n - bin count
* @param out - result array
export const spectrumPhase = (
complex: ComplexArray,
n = complex[0].length / 2,
out: NumericArray = []
) => {
const [real, img] = complex;
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
out[i] = Math.atan2(img[i], real[i]);
return out;
* Returns FFT bin index for given frequency, sample rate and window
* size. See {@link binFreq} for reverse op.
* @param f - frequency
* @param fs - sample rate
* @param n - window size
export const freqBin: FnN3 = (f, fs, n) => ((f * n) / fs) | 0;
* Returns frequency for given FFT bin index, sample rate and window
* size. See {@link freqBin} for reverse op.
* @param bin - bin
* @param fs - sample rate
* @param n - window size
export const binFreq: FnN3 = (bin, fs, n) => (bin * fs) / n;
* Returns array of bin center frequencies for given FFT window size and sample
* rate. By default only the first N/2+1 values are returned (`m` and including
* 0Hz).
* @param n - window size
* @param fs - sample rate
* @param m - number of result values
export const fftFreq = (n: number, fs: number, m = n / 2) => {
const res = new Float64Array(m);
for (let i = 0; i <= m; i++) {
res[i] = binFreq(i, fs, n);
return res;