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import type { TypedArray } from "";
import { isString } from "";
import type { ILogger } from "";
import { randomID } from "";
import { realpathSync, writeFileSync } from "node:fs";
import { tmpdir } from "node:os";
import { sep } from "node:path";
import { ensureDirForFile } from "./dir.js";

 * Constructs a temp file path using {@link tempFilePath} and writes `body` to
 * this path, then returns path. If `name` is given and contains
 * sub-directories, they will be created automatically.
 * @param body
 * @param logger
 * @param name
 * @param ext
export const createTempFile = (
    body: string | TypedArray,
    logger?: ILogger,
    name?: string,
    ext?: string
) => {
    const path = tempFilePath(name, ext);
    logger && logger.debug("creating temp file:", path);
    writeFileSync(path, body, isString(body) ? "utf-8" : undefined);
    return path;

 * Constructs a file path in the system-defined temp directory, optionally using
 * provided basename and/or file extension.
 * @remarks
 * If no `name` is given, constructs a random filename of `tmp-XXX` (16 random
 * chars).
 * @param name
 * @param ext
export const tempFilePath = (name?: string, ext = "") =>
    realpathSync(tmpdir()) + sep + (name || randomID(16, "tmp-")) + ext;