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import type { Fn, IEmpty, Predicate2 } from "";
import type { INeighborhood } from "";
import { assert } from "";
import type { ReadonlyVec } from "";
import { equals } from "";
import { hash2, hash3 } from "";
import type { ASpatialGrid } from "./aspatial-grid.js";

export interface QueryNeighborhoodOpts {
     * Normally the search radius for checking grid cells will be obtained from
     * the given neighborhood, however this can be overridden via this option.
    r: number;

 * Abstract base class for an spatially unbounded hash grid. Conceptually
 * similar to {@link ASpatialGrid}, but using a more efficient internal data
 * storage and different query API using [neighborhoods]() (also see
 * {@link AHashGrid#queryNeighborhood}). Does not support incremental indexing
 * or removal of individual items.
 * @remarks
 * Grid data structure based on:
 * -
export abstract class AHashGrid<T> {
    invSize: number;
    tableSize: number;
    keyFn: Fn<T, ReadonlyVec>;
    indices: Uint32Array;
    entries: Uint32Array;
    items!: T[];

        key: Fn<T, ReadonlyVec>,
        cellSize: number,
        capacity: number,
        items?: T[]
    ) {
        this.invSize = 1 / cellSize;
        this.tableSize = capacity << 1;
        this.indices = new Uint32Array(this.tableSize + 1);
        this.entries = new Uint32Array(capacity);
        this.keyFn = key;
        items ? : (this.items = []);

    get length() {
        return this.items.length;

    clear() {
        this.items = [];

     * Computes number of hash collisions and max cell occupancy.
    stats() {
        const { indices, items, keyFn } = this;
        const bins = new Uint32Array(indices.length);
        let max = 0;
        let collisions = 0;
        const numP = items.length;
        for (let i = 0; i < numP; i++) {
            const n = ++bins[this.hashPos(keyFn(items[i]))];
            if (n > 1) collisions++;
            max = Math.max(max, n);
        return { collisions, max };

     * (Re)builds the hash grid from given items. All previous contents will be
     * lost! `items` must be less than max. capacity configured via ctor.
     * @param items
    build(items: T[]) {
        const { entries, indices, keyFn, tableSize } = this;
        const num = items.length;
        assert(items.length <= entries.length, `too many items`);
        this.items = items;

        for (let i = 0; i < num; i++) {

        let prefixSum = 0;
        for (let i = 0; i < tableSize; i++) {
            prefixSum += indices[i];
            indices[i] = prefixSum;
        indices[tableSize] = prefixSum;

        for (let i = 0; i < num; i++) {
            entries[--indices[this.hashPos(keyFn(items[i]))]] = i;

     * Returns true if an item with given `key` vector has been indexed by the
     * hash grid. The optional `equiv` predicate can be used to customize the
     * key equality test (called for all items matching the `keys` hash).
     * @remarks
     * Default predicate is: [
     * equals()](
     * @param key
     * @param equiv
    has(key: ReadonlyVec, equiv: Predicate2<ReadonlyVec> = equals) {
        const { entries, indices, items, keyFn } = this;
        const h = this.hashPos(key);
        for (let i = indices[h], j = indices[h + 1]; i < j; i++) {
            if (equiv(keyFn(items[entries[i]]), key)) return true;
        return false;

     * Returns array of all items (if any) which have been indexed using given
     * lookup `key` AND which are passing the given `equiv` predicate (which can
     * be used to customize the key equality test).
     * @remarks
     * Default predicate is: [
     * equals()](
     * @param key
     * @param equiv
    get(key: ReadonlyVec, equiv: Predicate2<ReadonlyVec> = equals) {
        const { entries, indices, items, keyFn } = this;
        const h = this.hashPos(key);
        const res: T[] = [];
        for (let i = indices[h], j = indices[h + 1]; i < j; i++) {
            const val = items[entries[i]];
            if (equiv(keyFn(val), key)) res.push(val);
        return res;

     * Queries grid using provided
     * [`INeighborhood`](
     * implementation. Returns neighborhood.
     * @example
     * ```ts tangle:../export/query-neighborhood.ts
     * import { knearest2 } from "";
     * import { HashGrid2 } from "";
     * import { repeatedly } from "";
     * import { random2, type ReadonlyVec } from "";
     * // generate 1000 random points in [-500..500) interval
     * const pts = [...repeatedly(() => random2([], -500, 500), 1000)];
     * // create hash grid with cell size 16 and index all points
     * // (since indexed items are just points key function is identity)
     * const grid = new HashGrid2<ReadonlyVec>((p) => p, 16, pts.length, pts);
     * // perform k-nearest neighbor search around origin (k=5, radius=200)
     * console.log(
     *   grid.queryNeighborhood(knearest2([0, 0], 5, 200)).values()
     * );
     * // [
     * //   [-12.65, 26.19]
     * //   [1.94, 28.09]
     * //   [-17.49, -8.76]
     * //   [-14.55, 8.17]
     * //   [8.09, 17.47]
     * // ]
     * ```
     * @param neighborhood
    abstract queryNeighborhood<N extends INeighborhood<ReadonlyVec, T>>(
        neighborhood: N,
        opts?: Partial<QueryNeighborhoodOpts>
    ): N;

     * Returns true if any of the indexed items are located within the given
     * `neighborhood`.
     * @remarks
     * This method is much faster than {@link AHashGrid.queryNeighborhood} if
     * one only wants to check if items are present in given region. The method
     * returns as soon as a positive result is found.
     * @param neighborhood
     * @param opts
    abstract hasNeighborhood<N extends INeighborhood<ReadonlyVec, T>>(
        neighborhood: N,
        opts?: Partial<QueryNeighborhoodOpts>
    ): boolean;

    abstract hashPos(p: ReadonlyVec): number;

 * 2D implementation of {@link AHashGrid}.
export class HashGrid2<T> extends AHashGrid<T> implements IEmpty<HashGrid2<T>> {
    empty() {
        return new HashGrid2<T>(
            1 / this.invSize,

    queryNeighborhood<N extends INeighborhood<ReadonlyVec, T>>(
        neighborhood: N,
        opts: Partial<QueryNeighborhoodOpts> = {}
    ) {
        const { entries, indices, items, keyFn, tableSize } = this;
        const { xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax } = this.queryBounds(neighborhood, opts);
        for (let x = xmin; x <= xmax; x++) {
            for (let y = ymin; y <= ymax; y++) {
                const h = hash2(x, y) % tableSize;
                for (let i = indices[h], j = indices[h + 1]; i < j; i++) {
                    const val = items[entries[i]];
                    neighborhood.consider(keyFn(val), val);
        return neighborhood;

    hasNeighborhood<N extends INeighborhood<ReadonlyVec, T>>(
        neighborhood: N,
        opts: Partial<QueryNeighborhoodOpts> = {}
    ) {
        const { entries, indices, items, keyFn, tableSize } = this;
        const { xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax } = this.queryBounds(neighborhood, opts);
        for (let x = xmin; x <= xmax; x++) {
            for (let y = ymin; y <= ymax; y++) {
                const h = hash2(x, y) % tableSize;
                for (let i = indices[h], j = indices[h + 1]; i < j; i++) {
                    if (neighborhood.includesPosition(keyFn(items[entries[i]])))
                        return true;
        return false;

    hashPos(p: ReadonlyVec) {
        const s = this.invSize;
        return hash2(p[0] * s, p[1] * s) % this.tableSize;

    protected queryBounds<N extends INeighborhood<ReadonlyVec, T>>(
        neighborhood: N,
        opts: Partial<QueryNeighborhoodOpts> = {}
    ) {
        const { invSize } = this;
        const [qx, qy] =;
        const r = opts.r ?? neighborhood.radius;
        return {
            xmin: ((qx - r) * invSize) | 0,
            xmax: ((qx + r) * invSize) | 0,
            ymin: ((qy - r) * invSize) | 0,
            ymax: ((qy + r) * invSize) | 0,

 * 3D implementation of {@link AHashGrid}.
export class HashGrid3<T> extends AHashGrid<T> implements IEmpty<HashGrid3<T>> {
    empty() {
        return new HashGrid3<T>(
            1 / this.invSize,

    queryNeighborhood<N extends INeighborhood<ReadonlyVec, T>>(
        neighborhood: N,
        opts: Partial<QueryNeighborhoodOpts> = {}
    ) {
        const { entries, indices, items, keyFn, tableSize } = this;
        const { xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax } = this.queryBounds(
        for (let x = xmin; x <= xmax; x++) {
            for (let y = ymin; y <= ymax; y++) {
                for (let z = zmin; z <= zmax; z++) {
                    const h = hash3(x, y, z) % tableSize;
                    for (let i = indices[h], j = indices[h + 1]; i < j; i++) {
                        const val = items[entries[i]];
                        neighborhood.consider(keyFn(val), val);
        return neighborhood;

    hasNeighborhood<N extends INeighborhood<ReadonlyVec, T>>(
        neighborhood: N,
        opts: Partial<QueryNeighborhoodOpts> = {}
    ) {
        const { entries, indices, items, keyFn, tableSize } = this;
        const { xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax } = this.queryBounds(
        for (let x = xmin; x <= xmax; x++) {
            for (let y = ymin; y <= ymax; y++) {
                for (let z = zmin; z <= zmax; z++) {
                    const h = hash3(x, y, z) % tableSize;
                    for (let i = indices[h], j = indices[h + 1]; i < j; i++) {
                        if (
                            return true;
        return false;

    hashPos(p: ReadonlyVec) {
        const s = this.invSize;
        return hash3(p[0] * s, p[1] * s, p[2] * s) % this.tableSize;

    protected queryBounds<N extends INeighborhood<ReadonlyVec, T>>(
        neighborhood: N,
        opts: Partial<QueryNeighborhoodOpts> = {}
    ) {
        const { invSize } = this;
        const [qx, qy, qz] =;
        const r = opts.r ?? neighborhood.radius;
        return {
            xmin: ((qx - r) * invSize) | 0,
            xmax: ((qx + r) * invSize) | 0,
            ymin: ((qy - r) * invSize) | 0,
            ymax: ((qy + r) * invSize) | 0,
            zmin: ((qz - r) * invSize) | 0,
            zmax: ((qz + r) * invSize) | 0,