import type { Fn3, FnN7, FnU4, FnU5 } from "";
import { closestT } from "";
import { sign } from "";
import { EPS } from "";
import { clamp01 } from "";
import type { MultiVecOpImpl, ReadonlyVec } from "";
import { clockwise2 } from "";
import { direction2 } from "";
import { distSq } from "";
import { dot2, dot3 } from "";
import { magSq } from "";
import { mixN } from "";
import { perpendicularCCW } from "";
import { signedArea2 } from "";
import { vop } from "";
* Returns classifier for point `p`, relative to infinite 2D line defined by
* point `a` and line direction `dir`. one of the following:
* - 0 if `p` lies on the line (using `eps` as tolerance)
* - -1 if `p` is right (clockwise) of the line segment
* - +1 if `p` is left (counterclockwise) of the line segment
* @param p
* @param a
* @param dir
* @param eps
export const classifyPointLine2 = (
p: ReadonlyVec,
a: ReadonlyVec,
dir: ReadonlyVec,
eps = EPS
) => {
const n = perpendicularCCW([], dir);
return sign(dot2(n, p) - dot2(n, a), eps);
* Syntax sugar for {@link classifyPointLine2}, using points `a` and `b`
* defining the line segment.
* @param p
* @param a
* @param b
* @param eps
export const classifyPointSegment2 = (
p: ReadonlyVec,
a: ReadonlyVec,
b: ReadonlyVec,
eps = EPS
) => classifyPointLine2(p, a, direction2([], a, b), eps);
* Returns true if point `p` lies on the line segment `a`, `b`, using `eps` as
* tolerance.
* @param p
* @param a
* @param b
* @param eps
export const pointInSegment = (
p: ReadonlyVec,
a: ReadonlyVec,
b: ReadonlyVec,
eps = EPS
) => {
const t = closestT(p, a, b);
return t !== undefined
? distSq(p, mixN([], a, b, clamp01(t))) < eps * eps
: false;
* Same as {@link pointInSegment}, but for polylines/polygons.
* @param p
* @param points
* @param closed
* @param eps
export const pointInSegments = (
p: ReadonlyVec,
points: ReadonlyVec[],
closed: boolean,
eps = EPS
) => {
const n = points.length;
let [i, j] = closed ? [n - 1, 0] : [0, 1];
for (; j < n; i = j, j++) {
if (pointInSegment(p, points[i], points[j], eps)) return true;
return false;
* Returns true if point `p` is inside the circle defined by `pos` and `r`.
* @param p
* @param pos
* @param r
export const pointInCircle = (p: ReadonlyVec, pos: ReadonlyVec, r: number) =>
distSq(pos, p) <= r * r;
export const pointInSphere = pointInCircle;
* Returns classifier for `p` regarding the circle defined by `pos` and `r`.
* Returns -1 if point is outside, 0 if on the boundary (using `eps` as
* tolerance) or +1 if inside the circle.
* @remarks
* Also see {@link pointInCircle}, {@link pointIn3Circle}.
* @param p
* @param pos
* @param r
* @param eps
export const classifyPointInCircle = (
p: ReadonlyVec,
pos: ReadonlyVec,
r: number,
eps = EPS
) => sign(r * r - distSq(pos, p), eps);
* Returns positive value if `p` lies inside the circle passing through a,b,c.
* Returns negative value if `p` is outside and zero if all 4 points are
* cocircular.
* @remarks
* Assumes a,b,c are in ccw order or else result will be have inverted sign.
* Based on Jonathan R. Shewchuck:
* Also see {@link pointInCircumCircle}
* @param p -
* @param a -
* @param b -
* @param c -
export const pointIn3Circle: FnU4<ReadonlyVec, number> = (
[px, py],
) => {
const apx = a[0] - px;
const apy = a[1] - py;
const bpx = b[0] - px;
const bpy = b[1] - py;
const cpx = c[0] - px;
const cpy = c[1] - py;
const abdet = apx * bpy - bpx * apy;
const bcdet = bpx * cpy - cpx * bpy;
const cadet = cpx * apy - apx * cpy;
const alift = apx * apx + apy * apy;
const blift = bpx * bpx + bpy * bpy;
const clift = cpx * cpx + cpy * cpy;
return alift * bcdet + blift * cadet + clift * abdet;
* Returns positive value if `p` lies inside the sphere passing through `a`,
* `b`, `c`, `d`. Returns a negative value if `p` is outside and zero if all 5
* points are cospherical.
* @remarks
* Assumes a,b,c,d are in ccw order or else result will be have inverted sign.
* Based on Jonathan R. Shewchuck:
* @param p -
* @param a -
* @param b -
* @param c -
* @param d -
export const pointIn4Sphere: FnU5<ReadonlyVec, number> = (
[px, py, pz],
) => {
const apx = a[0] - px;
const bpx = b[0] - px;
const cpx = c[0] - px;
const dpx = d[0] - px;
const apy = a[1] - py;
const bpy = b[1] - py;
const cpy = c[1] - py;
const dpy = d[1] - py;
const apz = a[2] - pz;
const bpz = b[2] - pz;
const cpz = c[2] - pz;
const dpz = d[2] - pz;
const ab = apx * bpy - bpx * apy;
const bc = bpx * cpy - cpx * bpy;
const cd = cpx * dpy - dpx * cpy;
const da = dpx * apy - apx * dpy;
const ac = apx * cpy - cpx * apy;
const bd = bpx * dpy - dpx * bpy;
const abc = apz * bc - bpz * ac + cpz * ab;
const bcd = bpz * cd - cpz * bd + dpz * bc;
const cda = cpz * da + dpz * ac + apz * cd;
const dab = dpz * ab + apz * bd + bpz * da;
const alift = apx * apx + apy * apy + apz * apz;
const blift = bpx * bpx + bpy * bpy + bpz * bpz;
const clift = cpx * cpx + cpy * cpy + cpz * cpz;
const dlift = dpx * dpx + dpy * dpy + dpz * dpz;
return dlift * abc - clift * dab + (blift * cda - alift * bcd);
* Returns true if point `p` is in the circumcircle of triangle defined by `a`,
* `b`, `c`.
* @param p
* @param a
* @param b
* @param c
export const pointInCircumCircle: FnU4<ReadonlyVec, boolean> = (p, a, b, c) =>
magSq(a) * signedArea2(b, c, p) -
magSq(b) * signedArea2(a, c, p) +
magSq(c) * signedArea2(a, b, p) -
magSq(p) * signedArea2(a, b, c) >
* Returns true if point `p` is in the triangle defined by `a`, `b`, `c`.
* @param p
* @param a
* @param b
* @param c
export const pointInTriangle2: FnU4<ReadonlyVec, boolean> = (p, a, b, c) => {
const s = clockwise2(a, b, c) ? 1 : -1;
return (
s * signedArea2(a, c, p) >= 0 &&
s * signedArea2(b, a, p) >= 0 &&
s * signedArea2(c, b, p) >= 0
* Returns a classifier for given point `p` with respect to the triangle defined
* by `a`, `b`, `c`. Returns -1 if point is outside the triangle, 0 if on the
* boundary (using `eps` as tolerance) or +1 if the point is inside.
* @remarks
* Also see {@link pointInTriangle2}
* @param p
* @param a
* @param b
* @param c
* @param eps
export const classifyPointInTriangle2 = (
p: ReadonlyVec,
a: ReadonlyVec,
b: ReadonlyVec,
c: ReadonlyVec,
eps = EPS
) => {
const s = clockwise2(a, b, c) ? 1 : -1;
return sign(
s * signedArea2(a, c, p),
s * signedArea2(b, a, p),
s * signedArea2(c, b, p)
* Returns true if point `p` is inside the polygon boundary defined by `pts`.
* @param p
* @param pts
export const pointInPolygon2 = (p: ReadonlyVec, pts: ReadonlyVec[]) => {
const n = pts.length - 1;
const px = p[0];
const py = p[1];
let a = pts[n];
let b = pts[0];
let inside = 0;
for (let i = 0; i <= n; a = b, b = pts[++i]) {
inside = checkPolyPair(px, py, a[0], a[1], b[0], b[1], inside);
return inside;
* Returns a classifier for given point `p` with respect to the polygon defined
* by `points`. Returns -1 if point is outside the polygon, 0 if on the boundary
* (using `eps` as tolerance) or +1 if the point is inside.
* @param p
* @param pts
* @param eps
export const classifyPointPolygon = (
p: ReadonlyVec,
pts: ReadonlyVec[],
eps = EPS
) => {
const n = pts.length - 1;
const px = p[0];
const py = p[1];
let a = pts[n];
let b = pts[0];
let inside = -1;
for (let i = 0; i <= n; a = b, b = pts[++i]) {
inside = classifyPolyPair(px, py, a[0], a[1], b[0], b[1], inside, eps);
if (inside === 0) return 0;
return inside === -1 ? -1 : 1;
* Helper function for {@link pointInPolygon2} to check point against a single
* edge of the polygon boundary.
* @param px
* @param py
* @param ax
* @param ay
* @param bx
* @param by
* @param inside
* @internal
export const checkPolyPair: FnN7 = (px, py, ax, ay, bx, by, inside) =>
((ay < py && by >= py) || (by < py && ay >= py)) && (ax <= px || bx <= px)
? inside ^ ~~(ax + ((py - ay) / (by - ay)) * (bx - ax) < px)
: inside;
* Similar to {@link checkPolyPair}, but also considering the case that `p` lies
* on the line segment `a` -> `b` (with tolerance `eps`). Returns 0 if that is
* the case, otherwise -2 if inside, or -1 if outside.
* @param px
* @param py
* @param ax
* @param ay
* @param bx
* @param by
* @param inside
* @param eps
* @internal
export const classifyPolyPair = (
px: number,
py: number,
ax: number,
ay: number,
bx: number,
by: number,
inside: number,
eps = EPS
) => {
const dax = ax - px;
const day = ay - py;
const dbx = bx - px;
const dby = by - py;
const dx = bx - ax;
const dy = by - ay;
const ieps = -eps;
if (
((dax <= eps && dbx >= ieps) || (dax >= ieps && dbx <= eps)) &&
((day <= eps && dby >= ieps) || (day >= ieps && dby <= eps))
) {
const l = dx * dx + dy * dy;
if (l > 1e-6) {
const t = (-dax * dx - day * dy) / l;
if (Math.hypot(px - (ax + t * dx), py - (ay + t * dy)) <= eps)
return 0;
return ((day < 0 && dby >= 0) || (dby < 0 && day >= 0)) &&
(dax <= 0 || dbx <= 0)
? inside ^ ~~(ax + (-day / dy) * dx < px)
: inside;
* Returns a classifier for given point `p` with respect to the plane defined by
* `normal` and `w` (plane normal form). Returns -1 if point is below the plane,
* 0 if on the plane (using `eps` as tolerance) or +1 if the point is above.
* @param p
* @param normal
* @param w
* @param eps
export const classifyPointPlane = (
p: ReadonlyVec,
normal: ReadonlyVec,
w: number,
eps = EPS
) => sign(dot3(normal, p) - w, eps);
export const pointInBox: MultiVecOpImpl<
Fn3<ReadonlyVec, ReadonlyVec, ReadonlyVec, boolean>
> = vop(0);
export const pointInRect = pointInBox.add(
([x, y]: ReadonlyVec, pos: ReadonlyVec, size: ReadonlyVec) =>
x >= pos[0] &&
x <= pos[0] + size[0] &&
y >= pos[1] &&
y <= pos[1] + size[1]
export const pointInAABB = pointInBox.add(
([x, y, z]: ReadonlyVec, pos: ReadonlyVec, size: ReadonlyVec) =>
x >= pos[0] &&
x <= pos[0] + size[0] &&
y >= pos[1] &&
y <= pos[1] + size[1] &&
z >= pos[2] &&
z <= pos[2] + size[2]
pointInBox.default((p, boxMin, boxSize) => {
for (let i = p.length; i-- > 0; ) {
const x = p[i];
const y = boxMin[i];
if (x < y || x > y + boxSize[i]) return false;
return true;
export const pointInCenteredBox: MultiVecOpImpl<
Fn3<ReadonlyVec, ReadonlyVec, ReadonlyVec, boolean>
> = vop(0);
export const pointInCenteredRect = pointInCenteredBox.add(
([x, y], pos, size) =>
x >= pos[0] - size[0] &&
x <= pos[0] + size[0] &&
y >= pos[1] - size[1] &&
y <= pos[1] + size[1]
export const pointInCenteredAABB = pointInCenteredBox.add(
([x, y, z]: ReadonlyVec, pos: ReadonlyVec, size: ReadonlyVec) =>
x >= pos[0] - size[0] &&
x <= pos[0] + size[0] &&
y >= pos[1] - size[1] &&
y <= pos[1] + size[1] &&
z >= pos[2] - size[2] &&
z <= pos[2] + size[2]
pointInCenteredBox.default((p, boxCenter, boxExtent) => {
for (let i = p.length; i-- > 0; ) {
const x = p[i];
const y = boxCenter[i];
const z = boxExtent[i];
if (x < y - z || x > y + z) return false;
return true;