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import type { Fn3, FnN2 } from "";
import { isFunction } from "";
import { assert } from "";
import { SQRT2_2 } from "";
import { clamp as $clamp, clamp01 } from "";
import { mix } from "";
import { mod } from "";
import type { FieldCoeff, SDFModifiers, SDFn } from "./api.js";

const { abs: $abs, min: $min, max: $max } = Math;

/** @internal */
const __asField = <T>(k: T | FieldCoeff<T>) => (isFunction(k) ? k : () => k);

/** @internal */
const __ensureChildren = (children: SDFn[], min = 1) =>
    assert(children.length >= 1, `require at least ${min} SDF(s)`);

/** @internal */
export const DEFAULT_MODS: SDFModifiers = {
    abs: false,
    flip: false,
    min: -Infinity,
    max: Infinity,
    offset: 0,

 * Applies any SDF modifiers specified via {@link SDFModifiers} to the given
 * distance function. Returns a possibly updated distance function.
 * @remarks
 * Order of application is: abs, offset, flip, min, max
 * @param fn
 * @param mods
export const withSDFModifiers = (fn: SDFn, mods: Partial<SDFModifiers>) => {
    const {
        abs: $abs,
        flip: $flip,
        offset: $offset,
        min: $min,
        max: $max,
    } = { ...DEFAULT_MODS, ...mods };
    if ($abs) fn = abs(fn);
    if (isFunction($offset) || $offset > 0) fn = offset(fn, $offset);
    if ($flip) fn = flip(fn);
    if ($min >= -Infinity) {
        if ($max < Infinity) return clamp(fn, $min, $max);
        fn = max(fn, $min);
    } else if ($max < Infinity) fn = min(fn, $max);
    return fn;

 * SDF modifier. Augments given `fn` such that it always produces an unsigned
 * (absolute) distance.
 * @param sdf
export const abs =
    (sdf: SDFn): SDFn =>
    (p, minD?: number) =>
        $abs(sdf(p, minD));

 * SDF modifier. Augments given `fn` such that the returned distance is <= given
 * `maxD`.
 * @param sdf
 * @param maxD
export const min =
    (sdf: SDFn, maxD: number): SDFn =>
    (p, minD?: number) =>
        $min(sdf(p, minD), maxD);

 * SDF modifier. Augments given `fn` such that the returned distance is >= given
 * `minD`.
 * @param sdf
 * @param minD
export const max =
    (sdf: SDFn, minD: number): SDFn =>
    (p, currMin?: number) =>
        $max(sdf(p, currMin), minD);

 * SDF modifier. Augments given `fn` such that the returned distance is clamped
 * to given `[minD, maxD]` interval.
 * @param sdf
 * @param minD
 * @param maxD
export const clamp =
    (sdf: SDFn, minD: number, maxD: number): SDFn =>
    (p, $minD?: number) =>
        $clamp(sdf(p, $minD), minD, maxD);

 * SDF modifier. Augments given `fn` such that the sign of the returned distance
 * is flipped (i.e. inside vs. outside).
 * @param sdf
export const flip =
    (sdf: SDFn): SDFn =>
    (p, minD?: number) =>
        -sdf(p, minD);

 * SDF modifier. Augments given `fn` such that the returned distance will have
 * given offset `r` (radius) subtracted. If `r` is a function it will be
 * evaluated for each point the original SDF function is evaluated too and its
 * return value will be subtracted, allowing for varying offsets.
 * @param sdf
 * @param r
export const offset = (sdf: SDFn, r: number | FieldCoeff): SDFn =>
        ? (p, minD?: number) => sdf(p, minD) - r(p)
        : (p, minD?: number) => sdf(p, minD) - r;

export const defOp =
    (op: FnN2) =>
    (children: SDFn[]): SDFn => {
        const n = children.length;
        return (p, minD = Infinity) => {
            let res = children[0](p, minD);
            if (res < minD) minD = res;
            for (let i = 1; i < n; i++) {
                const d = children[i](p, minD);
                if (d < minD) minD = d;
                res = op(res, d);
            return res;

export const union = defOp($min);

export const isec = defOp($max);

export const diff = defOp((a, b) => $max(a, -b));

export const defParamOp =
    <T = number>(op: Fn3<number, number, T, number>) =>
    (k: T | FieldCoeff<T>, children: SDFn[]): SDFn => {
        const kfield = __asField<T>(k);
        const n = children.length;
        return (p, minD = Infinity) => {
            const $k = kfield(p);
            let res = children[0](p, minD);
            if (res < minD) minD = res;
            for (let i = 1; i < n; i++) {
                const d = children[i](p, minD);
                if (d < minD) minD = d;
                res = op(res, d, $k);
            return res;

export const smoothUnion = defParamOp((a, b, k) => {
    const h = clamp01(0.5 + (0.5 * (b - a)) / k);
    return mix(b, a, h) - k * h * (1 - h);

export const smoothIsec = defParamOp((a, b, k) => {
    const h = clamp01(0.5 - (0.5 * (b - a)) / k);
    return mix(b, a, h) + k * h * (1 - h);

export const smoothDiff = defParamOp((a, b, k) => {
    const h = clamp01(0.5 - (0.5 * (a + b)) / k);
    return mix(a, -b, h) + k * h * (1 - h);

export const chamferUnion = defParamOp((a, b, k) =>
    $min(a, b, (a - k + b) * SQRT2_2)

export const chamferIsec = defParamOp((a, b, k) =>
    $max(a, b, (a + k + b) * SQRT2_2)

export const chamferDiff = defParamOp((a, b, k) =>
    $max(a, -b, (a + k - b) * SQRT2_2)

export const roundUnion = defParamOp(
    (a, b, k) =>
        $max(k, $min(a, b)) - Math.hypot($max(k - a, 0), $max(k - b, 0))

export const roundIsec = defParamOp(
    (a, b, k) =>
        $min(-k, $max(a, b)) + Math.hypot($max(k + a, 0), $max(k + b, 0))

export const roundDiff = defParamOp(
    (a, b, k) =>
        $min(-k, $max(a, -b)) + Math.hypot($max(k + a, 0), $max(k - b, 0))

const __steps = (a: number, b: number, [r, n]: [number, number]) => {
    const s = r / n;
    const u = b - r;
    return $min(a, b, 0.5 * (u + a + Math.abs(mod(u - a + s, 2 * s) - s)));

export const stepUnion = defParamOp(__steps);

export const stepIsec = defParamOp<[number, number]>(
    (a, b, k) => -__steps(-a, -b, k)

export const stepDiff = defParamOp<[number, number]>(
    (a, b, k) => -__steps(-a, b, k)