import type { Maybe } from "";
import { peek } from "";
import type { ReadonlyVec } from "";
import { eqDelta } from "";
import { equals } from "";
import type { Attribs, IPath, PathConstructor } from "./api.js";
import type { Cubic } from "./api/cubic.js";
import type { Cubic3 } from "./api/cubic3.js";
import { Path } from "./api/path.js";
import { Path3 } from "./api/path3.js";
* Constructs a {@link Path} or {@link Path3} from given sequence of cubic
* curves, with optional `attribs`.
* @remarks
* If no `attribs` are given, those from the first curve will be used (if any).
* For each successive curve segment, if the start point of the current curve is
* not the same as the last point of the previous curve, a new sub path will be
* started.
* The path will automatically be closed if possible.
* Also see {@link normalizedPath}.
* @param cubics
* @param attribs
export function pathFromCubics(cubics: Cubic[], attribs?: Attribs): Path;
export function pathFromCubics(cubics: Cubic3[], attribs?: Attribs): Path3;
export function pathFromCubics(cubics: Cubic[] | Cubic3[], attribs?: Attribs) {
return __pathFromCubics<any, any>(
cubics[0].dim === 2 ? Path : Path3,
/** @internal */
const __pathFromCubics = <P extends IPath<any>, S extends P["segments"][0]>(
ctor: PathConstructor<P, S>,
cubics: S["geo"][],
attribs?: Attribs
): P => {
let subPaths: S[][] = [];
let curr: S[];
let lastP: Maybe<ReadonlyVec>;
const $beginPath = (c: S["geo"]) => {
curr = [<S>{ type: "m", point: c.points[0] }];
for (let c of cubics) {
if (!(lastP && equals(lastP, c.points[0]))) $beginPath(c);
curr!.push(<S>{ type: "c", geo: c });
lastP = c.points[3];
const path = new ctor(
attribs || cubics[0].attribs
const segments = path.segments;
if (
segments.length > 1 &&
eqDelta(segments[0].point!, peek((<S["geo"]>peek(segments).geo).points))
) {
return <P>path;