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import type { MultiFn2 } from "";
import { DEFAULT, defmulti } from "";
import type { IShape } from "./api.js";
import { Sampler } from "";
import type { Vec } from "";
import { Group } from "./api/group.js";
import { Polyline } from "./api/polyline.js";
import { asPolyline } from "./as-polyline.js";
import { __copyAttribsNoSamples as __attribs } from "./internal/copy.js";
import { __dispatch } from "./internal/dispatch.js";
import { __pointArraysAsShapes } from "./internal/points-as-shape.js";

 * Function overrides for {@link splitArcLength}.
export type SplitArcLengthFn = {} & MultiFn2<IShape, number, Group>;

 * Splits given shape into {@link Polyline} segments of given (max) arc length.
 * Returns a {@link Group} of shapes/polylines.
 * @remarks
 * If the shape has a `__samples` attribute, it will be removed in the result to
 * avoid recursive application.
 * Currently only implemented for:
 * - {@link Group}
 * - {@link Polyline}
 * Other shape types will be attempted to be auto-converted via
 * {@link asPolyline} first. Only shapes with a single boundary are supported.
 * Nested groups are NOT supported. Groups are processing their child shapes and
 * forming new child groups of given max. arc lengths and potentially splitting
 * shapes if they don't fit within the current subgroup...
 * @example
 * ```ts
 * import { circle, group, inscribedSquare, splitArcLength } from "";
 * // circle (to be sampled as octagon)
 * const a = circle(100, { stroke: "red", __samples: 8 });
 * // inner square of circle
 * const b = inscribedSquare(a, { stroke: "blue" });
 * // process as group, split/partition into subgroups of arclength max. 200
 * splitArcLength(group({}, [a, b]), 200);
 * ```
 * Result serialized to SVG:
 * ```xml
 * <g>
 *   <g>
 *     <polyline fill="none" points="100,0 70.7,70.7 0.0,100 -43.4,82.0" stroke="red"/>
 *   </g>
 *   <g>
 *     <polyline fill="none" points="-43.4,82.0 -70.7,70.7 -100,0.0 -70.7,-70.7 -54.7,-77.3" stroke="red"/>
 *   </g>
 *   <g>
 *     <polyline fill="none" points="-54.7,-77.3 -0.0,-100 70.7,-70.7 95.3,-11.4" stroke="red"/>
 *   </g>
 *   <g>
 *     <!-- last segment of circle -->
 *     <polyline fill="none" points="95.3,-11.4 100,0" stroke="red"/>
 *     <!-- first segment of rect -->
 *     <polyline fill="none" points="-70.7,-70.7 70.7,-70.7 70.7,-24.4" stroke="blue"/>
 *   </g>
 *   <g>
 *     <polyline fill="none" points="70.7,-24.4 70.7,70.7 -34.2,70.7" stroke="blue"/>
 *   </g>
 *   <g>
 *     <polyline fill="none" points="-34.2,70.7 -70.7,70.7 -70.7,-70.7" stroke="blue"/>
 *   </g>
 * </g>
 * ```
 * @param shape
 * @param dist
export const splitArcLength = <SplitArcLengthFn>defmulti<any, number, Group>(
        [DEFAULT]: ($: IShape, d: number) =>
            splitArcLength(asPolyline($)[0], d),

        group: ($: Group, d) => {
            const groups: Group[] = [];
            let curr: Polyline[] = [];
            let currLen = 0;

            const queue = $.children.slice().reverse();
            while (queue.length) {
                const child = queue.pop()!;
                const polyline = asPolyline(child)[0];
                const sampler = new Sampler(polyline.points);
                const len = sampler.totalLength();
                if (currLen + len <= d) {
                    currLen += len;
                } else {
                    const remainingLen = d - currLen;
                    const [fill, next] = sampler.splitAt(remainingLen / len)!;
                    curr.push(new Polyline(fill, __attribs(child)));
                    groups.push(new Group({}, curr));
                    curr = [];
                    currLen = 0;
                    queue.push(new Polyline(next, __attribs(child)));
            if (curr.length) groups.push(new Group({}, curr));
            return new Group(__attribs($), groups);

        polyline: ($: Polyline, d) => {
            const chunks: Vec[][] = [];
            let pts = $.points;
            while (true) {
                const sampler = new Sampler(pts);
                const total = sampler.totalLength();
                if (total > d) {
                    const parts = sampler.splitAt(d / total);
                    if (!parts) break;
                    pts = parts[1];
                } else {
            return new Group(
                <any[]>__pointArraysAsShapes(Polyline, chunks)!