import type { Maybe } from "";
import { assert } from "";
import { SYSTEM } from "";
import { iterate } from "";
import { iterator } from "";
import { repeatedly } from "";
import { takeWhile } from "";
import type { Location } from "";
import { zipper } from "";
import type { ASTNode, ASTOpts, OpGene } from "./api.js";
import { opNode, probabilities, terminalNode } from "./utils.js";
export class AST<OP, T> {
opts: ASTOpts<OP, T>;
choices: IterableIterator<number>;
probTerminal: number;
constructor(opts: ASTOpts<OP, T>) {
this.opts = { rnd: SYSTEM, ...opts };
assert(this.opts.probMutate < 1, "mutation probability must be < 1.0");
const probs = probabilities(this.opts);
this.probTerminal = probs.probTerminal;
this.choices = probs.iter;
* Returns a random AST with given max tree depth. The max depth
* provided in {@link ASTOpts} is used by default.
* @param maxDepth -
randomAST(maxDepth = this.opts.maxDepth) {
return this.randomASTNode(0, maxDepth);
* Immutably transplants a randomly chosen subtree of `parent2` into
* a randomly chosen location in `parent1` and vice versa. Returns 2
* new trees.
* @param parent1 -
* @param parent2 -
crossoverSingle(parent1: ASTNode<OP, T>, parent2: ASTNode<OP, T>) {
return [
* Probilistically replaces randomly chosen tree nodes with a new random AST
* of given `maxDepth` (default: 1). Never mutates root.
* @remarks
* The AST's pre-configured max tree depth will always be respected, so
* depending on the depth of the selected mutation location, the randomly
* inserted/replaced subtree might be more shallow than given `maxDepth`.
* I.e. if a tree node at max depth is selected for mutation, it will always
* result in a randomly chosen terminal node only.
* @param tree -
* @param maxDepth -
mutate(tree: ASTNode<OP, T>, maxDepth = 1) {
const { rnd, probMutate, maxDepth: limit } = this.opts;
let loc = this.asZipper(tree).next!;
if (!loc) return tree;
while (true) {
let nextLoc: Maybe<Location<ASTNode<OP, T>>>;
if (rnd!.probability(probMutate)) {
loc = loc.replace(
this.randomASTNode(0, Math.min(limit - loc.depth, maxDepth))
nextLoc = loc.right;
if (!nextLoc) {
nextLoc = loc.up;
if (nextLoc) {
nextLoc = nextLoc.right;
} else {
nextLoc =;
if (!nextLoc) return loc.root;
loc = nextLoc;
* Returns linearized/flat version of given AST as an array of [zipper
* locations](
* @param tree -
linearizedAST(tree: ASTNode<OP, T>): Location<ASTNode<OP, T>>[] {
return [
takeWhile((x) => !!x),
iterate<any>((x) =>, this.asZipper(tree))
* Returns random {@link ASTNode} from given tree, using the user provided
* PRNG (via `opts`) or
* [`SYSTEM`](
* The returned value is a [zipper
* location]( of
* the selected node.
* @remarks
* The actual `ASTNode` can be obtained via `.node`.
* Only nodes in the linearized index range `[min..max)` are returned
* (default: entire tree range). Since the linear tree length isn't known
* beforehand, `max` < 0 (default) is equivalent to the linearized tree end.
* @param tree -
* @param min -
* @param max -
selectRandomNode(tree: ASTNode<OP, T>, min = 0, max = -1) {
const rnd = this.opts.rnd;
const linTree = this.linearizedAST(tree);
let node: Location<ASTNode<OP, T>>;
max < 0 && (max = linTree.length);
node = linTree[rnd!.minmax(min, max) | 0];
return node;
protected randomASTNode(d: number, maxDepth: number): ASTNode<OP, T> {
const rnd = this.opts.rnd!;
const geneID =;
if (geneID === 0 || d >= maxDepth)
return terminalNode(this.opts.terminal(rnd));
const op = this.opts.ops[geneID - 1];
const children = [
...repeatedly(() => this.randomASTNode(d + 1, maxDepth), op.arity),
return opNode(op.fn(rnd, children), children);
protected asZipper(tree: ASTNode<OP, T>) {
return zipper<ASTNode<OP, T>>(
branch: (x) => x.type === "op",
children: (x) => (<OpGene<OP, ASTNode<OP, T>>>x).args,
factory: (n, args) =>
opNode((<OpGene<OP, ASTNode<OP, T>>>n).op, args),