import type { IObjectOf } from "";
import { SEMAPHORE } from "";
import { diffArray } from "";
import { diffObject } from "";
import {
equiv as _equiv,
} from "";
import type { HDOMImplementation, HDOMOpts } from "./api.js";
const isArray = Array.isArray;
const max = Math.max;
const OBJP = Object.getPrototypeOf({});
const FN = "function";
const STR = "string";
* child index tracking template buffer
* @internal
const INDEX = (() => {
const res = new Array(2048);
for (let i = 2, n = res.length; i < n; i++) {
res[i] = i - 2;
return res;
/** @internal */
const __buildIndex = (n: number) => {
if (n <= INDEX.length) {
return INDEX.slice(0, n);
const res = new Array(n);
while (n-- > 2) {
res[n] = n - 2;
return res;
* See {@link HDOMImplementation} interface for further details.
* @param opts - hdom config options
* @param impl - hdom implementation
* @param parent - parent element (DOM node)
* @param prev - previous tree
* @param curr - current tree
* @param child - child index
export const diffTree = <T>(
opts: Partial<HDOMOpts>,
impl: HDOMImplementation<T>,
parent: T,
prev: any[],
curr: any[],
child: number = 0
) => {
const attribs = curr[1];
if (attribs.__skip) {
// always replace element if __diff = false
if (attribs.__diff === false) {
impl.replaceChild(opts, parent, child, curr);
const pattribs = prev[1];
if (pattribs && pattribs.__skip) {
impl.replaceChild(opts, parent, child, curr, false);
// delegate to branch-local implementation
let _impl = attribs.__impl;
if (_impl && _impl !== impl) {
return _impl.diffTree(opts, _impl, parent, prev, curr, child);
const delta = diffArray(prev, curr, "only-distance-linear", equiv);
if (delta.distance === 0) {
const edits = delta.linear!;
const el = impl.getChild(parent, child);
let i: number;
let ii: number;
let status: number;
let val: any;
if (edits[0] !== 0 || prev[1].key !== attribs.key) {
// LOGGER.fine("replace:", prev, curr);
impl.replaceChild(opts, parent, child, curr);
if ((val = (<any>prev).__release) && val !== (<any>curr).__release) {
if (edits[3] !== 0) {
diffAttributes(impl, el, prev[1], curr[1]);
// if attribs changed & distance == 2 then we're done here...
if (delta.distance === 2) {
const numEdits = edits.length;
const prevLength = prev.length - 1;
const equivKeys = __extractEquivElements(edits);
const offsets = __buildIndex(prevLength + 1);
for (i = 2, ii = 6; ii < numEdits; i++, ii += 3) {
status = edits[ii];
if (!status) continue;
if (status === -1) {
} else {
// call __init after all children have been added/updated
if ((val = (<any>curr).__init) && val != (<any>prev).__init) {
val.apply(curr, [el, ...(<any>curr).__args]);
/** @internal */
const __diffDeleted = <T>(
opts: Partial<HDOMOpts>,
impl: HDOMImplementation<T>,
el: T,
prev: any[],
curr: any[],
edits: any[],
ii: number,
equivKeys: IObjectOf<any[]>,
offsets: any[],
prevLength: number
) => {
const val = edits[ii + 2];
if (isArray(val)) {
let k = val[1].key;
if (k !== undefined && equivKeys[k][2] !== undefined) {
const eq = equivKeys[k];
k = eq[0];
// LOGGER.fine(`diff equiv key @ ${k}:`, prev[k], curr[eq[2]]);
diffTree(opts, impl, el, prev[k], curr[eq[2]], offsets[k]);
} else {
const idx = edits[ii + 1];
// LOGGER.fine("remove @", offsets[idx], val);
impl.removeChild(el, offsets[idx]);
__incOffsets(offsets, prevLength, idx);
} else if (typeof val === STR) {
impl.setContent(el, "");
/** @internal */
const __diffAdded = <T>(
opts: Partial<HDOMOpts>,
impl: HDOMImplementation<T>,
el: T,
edits: any[],
ii: number,
equivKeys: IObjectOf<any[]>,
offsets: any[],
prevLength: number
) => {
const val = edits[ii + 2];
if (typeof val === STR) {
impl.setContent(el, val);
} else if (isArray(val)) {
const k = val[1].key;
if (k === undefined || equivKeys[k][0] === undefined) {
const idx = edits[ii + 1];
// LOGGER.fine("insert @", offsets[idx], val);
impl.createTree(opts, el, val, offsets[idx]);
__decOffsets(offsets, prevLength, idx);
/** @internal */
const __incOffsets = (offsets: any[], j: number, idx: number) => {
for (; j > idx; j--) {
offsets[j] = max(offsets[j] - 1, 0);
/** @internal */
const __decOffsets = (offsets: any[], j: number, idx: number) => {
for (; j >= idx; j--) {
* Helper function for {@link diffTree} to compute & apply the difference
* between a node's `prev` and `curr` attributes.
* @param impl - hdom implementation
* @param el - DOM element
* @param prev - previous attributes
* @param curr - current attributes
* @internal
export const diffAttributes = <T>(
impl: HDOMImplementation<T>,
el: T,
prev: any,
curr: any
) => {
const delta = diffObject<any>(prev, curr, "full", _equiv);
impl.removeAttribs(el, delta.dels!, prev);
let val = SEMAPHORE;
let i: number, e, edits;
for (edits = delta.edits!, i = edits.length; (i -= 2) >= 0; ) {
e = edits[i];
e[0] === "o" && e[1] === "n" && impl.removeAttribs(el, [e], prev);
e !== "value"
? impl.setAttrib(el, e, edits[i + 1], curr)
: (val = edits[i + 1]);
for (edits = delta.adds!, i = edits.length; i-- > 0; ) {
e = edits[i];
e !== "value" ? impl.setAttrib(el, e, curr[e], curr) : (val = curr[e]);
val !== SEMAPHORE && impl.setAttrib(el, "value", val, curr);
* Recursively attempts to call the {@link ILifecycle.release} lifecycle
* method on every element in given tree (branch), using depth-first
* descent. Each element is checked for the presence of the `__release`
* control attribute. If (and only if) it is set to `false`, further
* descent into that element's branch is skipped.
* @param tree - hdom sub-tree
* @internal
export const releaseTree = (tree: any) => {
if (isArray(tree)) {
let x: any;
if ((x = tree[1]) && x.__release === false) {
if ((<any>tree).__release) {
// LOGGER.fine("call __release", tag);
(<any>tree).__release.apply((<any>tree).__this, (<any>tree).__args);
delete (<any>tree).__release;
for (x = tree.length; x-- > 2; ) {
/** @internal */
const __extractEquivElements = (edits: any[]) => {
let k: string;
let val: any;
let ek: any[];
const equiv: IObjectOf<any[]> = {};
for (let i = edits.length; (i -= 3) >= 0; ) {
val = edits[i + 2];
if (isArray(val) && (k = val[1].key) !== undefined) {
ek = equiv[k];
// eslint-disable-next-line no-sparse-arrays
!ek && (equiv[k] = ek = [, ,]);
ek[edits[i] + 1] = edits[i + 1];
return equiv;
* Customized version
* [`equiv()`]( which
* takes `__diff` attributes into account (at any nesting level). If an hdom
* element's attribute object contains `__diff: false`, the object will ALWAYS
* be considered unequal, even if all other attributes in the object are
* equivalent.
* @param a -
* @param b -
* @internal
export const equiv = (a: any, b: any): boolean => {
let proto: any;
if (a === b) {
return true;
if (a != null) {
if (typeof a.equiv === FN) {
return a.equiv(b);
} else {
return a == b;
if (b != null) {
if (typeof b.equiv === FN) {
return b.equiv(a);
} else {
return a == b;
if (typeof a === STR || typeof b === STR) {
return false;
if (
((proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(a)), proto == null || proto === OBJP) &&
((proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(b)), proto == null || proto === OBJP)
) {
return (
!((<any>a).__diff === false || (<any>b).__diff === false) &&
equivObject(a, b, equiv)
if (
typeof a !== FN &&
a.length !== undefined &&
typeof b !== FN &&
b.length !== undefined
) {
return equivArrayLike(a, b, equiv);
if (a instanceof Set && b instanceof Set) {
return equivSet(a, b, equiv);
if (a instanceof Map && b instanceof Map) {
return equivMap(a, b, equiv);
if (a instanceof Date && b instanceof Date) {
return a.getTime() === b.getTime();
if (a instanceof RegExp && b instanceof RegExp) {
return a.toString() === b.toString();
// NaN
return a !== a && b !== b;