import { implementsFunction } from "";
import { isArray } from "";
import { isNotStringAndIterable } from "";
import { isString } from "";
import { ATTRIB_JOIN_DELIMS, SVG_TAGS } from "";
import { css } from "";
import { formatPrefixes } from "";
import { XML_SVG } from "";
import type { HDOMImplementation, HDOMOpts } from "./api.js";
/** @internal */
const __maybeInitElement = <T>(el: T, tree: any) =>
tree.__init && tree.__init.apply(tree.__this, [el, ...tree.__args]);
* See {@link HDOMImplementation} interface for further details.
* @param opts - hdom config options
* @param parent - DOM element
* @param tree - component tree
* @param insert - child index
export const createTree = <T>(
opts: Partial<HDOMOpts>,
impl: HDOMImplementation<T>,
parent: T,
tree: any,
insert?: number,
init = true
): any => {
if (isArray(tree)) {
const tag = tree[0];
if (typeof tag === "function") {
return createTree(
tag.apply(null, [opts.ctx, ...tree.slice(1)]),
const attribs = tree[1];
if (attribs.__impl) {
return (<HDOMImplementation<any>>attribs.__impl).createTree(
const el = impl.createElement(parent, tag, attribs, insert);
if (tree.length > 2) {
const n = tree.length;
for (let i = 2; i < n; i++) {
createTree(opts, impl, el, tree[i], undefined, init);
init && __maybeInitElement<T>(el, tree);
return el;
if (isNotStringAndIterable(tree)) {
const res = [];
for (let t of tree) {
res.push(createTree(opts, impl, parent, t, insert, init));
return res;
if (tree == null) {
return parent;
return impl.createTextElement(parent, tree);
* See {@link HDOMImplementation} interface for further details.
* @param opts - hdom config options
* @param parent - DOM element
* @param tree - component tree
* @param index - child index
export const hydrateTree = <T>(
opts: Partial<HDOMOpts>,
impl: HDOMImplementation<any>,
parent: T,
tree: any,
index = 0
) => {
if (isArray(tree)) {
const el = impl.getChild(parent, index);
if (typeof tree[0] === "function") {
tree[0].apply(null, [opts.ctx, ...tree.slice(1)]),
const attribs = tree[1];
if (attribs.__impl) {
return (<HDOMImplementation<any>>attribs.__impl).hydrateTree(
__maybeInitElement(el, tree);
for (let a in attribs) {
a[0] === "o" && a[1] === "n" && impl.setAttrib(el, a, attribs[a]);
for (let n = tree.length, i = 2; i < n; i++) {
hydrateTree(opts, impl, el, tree[i], i - 2);
} else if (isNotStringAndIterable(tree)) {
for (let t of tree) {
hydrateTree(opts, impl, parent, t, index);
* Creates a new DOM element of type `tag` with optional `attribs`. If
* `parent` is not `null`, the new element will be inserted as child at
* given `insert` index. If `insert` is missing, the element will be
* appended to the `parent`'s list of children. Returns new DOM node.
* If `tag` is a known SVG element name, the new element will be created
* with the proper SVG XML namespace.
* @param parent - DOM element
* @param tag - component tree
* @param attribs - attributes
* @param insert - child index
export const createElement = (
parent: Element,
tag: string,
attribs?: any,
insert?: number
) => {
const el = SVG_TAGS[tag]
? document.createElementNS(XML_SVG, tag)
: document.createElement(tag);
attribs && setAttribs(el, attribs);
return addChild(parent, el, insert);
export const createTextElement = (
parent: Element,
content: string,
insert?: number
) => addChild(parent, document.createTextNode(content), insert);
export const addChild = (parent: Element, child: Node, insert?: number) =>
? insert === undefined
? parent.appendChild(child)
: parent.insertBefore(child, parent.children[insert])
: child;
export const getChild = (parent: Element, child: number) =>
export const replaceChild = (
opts: Partial<HDOMOpts>,
impl: HDOMImplementation<any>,
parent: Element,
child: number,
tree: any,
init = true
) => (
impl.removeChild(parent, child),
impl.createTree(opts, parent, tree, child, init)
export const cloneWithNewAttribs = (el: Element, attribs: any) => {
const res = <Element>el.cloneNode(true);
setAttribs(res, attribs);
el.parentNode!.replaceChild(res, el);
return res;
export const setContent = (el: Element, body: any) => (el.textContent = body);
export const setAttribs = (el: Element, attribs: any) => {
for (let k in attribs) {
setAttrib(el, k, attribs[k], attribs);
return el;
* Sets a single attribute on given element. If attrib name is NOT an
* event name (prefix: "on") and its value is a function, it is called
* with given `attribs` object (usually the full attrib object passed to
* {@link setAttribs}) and the function's return value is used as the actual
* attrib value.
* Special rules apply for certain attributes:
* - "style": delegated to {@link setStyle}
* - "value": delegated to {@link updateValueAttrib}
* - attrib IDs starting with "on" are treated as event listeners
* If the given (or computed) attrib value is `false` or `undefined` the
* attrib is removed from the element.
* @param el - DOM element
* @param id - attribute name
* @param val - attribute value
* @param attribs - object of all attribs
export const setAttrib = (el: Element, id: string, val: any, attribs?: any) => {
implementsFunction(val, "deref") && (val = val.deref());
if (id.startsWith("__")) return;
const isListener = id[0] === "o" && id[1] === "n";
if (isListener) {
if (isString(val)) {
el.setAttribute(id, val);
} else {
id = id.substring(2);
? el.addEventListener(id, val[0], val[1])
: el.addEventListener(id, val);
return el;
if (typeof val === "function") val = val(attribs);
if (isArray(val)) val = val.join(ATTRIB_JOIN_DELIMS[id] || " ");
switch (id) {
case "style":
setStyle(el, val);
case "value":
updateValueAttrib(<HTMLInputElement>el, val);
case "prefix":
el.setAttribute(id, isString(val) ? val : formatPrefixes(val));
case "accesskey":
case "accessKey":
(<any>el).accessKey = val;
case "contenteditable":
case "contentEditable":
(<any>el).contentEditable = val;
case "tabindex":
case "tabIndex":
(<any>el).tabIndex = val;
case "align":
case "autocapitalize":
case "checked":
case "dir":
case "draggable":
case "hidden":
case "id":
case "indeterminate":
case "lang":
case "namespaceURI":
case "scrollLeft":
case "scrollTop":
case "selectionEnd":
case "selectionStart":
case "slot":
case "spellcheck":
case "title":
(<any>el)[id] = val;
val === false || val == null
? el.removeAttribute(id)
: el.setAttribute(id, val === true ? id : val);
return el;
* Updates an element's `value` property. For form elements it too
* ensures the edit cursor retains its position.
* @param el - DOM element
* @param value - value
export const updateValueAttrib = (el: HTMLInputElement, value: any) => {
let ev;
switch (el.type) {
case "text":
case "textarea":
case "password":
case "search":
case "number":
case "email":
case "url":
case "tel":
case "date":
case "datetime-local":
case "time":
case "week":
case "month":
if ((ev = el.value) !== undefined && typeof value === "string") {
const off =
value.length - (ev.length - (el.selectionStart || 0));
el.value = value;
el.selectionStart = el.selectionEnd = off;
el.value = value;
export const removeAttribs = (el: Element, attribs: string[], prev: any) => {
for (let i = attribs.length; i-- > 0; ) {
const a = attribs[i];
if (a[0] === "o" && a[1] === "n") {
removeListener(el, a.substring(2), prev[a]);
} else {
el.hasAttribute(a) ? el.removeAttribute(a) : ((<any>el)[a] = null);
export const setStyle = (el: Element, styles: any) => (
el.setAttribute("style", css(styles)), el
* Adds event listener (possibly with options).
* @param el - DOM element
* @param id - event name (w/o `on` prefix)
* @param listener -
export const setListener = (
el: Element,
id: string,
| string
| EventListener
| [EventListener, boolean | AddEventListenerOptions]
) =>
? el.setAttribute("on" + id, listener)
: isArray(listener)
? el.addEventListener(id, ...listener)
: el.addEventListener(id, listener);
* Removes event listener (possibly with options).
* @param el - DOM element
* @param id - event name (w/o `on` prefix)
* @param listener -
export const removeListener = (
el: Element,
id: string,
listener: EventListener | [EventListener, boolean | AddEventListenerOptions]
) =>
? el.removeEventListener(id, ...listener)
: el.removeEventListener(id, listener);
export const clearDOM = (el: Element) => (el.innerHTML = "");
export const removeChild = (parent: Element, childIdx: number) => {
const n = parent.children[childIdx];
n !== undefined && parent.removeChild(n);