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6 hrs
Test Coverage
import { implementsFunction } from "";
import { isFunction } from "";
import { isNotStringAndIterable } from "";
import { isString } from "";
import { DEFAULT, defmulti } from "";
import { illegalArgs } from "";
import { normalize } from "";
import { repeat } from "";
import { wrap } from "";
import { Border } from "";
import { formatCanvas } from "";
import { tableCanvas } from "";

export interface SerializeState {
    indent: number;
    sep: string;
    id?: number;
    pre?: boolean;
    blockquote?: boolean;

export const serialize = (tree: any, ctx: any) =>
    __serialize(tree, ctx, { indent: 0, sep: "" })
        .replace(/\n{3,}/g, "\n\n")

/** @internal */
const __serialize = (tree: any, ctx: any, state: SerializeState): string => {
    if (tree == null) return "";
    if (Array.isArray(tree)) {
        if (!tree.length) {
            return "";
        let tag = tree[0];
        if (isFunction(tag)) {
            return __serialize(
                tag.apply(null, [ctx, ...tree.slice(1)]),
        if (implementsFunction(tag, "render")) {
            return __serialize(
                tag.render.apply(null, [ctx, ...tree.slice(1)]),
        if (isString(tag)) {
            tree = normalize(tree);
            const attribs = tree[1];
            if (attribs.__skip || attribs.__serialize === false) {
                return "";
            tag = tree[0];
            return serializeElement(tree, ctx, state);
        if (isNotStringAndIterable(tree)) {
            return __serializeIter(tree, ctx, state);
        illegalArgs(`invalid tree node: ${tree}`);
    if (isFunction(tree)) {
        return __serialize(tree(ctx), ctx, state);
    if (implementsFunction(tree, "toHiccup")) {
        return __serialize(tree.toHiccup(ctx), ctx, state);
    if (implementsFunction(tree, "deref")) {
        return __serialize(tree.deref(), ctx, state);
    if (isNotStringAndIterable(tree)) {
        return __serializeIter(tree, ctx, state);
    return tree.toString();

/** @internal */
const __serializeIter = (
    iter: Iterable<any>,
    ctx: any,
    state: SerializeState
) => {
    if (!iter) return "";
    const res = [];
    for (let i of iter) {
        res.push(__serialize(i, ctx, state));
    return res.join(state.sep);

/** @internal */
const __heading =
    (level: number) => (el: any[], ctx: any, state: SerializeState) =>
        `\n${repeat("#", level)} ${__body(el, ctx, state)}\n`;

/** @internal */
const __body = (el: any[], ctx: any, state: SerializeState) =>
    __serializeIter(el[2], ctx, state);

/** @internal */
const __resolve = (x: any) => (isFunction(x) ? x() : x);

export const serializeElement = defmulti<any, any, SerializeState, string>(
    (el) => el[0],
        th: "strong",
        [DEFAULT]: __body,
        h1: __heading(1),
        h2: __heading(2),
        h3: __heading(3),
        h4: __heading(4),
        h5: __heading(5),
        h6: __heading(6),

        p: (el, ctx, state) => `\n${__body(el, ctx, state)}\n`,

        img: (el) => `![${el[1].alt || ""}](${el[1].src})`,

        a: (el, ctx, state) => {
            let { href, title } = el[1];
            title = __resolve(title);
            return `[${__body(el, ctx, state)}](${__resolve(href)}${
                title ? ` "${title}"` : ""

        em: (el, ctx, state) => `_${__body(el, ctx, state)}_`,

        strong: (el, ctx, state) => `**${__body(el, ctx, state)}**`,

        pre: (el, ctx, state) =>
            `\n\`\`\`${el[1].lang || ""}\n${__body(el, ctx, {
                pre: true,
                sep: "\n",

        code: (el, ctx, state) =>
            state.pre ? el[2][0] : `\`${__body(el, ctx, state)}\``,

        ul: (el, ctx, state) => {
            const cstate: SerializeState = {
                indent: state.indent + 4,
                sep: "\n",
            return wrap(state.indent === 0 ? "\n" : "")(
                __body(el, ctx, cstate)

        ol: (el, ctx, state) => {
            const cstate: SerializeState = {
                indent: state.indent + 4,
                id: 0,
                sep: "\n",
            return wrap(state.indent === 0 ? "\n" : "")(
                __body(el, ctx, cstate)

        li: (el, ctx, state) =>
            repeat(" ", state.indent - 4) +
            ( != null ? + "." : "-") +
            " " +
            __body(el, ctx, { ...state, sep: "" }),

        blockquote: (el, ctx, state) =>
            `\n${repeat(">", state.indent + 1)} ${__body(el, ctx, {
                indent: state.indent + 1,
                blockquote: true,

        br: (_, __, state) =>
            state.blockquote ? `\\\n${repeat(">", state.indent)} ` : "\\\n",

        hr: () => "\n---\n",

        table: (el, ctx, state) => {
            let caption = "";
            let thead: any[] = [];
            let tbody: any[] = [];
            let colWidths: number[] = [];

            const rows = (rows: any[]) =>
       any) =>
                    normalize(x)[2].map((td: any, i: number) => {
                        const cell = serialize(td, ctx);
                        colWidths[i] = Math.max(colWidths[i] || 3, cell.length);
                        return cell;

            for (let child of el[2]) {
                child = normalize(child);
                switch (child[0]) {
                    case "thead":
                        thead = rows(child[2]);
                    case "tbody":
                        tbody = rows(child[2]);
                    case "caption":
                        caption = __body(child, ctx, state);
                    // TODO output warning?
            return (
                "\n" +
                            cols: => ({ width })),
                            padding: [1, 0],
                            border: Border.V,
                   => repeat("-", w)),
                ) +
                "\n" +
                caption +