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Test Coverage
import { deref } from "";
import { isArray } from "";
import { isString } from "";

 * Takes a space separated string of existing CSS class names and merges it with
 * `val`, which is either another string or string array of class names, an
 * object of booleans or an `IDeref` evaluating to either. Returns updated class
 * string.
 * @remarks
 * If `val` evaluates to a string, it will be appended to `existing`.
 * If `val` is an array, it will be joined as space-separated string and
 * concatenated to the existing one.
 * If `val` is an object, its keys are used as class names and their values
 * indicate if the class should be added or removed from the existing set.
 * @example
 * ```ts tangle:../export/merge-classes.ts
 * import { mergeClasses } from "";
 * console.log(
 *   mergeClasses("foo bar", { foo: false, baz: true })
 * );
 * // "bar baz"
 * console.log(
 *   mergeClasses("foo", ["bar", "baz"])
 * );
 * // "foo bar baz"
 * console.log(
 *   mergeClasses("foo bar", "baz")
 * );
 * // "foo bar baz"
 * ```
 * @param existing -
 * @param val -
export const mergeClasses = (
    existing: string | SVGAnimatedString,
    val: any
) => {
    val = deref(val);
    const $existing =
        (<SVGAnimatedString>existing).baseVal != undefined
            ? (<SVGAnimatedString>existing).baseVal
            : <string>existing;
    if (val == null) return $existing;
    if (isArray(val)) val = val.join(" ");
    if (isString(val)) return $existing ? $existing + " " + val : val;
    const classes = new Set($existing ? $existing.split(" ") : undefined);
    for (let id in val) {
        deref(val[id]) ? classes.add(id) : classes.delete(id);
    return [...classes].join(" ");

 * Takes an attrib object and optional element ID and CSS class names from Emmet-style
 * hiccup tag, then transforms and merges definitions, returns attribs.
 * @param attribs -
 * @param id -
 * @param classes -
export const mergeEmmetAttribs = (
    attribs: any,
    id?: string,
    classes?: string
) => {
    id && ( = id);
    let aclass = deref(attribs.class);
    if (classes) {
        classes = classes.replace(/\./g, " ");
        attribs.class = aclass ? mergeClasses(classes, aclass) : classes;
    } else if (aclass) {
        attribs.class = isString(aclass) ? aclass : mergeClasses("", aclass);
    return attribs;