import type { TypedArray } from "";
import { isFunction } from "";
import {
} from "";
import { illegalArgs as unsupported } from "";
import { createHash } from "node:crypto";
import { basename } from "node:path";
import type { ImgProcCtx, OutputSpec } from "./api.js";
/** @internal */
const _ = undefined;
* Expands/replaces all `{xyz}`-templated identifiers in given file path.
* @remarks
* The following built-in IDs are supported and custom IDs will be looked up via
* the {@link ImgProcOpts.pathParts} options provided to {@link processImage}.
* Any others will remain as is. Custom IDs take precedence over built-in ones.
* - name: original base filename (w/o ext)
* - sha1/224/256/384/512: truncated hash of output
* - w: current width
* - h: current height
* - aspect: "p" (portrait), "l" (landscape) or "sq" (square)
* - date: yyyyMMdd
* - time: HHmmss
* - year: 4-digit year
* - month: 2-digit month
* - week: 2-digit week
* - day: 2-digit day in month
* - hour: 2-digit hour (24h system)
* - minute: 2-digit minute
* - second: 2-digit second
* All date/time related values will be in UTC.
* @param path
* @param ctx
* @param spec
* @param buf
export const formatPath = (
path: string,
ctx: ImgProcCtx,
spec: OutputSpec,
buf: Buffer | TypedArray
) =>
path.replace(/\{(\w+)\}/g, (match, id) => {
const custom = ctx.opts.pathParts?.[id];
if (custom != null) {
return isFunction(custom) ? custom(ctx, spec, buf) : custom;
switch (id) {
case "name": {
!path &&
"cannot format `{name}`, image has no file source"
const name = basename(ctx.path!);
const idx = name.lastIndexOf(".");
return idx > 0 ? name.substring(0, idx) : name;
case "sha1":
case "sha224":
case "sha256":
case "sha384":
case "sha512":
return createHash(id).update(buf).digest("hex").substring(0, 8);
case "w":
return String(ctx.size[0]);
case "h":
return String(ctx.size[1]);
case "aspect": {
const [w, h] = ctx.size;
return w > h ? "l" : w < h ? "p" : "sq";
case "date":
return FMT_yyyyMMdd_ALT(_, true);
case "time":
return FMT_HHmmss_ALT(_, true);
case "year":
return FMT_yyyy(_, true);
case "month":
return FMT_MM(_, true);
case "week":
return FMT_ww(_, true);
case "day":
return FMT_dd(_, true);
case "hour":
return FMT_HH(_, true);
case "minute":
return FMT_mm(_, true);
case "second":
return FMT_ss(_, true);
return match;